#!/usr/bin/python import struct import sys sys.path.append("./Debug") import dpf import time import binascii # DPF profiles import profiles # If you are an expert, set this to 0 to avoid the warnings paranoia_mode = 1 JUMPTABLE_OFFSET = 0x80 HEXDIR = "hexfiles/" instructions = [ """Press and hold MENU while USB is plugged in. If successful, you will get the 'USB connect' message and the device will appear as non-USB storage device""" ] ins_common = """To put the device back into (almost) original state working as USB storage, press the RESET button.""" ############################################################################ bswap = lambda x: ( (x >> 8) & 0xff ) | ((x << 8) & 0xff00) def dump_flash(d, fname, offset, size): data = d.readFlash(offset, size) f = open(fname, "wb") f.write(data) f.close() def find_dpf(version): for i in profiles.KNOWN_DPFS: v = i[0] if v[0] == str(version[0]) and v[1] == str(version[1]) and v[2] == str(version[2]): print "Found matching version info" return i return None def get_module(buf, n): n *= 8 start, end, flashaddr = struct.unpack(" ") if a != "yes": return True print "Updating module.." else: print "Patching from version %d to %d" % (i, n) d.patchSector(start, flashaddr, HEXDIR + record[2]) return True def recognize(d): print "Reading flash..." buf = d.readFlash(0x0, 0x280) print "done" b = buf[:7] xmem, code, dummy, offset = struct.unpack(">HHBH", b) version = (buf[0x50:0x58], buf[0x60: 0x70], buf[0x80:0x88]) dpf = find_dpf(version) if not dpf: print "No DPF found. Create a record or look for one" print version else: print "Identifier:", dpf[1] di = dpf[3] di['offset'] = offset return dpf def patch(d, dpf): if (paranoia_mode): print """Now patching. There is no 100% guarantee that your device will work after doing this. You must never unplug the device from USB while it is being updated. Are you sure you take all risks and that you want to continue?""" a = raw_input("Type 'yes' to continue > ") if a != "yes": print "Aborting." return False p = dpf[4] buf = d.readFlash(JUMPTABLE_OFFSET, dpf[3]['offset']) for i in p[2]: if not patch_module(d, i, buf): return False return True # # # MAIN if len(sys.argv) != 2: print "Usage: %s [ | usb0]" % sys.argv[0] print "You may have to run this as root when accessing generic scsi devices" sys.exit(-1) d = dpf.open(sys.argv[1]) dpf = recognize(d) if dpf: r = dpf[4] ret = patch(d, dpf) if ret: print print "Now disconnect the DPF from USB." print "To activate the 'developer mode':" print print instructions[r[0]] print print ins_common else: print "DPF might not be completely patched." d.close()