a non-interactive gold logger/plotter

scoreboard contains a number of modules which do a number of things:
ati_temper: log temperature data of an ati_temper enabled host :
  see //gold/miner/bin/ati_temper
solidcoin : graph solidcoin informations
bitcoin   : s.a.

//gold/scoreboard/profile contains all the important paths and variables
which are sourced by the modules. In a new installation this file needs
to be customized. 

//gold/scoreboard/util/schedule_logger is the scheduler for generating
the graphs every 5 minutes.

* install lighttpd
* configure the profile template file accordingly
* [currently] do:
  cd modules/available/ ati_temper; $EDITOR gather # change the host
  * add the host key file to keys/
* [currently] run: 
* run: