#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: utf8 -*- import sys,json """ TODO: Refactoring needed to pull the edges out of the node structures again, it should be easier to handle both structures""" DUMP_FILE = "/krebs/db/availability" def get_all_nodes(): import os return os.listdir("/etc/tinc/retiolum/hosts") def generate_stats(): """ Generates availability statistics of the network and nodes """ import json jlines = [] try: f = open(DUMP_FILE,'r') for line in f: jlines.append(json.loads(line)) f.close() except Exception,e: pass all_nodes = {} for k in get_all_nodes(): all_nodes[k] = get_node_availability(k,jlines) print ( json.dumps(all_nodes)) def get_node_availability(name,jlines): """ calculates the node availability by reading the generated dump file adding together the uptime of the node and returning the time parms: name - node name jlines - list of already parsed dictionaries node archive """ begin = last = current = 0 uptime = 0 for stat in jlines: if not stat['nodes']: continue ts = stat['timestamp'] if not begin: begin = last = ts current = ts if stat['nodes'].get(name,{}).get('to',[]): uptime += current - last else: pass last = ts all_the_time = last - begin try: return uptime/ all_the_time except: return 1 if __name__ == "__main__": generate_stats()