.PHONY: all format install configure select-target: @echo "You are made of stupid!" echo "look here" @cat Makefile format: cat README fix-linucCoin: configure apt-get install --yes lm-sensors tmux echo '#!/bin/bash' > /usr/bin/ati_license echo '#!/bin/sh' > /etc/init.d/live-boot echo 'wall "going down"' >> /etc/init.d/live-boot chmod 755 /etc/init.d/live-boot echo 'sudo tar xvf /opt/AMD-APP-SDK-v2.4-lnx64/icd-registration.tgz -C /' >> /usr/bin/ati_license cp -r user /home configure: sensors-detect @cat CONFIGURE archlinux: @echo "!! ARCHLINUX Cruise Control Mining installer !!" @echo "** adding main network profile" cp /etc/network.d/examples/ethernet-dhcp /etc/network.d/main echo 'POST_UP="sed -i \"1i nameserver\" /etc/resolv.conf"' >> /etc/network.d/main @echo "** adding worker account" grep -q worker /etc/passwd || adduser worker @echo "** adding archlinuxfr to pacman.conf" grep -q archlinuxfr /etc/pacman.conf || echo "[archlinuxfr]" >> /etc/pacman.conf && echo "Server = http://repo.archlinux.fr/x86_64" >> /etc/pacman.conf pacman --needed --noconfirm -Syu rsync git openssh yajl sudo tmux lm_sensors vim yaourt kernel26-headers @echo "** installing tinc" yaourt -S tinc sed -i -e 's/.*\%wheel.*/%wheel ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL/1' /etc/sudoers @echo "** Installing ATI drivers" [ "`yaourt -Q catalyst-utils`" ] || yaourt -S --noconfirm catalyst-utils [ "`yaourt -Q catalyst-hook`" ] || yaourt -S --noconfirm catalyst-hook [ "`yaourt -Q amdstream`" ] || yaourt -S --noconfirm amdstream @echo "** installing X" pacman --needed -S --noconfirm -f xorg-server xorg-apps xorg-appres xorg-xinit xautolock xlockmore xorg-fonts xorg-xhost xorg-xauth xterm rxvt-unicode xorg-twm @echo "** copying bin folder" cp -r bin /home/worker @echo "** creating new .Xauthority for worker" sudo -u worker /home/worker/bin/newkey.sh @echo "configuring X" @echo "!! ACTION REQUIRED, write down the first number of your ATI Graphics Adapter." @echo "!! i will open /etc/X11/xorg.conf for you, change the BusID of every Device to the numbers you see here" @echo "!!press enter to continue" lspci|grep VGA read aticonfig --initial=dual-head vim /etc/X11/xorg.conf @echo "** creating xinitrc and start x" echo 'setxkbmap -option terminate:ctrl_alt_bksp' > /home/worker/.xinitrc echo 'xautolock -corners +-+- -locker "xlock -mode blank"&' >> /home/worker/.xinitrc echo 'xterm &' >> /home/worker/.xinitrc echo 'exec awesome' >> /home/worker/.xinitrc @echo '!! start x with `xinit -- -auth ~/.Xauthority`'