#!/bin/sh #!/bin/bash # domainavailable # Fast, domain name checker to use from the shell # Use globs for real fun: # domainavailable blah{1..3}.{com,net,org,co.uk} # Inspired by foca / giles: # http://gilesbowkett.blogspot.com/2009/02/simple-bash-domain-availability.html for d in $@; do if host "$d" | grep "NXDOMAIN" >&/dev/null; then w=$(whois "$d") if ! test "$?" -eq 0 ;then echo "$d - whois not available" elif echo "$w" | grep -Ei "(No match|NOT FOUND|Status: free)" >&/dev/null; then echo "$d available"; elif echo "$w"| grep -Ei "(Status: invalid)" >&/dev/null ;then echo "$d invalid" else echo "$d taken"; fi else echo "$d taken"; fi done exit 0