#!/usr/bin/python2 import sys """ TODO: Refactoring needed to pull the edges out of the node structures again, it should be easier to handle both structures""" def write_digraph(nodes): """ writes the complete digraph in dot format """ print ('digraph retiolum {') print (' node[shape=box,style=filled,fillcolor=grey]') generate_stats(nodes) merge_edges(nodes) for k,v in nodes.iteritems(): write_node(k,v) print ('}') def generate_stats(nodes): """ Generates some statistics of the network and nodes """ for k,v in nodes.iteritems(): v['num_conns'] = len(v.get('to',[])) def merge_edges(nodes): """ merge back and forth edges into one DESTRUCTS the current structure by deleting "connections" in the nodes """ for k,v in nodes.iteritems(): for con in v.get('to',[]): for i,secon in enumerate(nodes[con['name']].get('to',[])): if k == secon['name']: del (nodes[con['name']]['to'][i]) con['bidirectional'] = True def write_node(k,v): """ writes a single node and its edges edges are weightet with the informations inside the nodes provided by tinc """ node = " "+k+"[label=\"" node += k+"\\l" node += "external:"+v['external-ip']+":"+v['external-port']+"\\l" if v.has_key('num_conns'): node += "Num Connects:"+str(v['num_conns'])+"\\l" node += "internal:"+v['internal-ip']+"\\l\"" if v['external-ip'] == "MYSELF": node += ",fillcolor=steelblue1" node += "]" print (node) for con in v.get('to',[]): edge = " "+k+ " -> " +con['name'] + "[weight="+str(float(con['weight'])) if con.get('bidirectional',False): edge += ",dir=both" edge += "]" print edge def parse_input(): nodes={} for line in sys.stdin: line = line.replace('\n','') if line == 'Nodes:': nodes={} for line in sys.stdin: if line == 'End of nodes.\n': break l = line.replace('\n','').split() #TODO unhack me nodes[l[0]]= { 'external-ip': l[2], 'external-port' : l[4] } if line == 'Subnet list:': for line in sys.stdin: if line == 'End of subnet list.\n': break l = line.replace('\n','').split() nodes[l[2]]['internal-ip'] = l[0].split('#')[0] if line == 'Edges:': edges = {} for line in sys.stdin: if line == 'End of edges.\n': break l = line.replace('\n','').split() if not nodes[l[0]].has_key('to') : nodes[l[0]]['to'] = [] nodes[l[0]]['to'].append( {'name':l[2],'addr':l[4],'port':l[6],'weight' : l[10] }) return nodes nodes = parse_input() write_digraph(nodes)