#! /usr/bin/env python from __future__ import print_function from irclib import SimpleIRCClient, ServerConnectionError, is_channel from sys import exit from os import environ as env import re class IRCBot(SimpleIRCClient): def __init__(self, target): SimpleIRCClient.__init__(self) self.target = target def on_pubmsg(self, connection, event): def PRIVMSG(target, text): self.connection.privmsg(target, text) def ME(target, text): PRIVMSG(target, 'ACTION ' + text + '') def is_executable(x): import os return os.path.exists(x) and os.access(x, os.X_OK) _nickname = connection.get_nickname() _source = event.source() _from = _source.split('!', 1)[0] _target = event.target() try: _, _handle, _command, _argument, _ = re.split( '^(\w+):\s*(\w+)(?:\s+(.*))?$', event.arguments()[0]) except ValueError, error: PRIVMSG(self.target, 'I\'m so famous') return # ignore if _handle == _nickname or _handle == 'ALL': from os.path import realpath, dirname, join from subprocess import Popen as popen, PIPE Reaktor_dir = dirname(realpath(dirname(__file__))) public_commands = join(Reaktor_dir, 'public_commands') command = join(public_commands, _command) if is_executable(command): try: p = popen([command], stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE) except OSError, error: ME(self.target, 'I am made of stupid') print('OSError@%s: %s' % (argv, error)) return stdout, stderr = [ x[:len(x)-1] for x in [ x.split('\n') for x in p.communicate()]] code = p.returncode pid = p.pid print('command: %s -> %s' % (command, code)) [print('%s stdout: %s' % (pid, x)) for x in stdout] [print('%s stderr: %s' % (pid, x)) for x in stderr] if code == 0: [PRIVMSG(self.target, _from + ': ' + x) for x in stdout] [PRIVMSG(_source, x) for x in stderr] else: ME(self.target, 'mimimi') else: ME(self.target, 'believes that ' + _from + ' is made of stupid') def on_welcome(self, connection, event): print('I\'m welcome! :D joining to %s now...' % (self.target)) if is_channel(self.target): connection.join(self.target) else: self.connection.privmsg(self.target, 'lol') self.connection.quit('Pong timeout: 423 seconds') def on_join(self, connection, event): print('Es passiert in %s' % (self.target)) def on_disconnect(self, connection, event): # TODO reconnect exit(0) # retrieve the value of a [singleton] variable from a tinc.conf(5)-like file def getconf1(x, path): from re import findall pattern = '(?:^|\n)\s*' + x + '\s*=\s*(.*\w)\s*(?:\n|$)' y = findall(pattern, open(path, 'r').read()) if len(y) < 1: raise AttributeError("len(getconf1('%s', '%s') < 1)" % (x, path)) if len(y) > 1: y = ' '.join(y) raise AttributeError("len(getconf1('%s', '%s') > 1)\n ====> %s" % (x, path, y)) return y[0] def main(): name = getconf1('Name', '/etc/tinc/retiolum/tinc.conf') host = str(env.get('host', 'supernode')) port = int(env.get('port', 6667)) nick = str(env.get('nick', name)) target = str(env.get('target', '#tincspasm')) print('====> irc://%s@%s:%s/%s' % (nick, host, port, target)) client = IRCBot(target) try: from getpass import getuser client.connect(host, port, nick, username=getuser(), ircname='//Reaktor running at %s.retiolum' % (name)) except ServerConnectionError, error: print(error) exit(1) client.start() if __name__ == "__main__": main()