#!/usr/bin/python2 import json from urllib import quote class relaxx: def __init__(self,relaxxurl="http://lounge.mpd.shack/"): self.baseurl=relaxxurl import requests ret = requests.get(relaxxurl) # grab cookie try: self.r = requests.session(cookies=ret.cookies,headers={"Referer":relaxxurl}) except: print ("you are missing the `requests` dependency, please do a `pip install requests`") def _status(self,value=0,data="json=null"): """ value is some weird current playlist value, 0 seems to work data is url encoded kv-store """ # TODO get the current playlist value url=self.baseurl+"include/controller-ping.php?value=%s"%value return self.r.post(url,data="json=null").text def _action(self,action,value="",json="null",method="get"): """ This function is the interface to the controller-playlist api use it if you dare Possible actions: clear play addSong url_encoded_path moveSong 1:2 getPlaylists getPlaylistInfo 1 listPlaylistInfo as everything seems to be a get request, the method is set to GET as default """ url=self.baseurl+"include/controller-playlist.php?action=%s&value=%s&json=%s"%(action,value,json) if method== "get": return self.r.get(url).text elif method == "post": return r.post(url).text else: raise Exception("unknown method %s") def add_radio(self,playlist=""): """ both, post and get the url seem to work here... """ url=self.baseurl+"include/controller-netradio.php?playlist=%s"%playlist print self.r.post(url).text resolved_url= json.loads(self.r.get(url).text[1:-1])["url"] self.add_song(resolved_url) def add_song(self,path): return self._action("addSong",quote(path)) def clear(self): return self._action("clear") def play(self,ident): return self._action("play",ident) def stop(self): return self._action("stop") def get_first(self): return json.loads(self._action("getPlaylistInfo","0",""))[0] def play_first(self): return self.play(self.get_first()["Id"]) def state(self): return self._action( if __name__ == "__main__": r = relaxx() r.stop() print r.play_first() #print r.add_radio("http://somafm.com/lush.pls")