from ircasy import asybot import threading from asyncore import loop import logging import os import subprocess import feedparser import math import re import subprocess from datetime import datetime from time import sleep #testbot = NewsBot('ire', 6667, 'crabman23', ['#retiolum'], loglevel=logging.DEBUG) ## Newsbot Controller Class class NewsBot(asybot): def __init__(self, name, channels=['#test'], server='ire', port=6667, timeout=60, loglevel=logging.ERROR, url_shortener='http://localhost'): asybot.__init__(self, server, port, name, channels, loglevel=loglevel) = timeout self.url_shortener = url_shortener self.ctrl_chan = channels[0] def send_msg(self, target, msg): for line in msg.split('\n'): self.PRIVMSG(target, line) def on_privmsg(self, prefix, command, params, rest): args_array = rest.split() if params[0] == self.nickname: answer = self.read_message(args_array) self.send_msg(prefix.split('!')[0], answer) elif args_array[0].strip(':') == self.nickname: answer = self.read_message(args_array[1:]) self.send_msg([params[0]], answer) def on_invite(self, prefix, command, params, rest): for chan in rest.split(): self.push('JOIN ' + chan) self.channels.append(chan) def read_message(self, args): try: if args[0] in [x for x in commands.__dict__.keys() if x.find('_')]: func = getattr(commands, args[0]) return func(self, args) else: return 'command not found' except Exception as e: return 'mimimi: ' + str(e) #Commands of NewsBot class commands(): def add(self, args): if args[1] not in bots and args[1] != self.nickname: try: bot = RssBot(args[2], args[1], [self.ctrl_chan], url_shortener=self.url_shortener) except Exception as e: return 'add_mimi: ' + str(e) sleep bots[args[1]] = bot bot.start_rss() return "bot " + args[1] + " added" else: return args[1] + ' does already exist' def delete(self, args): bots[args[1]].stop() del bots[args[1]] return "bot " + args[1] + " deleted" def rename(self, args): if args[1] in bots: if args[2] in bots: return args[2] + ' already taken' else: bots[args[1]].connection.nick(args[2]) bots[args[1]].name = args[2] bots[args[2]] = bots[args[1]] del bots[args[1]] return 'renamed ' + args[1] + ' in ' + args[2] else: return args[1] + ' does not exist' def save(self, args): output_buffer = '' for bot in bots: if bots[bot].loop: output_buffer += bot + '|' + bots[bot].url + '|' + ' '.join(bots[bot].channels) + '\n' F = open(feedfile, "w") F.writelines(output_buffer) F.close() return "bots saved to " + feedfile def caps(self, args): return ' '.join([x for x in commands.__dict__.keys() if x.find('_')]) def list(self, args): output_buffer = '' for bot in bots: output_buffer += bot + ' url: ' + bots[bot].url + '\n' return output_buffer def info(self, args): if args[1] in bots: output_buffer = '' for data in ['title', 'link', 'updated']: if data in bots[args[1]].feed.feed: output_buffer += data + ': ' + bots[args[1]].feed.feed[data] + '\n' output_buffer += 'lastnew: ' + bots[args[1]].lastnew.isoformat() + '\n' output_buffer += 'rssurl: ' + bots[args[1]].url return output_buffer else: return 'bot not found' def search(self, args): output = subprocess.check_output(['./GfindFeeds4bot', args[1]]).decode() return output def uptime(self, args): output = subprocess.check_output(['uptime']).decode() return output ##RssBot Class class RssBot(asybot): def __init__(self, rss, name, chans=['#news'], url_shortener="http://localhost", server='ire', port=6667, timeout=60): try: asybot.__init__(self, server, port, name, chans) except Exception as e: print(e) self.url = rss = timeout self.oldnews = [] self.loop = True self.lastnew = self.url_shortener = url_shortener self.retry = True def on_nickinuse(*bla): pass def start_rss(self): self.upd_loop = threading.Thread(target=self.updateloop) self.upd_loop.start() def stop(self): self.disconnect() self.loop = False def updateloop(self): failcount=0 while True: try: self.feed = feedparser.parse(self.url) for entry in self.feed.entries: self.oldnews.append( break except: print(self.nickname + ': rss timeout occured') failcount+=1 if failcount>20: print(self.nickname + ' is broken, going to die') self.stop() return while self.loop: try: self.feed = feedparser.parse(self.url) for entry in self.feed.entries: if not in self.oldnews: #try: # self.send_msg(entry.title + " " + + " com: " + entry.comments) #except AttributeError: shorturl = self.shortenurl( self.sendall(entry.title + ' ' + shorturl) self.oldnews.append( self.lastnew = except Exception as e: print(str( + ':' + str( + ' ' + self.nickname + ': ' + str(e)) sleep( def shortenurl(self, url): while True: try: shorturl = subprocess.check_output(["curl", "-sS", "-F", "uri=" + url, self.url_shortener]).decode().strip('\n').strip('\r') + '#' + url.partition('://')[2].partition('/')[0] return shorturl except: print('url shortener error') sleep(1) def last(self, target, num): for feed in [x for x in self.feed.entries][:num]: self.send_msg(target, feed.title + ' ' + self.shortenurl( def sendall(self, string): try: self.send_msg(self.channels, string) except Exception as e: print(self.nickname + ': failed sending all to ' + str(self.channels) + ' because of ' + str(e)); def send_msg(self, target, string): if self.connected: for line in string.split('\n'): while len(line)>0: if len(line) < 450: self.PRIVMSG(target, line) line = '' else: space = line.rfind(" ", 1, 450) self.PRIVMSG(target, line[:space]) line=line[space:] else: self.reconnect() while not self.connected: print(self.nickname + ' waiting for reconnect') sleep(10) self.send_msg(target, string) def on_invite(self, prefix, command, params, rest): for chan in rest.split(): self.push('JOIN ' + chan) self.channels.append(chan) def on_welcome(self, prefix, command, params, rest): asybot.on_welcome(self, prefix, command, params, rest) self.push('MODE ' + self.nickname + ' +D') feedfile = 'new_feeds' url_shortener = 'http://go' init_channels = ['#news'] bots = {} knews = NewsBot('knews', init_channels, url_shortener=url_shortener) #config file reading F = open(feedfile, "r") lines = F.readlines() F.close() for line in lines: line = line.strip('\n') linear = line.split('|') bot = RssBot(linear[1], linear[0], linear[2].split(), url_shortener=url_shortener) bot.start_rss() bots[linear[0]] = bot def thread_handler(): while True: try: loop() except Exception as e: print('ohoh ' + e) th = threading.Thread(target=thread_handler) th.start()