Reverse engineering HOWTO ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here it is, the long awaited hacking howto for the AX206 DPFs. BIG FAT WARNING: You have to be able to read 8051 assembly code and you HAVE TO know what it is doing. Otherwise you will likely brick your frame and we will all laugh at you. Also you should know something about the SPI flash layout, have a look at the m25p80 datasheets found all over the web. Basically you should remember that the flashes are organized in sectors of 0x10000 size. Since the boot loader mode is a big secret, we have to exploit the hardware somewhat to get into the "Developer Mode" (hacking is a ugly word). To implement developer mode, we normally use the strategy to modify the powerdown routine such that when USB is plugged in and you press and hold MENU for a few seconds, it will enter the modified state. This allows us to return to the original firmware by pressing RESET. To get started, you need a few tools and items: - A dump of your DPFs firmware (look for script from the dpfhack-*.tgz archive to create one) - The d52 disassembler: - Installed Python package The dump binary first needs to be split up into single modules. Why modules? The memory of the AX206 isn't big enough to store a full program, thus a bank switching technique is used. A bank switched call looks like: mov a,#0x1e ; 13a2 74 1e t. mov dptr,#mod31_1330; 13a4 90 13 30 ..0 lcall tramp_jsr ; 13a7 12 19 38 ..8 The number moved into 'a' is the module number minus one. The script analyses the code, so you will only have to look at the modXX_XXXX function. This is the target function called in the according module. The loading on demand and calling of the function is handled by tramp_jsr(). 1. First, you copy the generated dump (full.bin) into a folder, like dpf/reverse/new and rename it to full_dump.bin 2. Run the makefile: > make -f ../Makefile dump" You will end up with a number of *.in files in the current directory if this was successful. 3. Run make again: > make -f ../Makefile Now you should have a few *.asm files in the working directory. 4. Identify the powerdown module. Normally, it helps to grep for p2up: > grep p2up *.asm That should list a module with number around 36 or 37. 5. The powerdown ROUTINE is the function that is called most often from many modules, but most probably NOT called from module 1 (dump01). In many cases, this turned out to be mod37_1330. WARNING: You have to make sure that this module does not live in sector 0x000000 of the flash (see "dump file offset" tag in the header of the assembly file). If it lives in sector 0x000000, the described method will NOT work and you will brick your DPF. 5. Find the splash screen routine that is called from the powerdown. This is normally the routine called at the beginning of the powerdown routine and contains code like: mov G_lcd_cxH,a ; 1509 f5 78 ux mov G_lcd_cyL,a ; 150b f5 79 uy mov G_lcd_cyH,a ; 150d f5 7a uz mov G_lcd_dxL,a ; 150f f5 7b u{ 6. This routine you can patch. Take a p_start_*.s from an already hacked frame and make sure you understand what is happening. Adapt the .org statements to the locations where YOUR patched code can safely live. 7. The final jump into the patched firmware occurs at the bottom of the patch, looking like mov a,#(53 - 1) mov dptr,#entry_addr ljmp tramp_jmp The module number in here will be the number of the last module you extracted, PLUS ONE - because we are gonna add an extra module. For this, the jump table will need to be modified. 8. We do not touch the original jump table, but make a copy of it (because it lives in sector 0x000000). The jump table record for this extra module will be stored in the end table tag which can be read clear text in the dump00.asm as "-EndTbl-". Have a look at a jmptbl_*.s file, the .org statement - i.e. the address offset - has to be the offset address of the "-EndTbl-" string. 9. Have a look at the script. The critical function overwriting data on the flash is the .patchSector() method, called like d.patchSector(start, flashaddr, hexfile) start is the relocation start address of the hexfile that the flash is patched with, it is normally identical with the first .org offset specified in the *.s file. flashaddr is where it is stored on the flash. hexfile is the intel hex data file the flash is patched with. The framework will take care of the patching, so you merely will need to add another configuration record in This is an example record: patch_pink = [ (COPY, [0x000000, 0x3f0000]), # Copy sector 0 (PATCH, [0x0, 0x3f0000], "jmptbl_pink.ihx"), (BINARY, [0x0, 0x390000], "font4x8.bin"), (PATCH, [0x0, 0x380000], "fw_pink.ihx"), (37, [ 0x87f37fa6, 0xc8c55832, 0x27b13328 ] , "p_start_pink.ihx"), ] The first COPY statement tells hackit to make a copy of the first sector to the specified address, which should be at the end of the flash. The PATCH statements patch the given sector address with the hex file specified. The BINARY option just copies a plain binary to the given address. Finally, the very critical patching of the powerdown routine. The first number (here 37) is the module number of the powerdown routine as identified by you. Then, a list of known CRC32 checksums follow. If the sector to be patched here is unknown by its CRC32, it will refuse to patch it and print out the non matching CRC32. When you are ABSOLUTELY sure your hack will not overwrite anything crucial, you can insert this CRC32 as first number in the list. 10. Did you do the paranoia check of all addresses and offsets, do you understand where things will go? If in doubt, make a dry run with the patchSector function on an empty/unused sector, preferrably at the end of your flash. Then analyze the dump again. Finally, you can try hacking your DPF with the Once it is hacked, it will again print out a non matching CRC32 if you run the again. This CRC32 you insert as LAST number (mycrc) in the list: (37, [ original_crc, my_crc ] , "p_start_mine.ihx"), Now you can test your hack and publish the on success. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- A few advices: REMEMBER: Never touch sector zero (address 0x000000 - 0x010000). Never ever. If you bricked your frame, don't throw it away YET. Maybe some day we'll discover how the bootloader works. And you could still use the display for tinkering. If you have any knowledge of the boot loader, speak up! Don't ask us to help you with the hacking. Try it yourself or use one of the DPFs that are known to work. It can take a few months to learn 8051 assembly from scratch, but don't give up, it will be a great learning experience and later help you to get a good job :-) Just read the source, duke. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Brought to you by: - hackfin, the evil fish, and others