#!/usr/bin/python -tt # gxfr replicates dns zone transfers by enumerating subdomains using advanced search engine queries and conducting dns lookups. # By Tim Tomes (LaNMaSteR53) # Available for download at http://LaNMaSteR53.com or http://code.google.com/p/gxfr/ import sys, os.path, urllib, urllib2, re, time, socket, random, socket def help(): print """ Syntax: ./gxfr.py domain [options] -h, --help this screen -v enable verbose mode -t [num of seconds] set number of seconds to wait between queries (default=15) -q [max num of queries] restrict to maximum number of queries (default=0, indefinite) --dns-lookup enable dns lookups of all subdomains --proxy [file|ip:port|-] use a proxy or list of open proxies to send queries (@random w/list) - [file] must consist of 1 or more ip:port pairs - replace filename with '-' (dash) to accept stdin --user-agent ['string'] set custom user-agent string --timeout [seconds] set socket timeout (default=system default) --csv [file] Examples: $ ./gxfr.py foxnews.com --dns-lookup -v $ ./gxfr.py foxnews.com --dns-lookup --proxy open_proxies.txt --timeout 10 $ ./gxfr.py foxnews.com --dns-lookup -t 5 -q 5 -v --proxy $ curl http://rmccurdy.com/scripts/proxy/good.txt | ./gxfr.py website.com -v -t 3 --proxy - """ sys.exit(2) if len(sys.argv) < 2: help() if '-h' in sys.argv or '--help' in sys.argv: help() # declare vars and process arguments query_cnt = 0 csvname = False domain = sys.argv[1] sys.argv = sys.argv[2:] lookup = False encrypt = True base_url = 'https://www.google.com' base_uri = '/m/search?' base_query = 'site:' + domain pattern = '>([\.\w-]*)\.%s.+?<' % (domain) proxy = False user_agent = 'Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; Trident/4.0; FDM; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; InfoPath.2; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)' verbose = False secs = 15 max_queries = 10 # default = 10 queries # process command line arguments if len(sys.argv) > 0: if '--dns-lookup' in sys.argv: lookup = True if '--csv' in sys.argv: csvname = sys.argv[sys.argv.index('--csv') + 1] if '--proxy' in sys.argv: proxy = True filename = sys.argv[sys.argv.index('--proxy') + 1] if filename == '-': proxies = sys.stdin.read().split() elif os.path.exists(filename): content = open(filename).read() proxies = re.findall('\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+:\d+', content) elif re.match(r'^\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+:\d+$', filename): proxies = [filename] else: help() if '--timeout' in sys.argv: timeout = int(sys.argv[sys.argv.index('--timeout') + 1]) socket.setdefaulttimeout(timeout) if '--user-agent' in sys.argv: user_agent = sys.argv[sys.argv.index('--user-agent') + 1] if '-v' in sys.argv: verbose = True if '-t' in sys.argv: secs = int(sys.argv[sys.argv.index('-t') + 1]) if '-q' in sys.argv: max_queries = int(sys.argv[sys.argv.index('-q') + 1]) subs = [] new = True page = 0 # --begin-- print '[-] domain:', domain print '[-] user-agent:', user_agent # execute search engine queries and scrape results storing subdomains in a list print '[-] querying search engine, please wait...' # loop until no new subdomains are found while new == True: try: query = '' # build query based on results of previous results for sub in subs: query += ' -site:%s.%s' % (sub, domain) full_query = base_query + query start_param = '&start=%s' % (str(page*10)) query_param = 'q=%s' % (urllib.quote_plus(full_query)) if len(base_uri) + len(query_param) + len(start_param) < 2048: last_query_param = query_param params = query_param + start_param else: params = last_query_param[:2047-len(start_param)-len(base_uri)] + start_param full_url = base_url + base_uri + params # note: query character limit is passive in mobile, but seems to be ~794 # note: query character limit seems to be 852 for desktop queries # note: typical URI max length is 2048 (starts after top level domain) if verbose: print '[+] using query: %s...' % (full_url) # build web request and submit query request = urllib2.Request(full_url) # spoof user-agent string request.add_header('User-Agent', user_agent) # if proxy is enabled, use the correct handler if proxy == True: # validate proxies at runtime while True: try: # select a proxy from list at random num = random.randint(0,len(proxies)-1) host = proxies[num] opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.ProxyHandler({'http': host})) if verbose: print '[+] sending query to', host # send query to proxy server result = opener.open(request).read() # exit while loop if successful break except Exception as inst: print '[!] %s failed: %s' % (host, inst) if len(proxies) == 1: # exit of no proxy servers from list are valid print '[-] valid proxy server not found' sys.exit(2) else: # remove host from list of proxies and try again del proxies[num] else: opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPHandler(), urllib2.HTTPSHandler()) # send query to search engine try: result = opener.open(request).read() except Exception as inst: print '[!] {0}'.format(inst) if str(inst).index('503') != -1: print '[!] possible shun: use --proxy or find something else to do for 24 hours :)' sys.exit(2) if not verbose: sys.stdout.write('.'); sys.stdout.flush() #if not verbose: sys.stdout.write('\n'); sys.stdout.flush() # iterate query count query_cnt += 1 sites = re.findall(pattern, result) # create a uniq list sites = list(set(sites)) new = False # add subdomain to list if not already exists for site in sites: if site not in subs: if verbose: print '[!] subdomain found:', site subs.append(site) new = True # exit if maximum number of queries has been made if query_cnt == max_queries: print '[-] maximum number of queries made...' break # start going through all pages if querysize is maxed out if new == False: # exit if all subdomains have been found if not 'Next page' in result: #import pdb; pdb.set_trace() # curl to stdin breaks pdb print '[-] all available subdomains found...' break else: page += 1 new = True if verbose: print '[+] no new subdomains found on page. jumping to result %d.' % (page*10) # sleep script to avoid lock-out if verbose: print '[+] sleeping to avoid lock-out...' time.sleep(secs) except KeyboardInterrupt: # catch keyboard interrupt and gracefull complete script break # print list of subdomains print '[-] successful queries made:', str(query_cnt) if verbose: # rebuild and display final query if in verbose mode #final_query = '' #for sub in subs: # final_query += '+-site:%s.%s' % (sub, domain) #print '[+] final query string: %sstart=%s&%s%s' % (base_url, str(page*10), base_query, query) print '[+] final query string: %s' % (full_url) print ' ' print '[subdomains] -', str(len(subs)) csvwriter = False try: if csvname: import csv csvwriter = csv.writer(open(csvname,'wb')) except: print "[!] Cannot open CSV" for sub in subs: dom = '%s.%s' % (sub, domain ) hostname,aliases,ips = socket.gethostbyname_ex(dom) #print hostname,aliases,ip print dom,",".join(ips) try: line = [dom] + ips csvwriter.writerow([dom] + ips) except: pass # conduct dns lookup if argument is present if lookup == True: print ' ' print '[-] querying dns, please wait...' dict = {} # create a dictionary where the subdomain is the key and a list of all associated ips is the value for sub in subs: sub = '%s.%s' % (sub, domain) if verbose: print '[+] querying dns for %s...' % (sub) # dns query and dictionary assignment try: dict[sub] = list(set([item[4][0] for item in socket.getaddrinfo(sub, 80)])) except socket.gaierror: # dns lookup failure dict[sub] = list(set(['no entry'])) # print table of subdomains and ips print ' ' print '[ip]'.ljust(16, ' ') + '[subdomain]' for key in dict.keys(): for ip in dict[key]: print ip.ljust(16, ' ') + key # --end--