This is rudimentary code to inject your own source into the AX206 based DPFs. Since this chip is very much undocumented and no information about the internal firmware is available, the following strategy was chosen: - Leave original firmware as intact as possible (NEVER touch sector 0) - Allow to manually put unit into "Developer Mode" - Allow to return to default state using the RESET button Note that the Developer Mode uses two sectors at the end of the internal flash. Therefore, DO NOT fill up the frame with images to the maximum, or weird things may happen. When the DPF is hacked using the scripts described below, the Developer Mode is simply entered by connecting the DPF to a PC via the USB cable and holding the MENU button for approx. 2 seconds. See more about the Developer Mode below. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- The tar file contents are merely: - simple (yet unfinished and quirky) library to access the DPF flash and the extended functionality when in "Developer Mode". - Python wrapper around the above library - Python scripts to patch various DPFs (listed in and other auxiliaries Description of a few tools --------------------------- app_detect.s, Simple rudimentary detection for Sitronix/NXP compatible LCD controllers and SPI flash chip. Performs a dump of the flash according to detected flash size (often specified wrong by vendor) Developer Mode --------------- When the unit is in Developer Mode, it registers itself as USB device with the same VID:PID, but not as USB storage. This allows much faster access using libusb and as non-root. However, the unit will still use USB storage SCSI commands, see dpflib for the wrapping over libusb. Specific commands are implemented using the handler for the SCSI command 0xcd, mode 6. These commands are handled on the DPF by cmdhandler.s (up to v0.1alpha) and by dpflib/dpflib.c on the target. Note that the protocol may change in future, once the internal firmware is fully replaced by something more structured. Thus, you should implement extras on the dpflib level only, never access USB directly. Prerequisites -------------- You need: - A proper Linux system with GCC, python-dev (libraries and headers to compilee your own modules) Optionally: - Possibly some knowledge of the 8051, if you want to mess around - A working sdcc distribution including asx8051, aslink, etc. Usage ------ 1. run 'make' to build the tools and patches 2. Initiate USB connection from the DPF via the menu 3. Wait a while and check dmesg for the /dev/sgX assignment 4. Run 'python /dev/sgX' as root (CAREFUL!!!) to probe for known DPFs and confirm that you wish to patch the DPF according to the instructions. The script checks for a valid DPF, so you can not accidentally damage your hard disk. Also, it runs a crc32 check on critical modules for more safety. DO NOT CHANGE the existing checksums. Only *add* new profiles in, don't EVER change existing ones. Before messing around, you might want to dump the entire flash using the script. For those desiring to try adding hacks for other frame models, there is now a short howto in the reverse/ folder. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WARNING: Do not modify the script unless you REALLY know what you are doing. DISCLAIMER: There is no guarantee that you will not brick your DPF. The Author(s) of this code take no responsibilities. You are completely on your own there! If you bricked your DPF, check the URL below for information how to restore the flash image. LICENSE: You are allowed to modify and distribute the code, as long as you keep it OpenSource. We just trust you that you have a notion of fair usage :-) TODO: 1. Windows support, fully featured lcd4linux support via generic DPF library (I leave this to others. I hate Windows.) 2. Replace flash firmware with improved opensource environment ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Find updates and documentation here: or here: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------