path: root/minikrebs/profiles/wifibridge/customfiles/etc/config/firewall
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'minikrebs/profiles/wifibridge/customfiles/etc/config/firewall')
2 files changed, 0 insertions, 104 deletions
diff --git a/minikrebs b/minikrebs
new file mode 160000
+Subproject 8fd46a7e3258bff753c42dc43fecfbbc853a685
diff --git a/minikrebs/profiles/wifibridge/customfiles/etc/config/firewall b/minikrebs/profiles/wifibridge/customfiles/etc/config/firewall
deleted file mode 100644
index fa8730af..00000000
--- a/minikrebs/profiles/wifibridge/customfiles/etc/config/firewall
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,104 +0,0 @@
-config defaults
- option syn_flood 1
- option input ACCEPT
- option output ACCEPT
- option forward REJECT
-# Uncomment this line to disable ipv6 rules
-# option disable_ipv6 1
-config zone
- option name lan
- option network 'lan'
- option input ACCEPT
- option output ACCEPT
- option forward REJECT
-config zone
- option name wan
- option network 'wan'
- option input REJECT
- option output ACCEPT
- option forward REJECT
- option masq 1
- option mtu_fix 1
-config forwarding
- option src lan
- option dest wlan
-config forwarding
- option src wlan
- option dest lan
-# We need to accept udp packets on port 68,
-# see
-config rule
- option name Allow-DHCP-Renew
- option src wan
- option proto udp
- option dest_port 68
- option target ACCEPT
- option family ipv4
-# Allow IPv4 ping
-config rule
- option name Allow-Ping
- option src wan
- option proto icmp
- option icmp_type echo-request
- option family ipv4
- option target ACCEPT
-# Allow DHCPv6 replies
-# see
-config rule
- option name Allow-DHCPv6
- option src wan
- option proto udp
- option src_ip fe80::/10
- option src_port 547
- option dest_ip fe80::/10
- option dest_port 546
- option family ipv6
- option target ACCEPT
-# Allow essential incoming IPv6 ICMP traffic
-config rule
- option name Allow-ICMPv6-Input
- option src wan
- option proto icmp
- list icmp_type echo-request
- list icmp_type echo-reply
- list icmp_type destination-unreachable
- list icmp_type packet-too-big
- list icmp_type time-exceeded
- list icmp_type bad-header
- list icmp_type unknown-header-type
- list icmp_type router-solicitation
- list icmp_type neighbour-solicitation
- list icmp_type router-advertisement
- list icmp_type neighbour-advertisement
- option limit 1000/sec
- option family ipv6
- option target ACCEPT
-# Allow essential forwarded IPv6 ICMP traffic
-config rule
- option name Allow-ICMPv6-Forward
- option src wan
- option dest *
- option proto icmp
- list icmp_type echo-request
- list icmp_type echo-reply
- list icmp_type destination-unreachable
- list icmp_type packet-too-big
- list icmp_type time-exceeded
- list icmp_type bad-header
- list icmp_type unknown-header-type
- option limit 1000/sec
- option family ipv6
- option target ACCEPT
-# include a file with users custom iptables rules
-config include
- option path /etc/firewall.user