#!/bin/sh # logging msg() { printf "$@\n" >&2 ;} info() { msg "** $@" ;} error() { msg "!! $@" ;} exists(){ type "$1" >/dev/null 2>/dev/null; } get_hostname(){ # finds the current hostname # if ENV HOSTN is set echo $HOSTN # We try the following: # $HOSTN # $HOSTNAME # hostname # uci system.hostname # /etc/hostname # if everything fails, it returns 1 and prints 'unknown' if [ -n "${HOSTN:-}" ] ; then printf "${HOSTN:-}" elif [ -n "${HOSTNAME:-}" ] ;then printf "$HOSTNAME" elif exists hostname ; then printf "$(hostname)" elif exists uci ; then printf "$(uci get system.@system[0].hostname)" elif [ -e /etc/hostname ] ;then printf "$(cat /etc/hostname)" else printf "unknown"; return 1 fi return 0 } line_to_dot(){ while read line; do printf .; done; }