# Generate Graphs from tinc ## Install ### Nix # tinc_pre is required: nix-env -i -f tinc_graphs.nix ## e.g. in Retiolum: ## krebs.retiolum.tinc = pkgs.tinc_pre ### Local python setup.py install # also install graphviz,imagemagic for building graphs ### Usage: see source of the 2 builder scripts: #all-around-builder # env: EXTERNAL_FOLDER, INTERNAL_FOLDER, GEODB, TINC_HOSTPATH all-the-graphs # build actual graphs build-graph # exported py scripts tinc-stats2json # - parses tinc current state into json tinc-build-graph # - transfers json to graph copy-map # - copies map.html into $1 add-geodata # - adds geodata to json tinc-availability-stats # adds availability data to json ## Geodb infos - http://geolite.maxmind.com/download/geoip/database/GeoLiteCity.dat.gz - nix-env -iA geolite-legacy