#!/usr/bin/env python #Copyright (C) 2009-2010 : # Gabes Jean, naparuba@gmail.com # Gerhard Lausser, Gerhard.Lausser@consol.de # Gregory Starck, g.starck@gmail.com # Hartmut Goebel <h.goebel@goebel-consult.de> # #This file is part of Shinken. # #Shinken is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify #it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by #the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or #(at your option) any later version. # #Shinken is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, #but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of #MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the #GNU Affero General Public License for more details. # #You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License #along with Shinken. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. import os import sys import shlex import shutil import optparse from subprocess import Popen, PIPE # Try to load json (2.5 and higer) or simplejson if failed (python2.4) try: import json except ImportError: # For old Python version, load # simple json (it can be hard json?! It's 2 functions guy!) try: import simplejson as json except ImportError: sys.exit("Error : you need the json or simplejson module for this script") VERSION = '0.1' # Split and clean the rules from a string to a list def _split_rules(rules): return [r.strip() for r in rules.split('|')] # Apply all rules on the objects names def _apply_rules(name, rules): if 'nofqdn' in rules: name = name.split('.', 1)[0] if 'lower' in rules: name = name.lower() return name # Get all vmware hosts from a VCenter and return the list def get_vmware_hosts(check_esx_path, vcenter, user, password): list_host_cmd = [check_esx_path, '-D', vcenter, '-u', user, '-p', password, '-l', 'runtime', '-s', 'listhost'] output = Popen(list_host_cmd, stdout=PIPE).communicate() parts = output[0].split(':') hsts_raw = parts[1].split('|')[0] hsts_raw_lst = hsts_raw.split(',') hosts = [] for hst_raw in hsts_raw_lst: hst_raw = hst_raw.strip() # look as server4.mydomain(UP) elts = hst_raw.split('(') hst = elts[0] hosts.append(hst) return hosts # For a specific host, ask all VM on it to the VCenter def get_vm_of_host(check_esx_path, vcenter, host, user, password): print "Listing host", host list_vm_cmd = [check_esx_path, '-D', vcenter, '-H', host, '-u', user, '-p', password, '-l', 'runtime', '-s', 'list'] output = Popen(list_vm_cmd, stdout=PIPE).communicate() parts = output[0].split(':') # Maybe we got a 'CRITICAL - There are no VMs.' message, # if so, we bypass this host if len(parts) < 2: return None vms_raw = parts[1].split('|')[0] vms_raw_lst = vms_raw.split(',') lst = [] for vm_raw in vms_raw_lst: vm_raw = vm_raw.strip() # look as MYVM(UP) elts = vm_raw.split('(') vm = elts[0] lst.append(vm) return lst # Create all tuples of the links for the hosts def create_all_links(res, rules): r = [] for host in res: for vm in res[host]: # First we apply rules on the names host_name = _apply_rules(host, rules) vm_name = _apply_rules(vm, rules) v = (('host', host_name),('host', vm_name)) r.append(v) return r def write_output(r, path): try: f = open(path+'.tmp', 'wb') buf = json.dumps(r) f.write(buf) f.close() shutil.move(path+'.tmp', path) print "File %s wrote" % path except IOError, exp: sys.exit("Error writing the file %s : %s" % (path, exp)) def main(check_esx_path, vcenter, user, password, output, rules): rules = _split_rules(rules) res = {} hosts = get_vmware_hosts(check_esx_path, vcenter, user, password) for host in hosts: lst = get_vm_of_host(check_esx_path, vcenter, host, user, password) if lst: res[host] = lst r = create_all_links(res, rules) print "Created %d links" % len(r) write_output(r, output) print "Finished!" # Here we go! if __name__ == "__main__": # Manage the options parser = optparse.OptionParser( version="Shinken VMware links dumping script version %s" % VERSION) parser.add_option("-o", "--output", help="Path of the generated mapping file.") parser.add_option("-x", "--esx3-path", dest='check_esx_path', default='/usr/local/nagios/libexec/check_esx3.pl', help="Full path of the check_esx3.pl script (default: %default)") parser.add_option("-V", "--vcenter", '--Vcenter', help="tThe IP/DNS address of your Vcenter host.") parser.add_option("-u", "--user", help="User name to connect to this Vcenter") parser.add_option("-p", "--password", help="The password of this user") parser.add_option('-r', '--rules', default='', help="Rules of name transformation. Valid names are: " "`lower`: to lower names, " "`nofqdn`: keep only the first name (server.mydomain.com -> server)." "You can use several rules like `lower|nofqdn`") opts, args = parser.parse_args() if args: parser.error("does not take any positional arguments") if opts.vcenter is None: parser.error("missing -V or --Vcenter option for the vcenter IP/DNS address") if opts.user is None: parser.error("missing -u or --user option for the vcenter username") if opts.password is None: error = True parser.error("missing -p or --password option for the vcenter password") if not os.path.exists(opts.check_esx_path): parser.error("the path %s for the check_esx3.pl script is wrong, missing file" % opts.check_esx_path) if opts.output is None: parser.error("missing -o or --output option for the output mapping file") main(**opts.__dict__)