Usage: * Verify that you have a decent development system (GCC, development libraries, subversion -- if you want to build lcd4linux) installed. You might also have to install the package "pkg-config", or else the configure procedure will likely fail. * Configure lcd4linux: normally, the default settings will do. If you wish to use other drivers or cross compile, check for configure options * Note: For lcd4linux, you may want to have some development libraries installed, for example: libgd2-noxpm-dev -- to display images * Build the stuff using "make all". You need an internet connection. because lcd4linux is pulled from their server. * Try it: > cd lcd4linux; lcd4linux -f ../dpf.conf -F NOTE: The orientation for the Pearl type display was changed (Details, see Changelog) DO NOT INSTALL if you wish to keep your landscape orientation. Later, we'll make this configureable, if there turns out to be a good solution (there currently isn't). The source for this firmware is not yet included. Please don't ask questions when it will be released, it will happen, once we have a fully fool proof and working firmware including boot loader support (if you can help there, let us know). Also note: NO SUPPORT! NO WARRANTY! FRIENDS DON'T MAKE FRIENDS HACK THEIR DPF! LET ALONE NON-FRIENDS! (Bottomline: Don't ask me if I can hack your DPF). If you wish to hack your DPF, please check the sites listed below. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Troubleshooting If the lcd4linux build process fails, you may want to start over without running the entire build procedure. See for the single steps. Right, this could also be in a makefile to be more fool proof.. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Features For features of this firmware, see Changelog ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Find updates and documentation here: or here: For our german users, a very good explanation is found here: (c) 4/2011, hackfin