# ship - shellscript installation processor This utility is used to build modular shell scripts using recursive macro expansion. ## Quickstart Guide BUILD_PATH=libs ./build compile INPUTFILE OUTPUTFILE If this doesen make science to you, then prepend `debug=true` to get all the intermediate files printed to stdout. ## Make Interface Put libraries into `lib`. Put executables into `src`. Build all executables from `src` into `tmp` with make [all] Build all executables from `src` into `tmp` and `//bin` with make install Undo `make [all]` with make clean Undo `make install` with make distclean ## Macro Development To define a new macro, you have to add a function like ## usage: BRE -> FUNCTION_NAME \1 [\2 ...] where `BRE` is a basic regular expression, that has to match a whole line. `FUNCTION_NAME` should be the name of a function that outputs a `sed` script. `\1` refers to the line number, where the macro is used and `\2 ...` are the backreferences into `BRE`. E.g. ## usage: #@date \([.*]\) -> build_datemacro \1 \2 build_datemacro() { printf '%da\\\n%s\n' "$1" "$(date +"$2")" } Like in this example, the line number `\1`, which gets mapped to `$1`, is usually used to only change the line, where the macro got called. The second argument gets passed as format specifier to `date`. Further examples can be found in `./build`.