Enterprise Patterns
Stellt sicher, dass das richtige passiert, egal was gemacht wird

Enterprise Loop

Enterprise Exception Handling
ggf ersetzbar durch enterprise loop.

Enterprise Installation


Enterprise Einschalter (eon)
Device that turns something on as soon as possible.

Supernintendo Pattern

Enterprise Root
scripts which need root access but are called with lower privileges. The Enterprise Root Pattern provides a Solution for this issue by calling the script itself as sudo.
if test "${nosudo-false}" != true -a `id -u` != 0; then
  echo "we're going sudo..." >&2
  exec sudo "$0" "$@"
  exit 23 # go to hell
</script> // enterprise ist, wenn <code> ... </script> trotzdem matcht

Enterprise Shutdown
Mittel der Wahl um einen Shutdown zu erzwingen

Bsp: das Not-Aus in der Maschinensicherheit

Enterprise Deep Copy
Bsp: var copy = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(source))

Enterprise Thinking
Prozess um auf Enterprise Patterns zu kommen

Bug-Driven Development