path: root/god/streams
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'god/streams')
9 files changed, 570 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/god/streams/Makefile b/god/streams/Makefile
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ab5d1429
--- /dev/null
+++ b/god/streams/Makefile
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+INITD = $(shell test -e /etc/rc.d/ && echo /etc/rc.d/ || echo /etc/init.d/)
+streams = $(shell cut -d\ -f2 stream.db)
+.PHONY: all $(streams)
+local: ../bin/streams
+ ln -sf $$PWD/streams ../bin/streams
+all: $(streams)
+ @update-rc.d groove defaults 2>/dev/null || echo "** put groove daemon in DAEMONS in /etc/rc.conf"
+$(streams): local
+ @test -L $(INITD)$@ || test ! -e $(INITD)$@ && \
+ ln -n -s -f $$PWD/stream-starter $(INITD)$@ && echo "writing $@ to $(INITD)"
diff --git a/god/streams/README b/god/streams/README
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..82300c24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/god/streams/README
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+streams done right
+deepmix,groovesalad and radiotux are now init.d scrips which can be
+started and stopped.
+scripts are dumped into /etc/init.d and groovesalad will be set as
+default via update-rc.d
+mplayer will be started in a tmux session either by creating a new
+session or starting a new window inside the first existing one
diff --git a/god/streams/mpdstreams b/god/streams/mpdstreams
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..d9132937
--- /dev/null
+++ b/god/streams/mpdstreams
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+# this version cannot tell if a stream is running or just ordinary music
+import os
+import sys
+from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
+pidfile = "/tmp/"
+url_file = os.environ.get("STREAM_DB", "stream.db")
+urls = []
+#urls = [ url,f for (url,f) in open(url_file).readline() ]
+for line in open(url_file):
+ urls.append(line.split())
+#print urls
+mybin = sys.argv[0]
+cmd = sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv) > 1 else "you-are-made-of-stupid"
+stream = sys.argv[2] if len(sys.argv) == 3 else "groove"
+pipe_silent = open("/dev/null","w")
+def urlForStream(stream):
+ for url, s in urls:
+ if s == stream:
+ return url
+def streamForUrl(url):
+ for u, s in urls:
+ if u == url:
+ return stream
+def startStream(stream_url):
+ Popen(["mpc","--host",host,"crossfade","5"],
+ stdout=pipe_silent,stderr=pipe_silent)
+ Popen(["mpc","--host",host,"repeat","yes"],
+ stdout=pipe_silent,stderr=pipe_silent)
+ Popen(["mpc","--host",host,"clear"],
+ stdout=pipe_silent,stderr=pipe_silent)
+ Popen(["mpc","--host",host,"add",stream_url],
+ stdout=pipe_silent,stderr=pipe_silent).wait()
+ Popen(["mpc","--host",host,"play"],
+ stdout=pipe_silent,stderr=pipe_silent)
+def start(stream):
+ ret = running()
+ if ret:
+ print "!! Stream `%s` already running !" % \
+ (ret)
+ else:
+ startStream(urlForStream(stream))
+ print "** Starting `%s`."% stream
+def stop():
+ ret = running()
+ if not ret:
+ print "!! No Stream running!"
+ else:
+ print "** Stopping `%s`" % ret
+ Popen(["mpc","--host",host,"stop"],
+ stdout=pipe_silent,stderr=pipe_silent)
+def running():
+ try:
+ (out,err) = Popen(["mpc","--host",host,"current"],stdout=PIPE,stderr=PIPE).communicate()
+ out = out.rstrip()
+ return out
+ except Exception as e:
+ return ""
+def slist():
+ for url, name in urls:
+ print "%s : %s" % (name, url)
+def shorthelp():
+ print "start|stop|restart|status|list [audio stream]"
+def longhelp():
+ print "Usage: %s" % mybin,
+ shorthelp
+ print """ get all available streams with '/%(fil)s list'
+ Examples:
+ %(fil)s list
+ %(fil)s start groove
+ %(fil)s switch deepmix
+ %(fil)s status
+ %(fil)s stop""" % {'fil': mybin}
+if cmd == "start":
+ start(stream)
+elif cmd == "stop":
+ stop()
+elif cmd == "switch" or cmd == "restart":
+ stop()
+ start(stream)
+elif cmd == "status":
+ ret = running()
+ if not ret:
+ print "** nothing running" # , e
+ else:
+ print "Now Playing: %s" % ret
+elif cmd == "list":
+ slist()
+elif cmd == "--help":
+ longhelp()
+elif cmd == "-h":
+ shorthelp()
+ print "unknown command `%s`" % cmd
+ print "try `%s` --help" % os.path.basename(mybin)
diff --git a/god/streams/ b/god/streams/
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..f367caef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/god/streams/
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+import json
+from urllib import quote
+class relaxx:
+ def __init__(self,relaxxurl="http://lounge.mpd.shack/"):
+ self.baseurl=relaxxurl
+ import requests
+ ret = requests.get(relaxxurl) # grab cookie
+ try:
+ self.r = requests.session(cookies=ret.cookies,headers={"Referer":relaxxurl})
+ except:
+ print ("you are missing the `requests` dependency, please do a `pip install requests`")
+ def _status(self,value=0,data="json=null"):
+ """
+ value is some weird current playlist value, 0 seems to work
+ data is url encoded kv-store
+ """
+ # TODO get the current playlist value
+ url=self.baseurl+"include/controller-ping.php?value=%s"%value
+ return,data="json=null").text
+ def _playlist(self,action,value="",json="null",method="get"):
+ """
+ This function is the interface to the controller-playlist api
+ use it if you dare
+ Possible actions:
+ clear
+ addSong url_encoded_path
+ moveSong 1:2
+ getPlaylists
+ getPlaylistInfo 1
+ listPlaylistInfo
+ as everything seems to be a get request, the method is set to GET as
+ default
+ """
+ url=self.baseurl+"include/controller-playlist.php?action=%s&value=%s&json=%s"%(action,value,json)
+ if method== "get":
+ return self.r.get(url).text
+ elif method == "post":
+ return
+ else:
+ raise Exception("unknown method %s")
+ def _playback(self,action,value="",json="null",method="get"):
+ """
+ play
+ continue
+ stop
+ setCrossfade
+ """
+ url=self.baseurl+"include/controller-playback.php?action=%s&value=%s&json=%s"%(action,value,json)
+ # probably obsolete because everything is "get"
+ if method== "get":
+ return self.r.get(url).text
+ elif method == "post":
+ return
+ else:
+ raise Exception("unknown method %s")
+ def _radio(self,playlist=""):
+ """
+ both, post and get the url seem to work here...
+ """
+ url=self.baseurl+"include/controller-netradio.php?playlist=%s"%quote(playlist)
+ return self.r.get(url).text
+ def add_radio(self,playlist=""):
+ print playlist
+ print self._radio(playlist)
+ print json.loads(self._radio(playlist)) #[1:-1])["url"]
+ resolved_url= json.loads(self._radio(playlist)[1:-1])["url"]
+ self.add_song(resolved_url)
+ def add_song(self,path):
+ return self._playlist("addSong",path)
+ def get_first(self):
+ return json.loads(self._playlist("getPlaylistInfo","0",""))[0]
+ def get_first(self):
+ return json.loads(self._playlist("getPlaylistInfo","0",""))[-1]
+ def clear(self):
+ return self._playlist("clear")
+ def crossfade(self,ident="0"):
+ """
+ default: no crossfade
+ """
+ return self._playback("setCrossfade",ident)
+ def repeat(self,ident="1"):
+ """
+ default: do repeat
+ """
+ return self._playback("repeat",ident)
+ def play(self,ident):
+ return self._playback("play",ident)
+ def stop(self):
+ return self._playback("stop")
+ def cont(self,ident):
+ return self._playback("continue",ident)
+ def play_first(self):
+ return["Id"])
+ def play_last(self):
+ return["Id"])
+ def state(self):
+ return json.loads(self._status())
+ def is_running(self):
+ return self.state()["status"]["state"] == "play"
+ def playing(self):
+ """ returns "" if not running
+ """
+ state = self.state()
+ if state["status"]["state"] == "play" :
+ ident = state["status"]["song"]
+ current = state["playlist"]["file"][int(ident)]
+ return current.get("Name",current.get("Artist")) + " - " + current["Title"]
+ else:
+ return ""
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ r = relaxx()
+ print r.state()
+ print r.playing()
+ print r.add_radio("")
+ #print r.clear()
+ #print r.add_radio("")
+ #print r.get_first()["Id"]
+ #print r.play_first()
+ #print r.add_radio("")
diff --git a/god/streams/relaxxplayer.api b/god/streams/relaxxplayer.api
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..6e8af577
--- /dev/null
+++ b/god/streams/relaxxplayer.api
@@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
+http://lounge.mpd.shack/include/controller- playlist.php?action=getPlaylistInfo&value=0&json=
+ "file": "http:\/\/",
+ "Title": "Max & Dima - Sapovnela Studio: Batut",
+ "Name": "Deep Mix Moscow Radio:",
+ "Pos": "0",
+ "Id": "606"
diff --git a/god/streams/relaxxstreams b/god/streams/relaxxstreams
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..57cfb05b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/god/streams/relaxxstreams
@@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
+# this version cannot tell if a stream is running or just ordinary music
+import os
+import sys
+import json
+from urllib import quote
+from relaxxapi import relaxx
+ import requests
+ print ("you are missing the `requests` dependency, please do a `pip install requests`")
+from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
+pidfile = "/tmp/"
+url_file = os.environ.get("STREAM_DB", "direct.db")
+urls = []
+for line in open(url_file):
+ urls.append(line.split())
+#print urls
+mybin = sys.argv[0]
+cmd = sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv) > 1 else "you-are-made-of-stupid"
+stream = sys.argv[2] if len(sys.argv) == 3 else "groove"
+pipe_silent = open("/dev/null","w")
+api = relaxx(baseurl)
+def urlForStream(stream):
+ for url, s in urls:
+ if s == stream:
+ return url
+def streamForUrl(url):
+ for u, s in urls:
+ if u == url:
+ return stream
+def startStream(stream_url):
+ print api.crossfade("5")
+ print api.repeat("1")
+ print api.clear()
+ print api.add_song(stream_url)
+ print api.play_first()
+def start(stream):
+ ret = api.playing()
+ if ret:
+ print "!! Stream `%s` already running !" % \
+ (ret)
+ else:
+ startStream(urlForStream(stream))
+ print "** Starting `%s`."% stream
+def stop():
+ ret = api.playing()
+ if not ret:
+ print "!! No Stream running!"
+ else:
+ print "** Stopping `%s`" % ret
+ api.stop()
+def slist():
+ for url, name in urls:
+ print "%s : %s" % (name, url)
+def shorthelp():
+ print "start|stop|restart|status|list [audio stream]"
+def longhelp():
+ print "Usage: %s" % mybin,
+ shorthelp
+ print """ get all available streams with '/%(fil)s list'
+ Examples:
+ %(fil)s list
+ %(fil)s start groove
+ %(fil)s switch deepmix
+ %(fil)s status
+ %(fil)s stop""" % {'fil': mybin}
+if cmd == "start":
+ start(stream)
+elif cmd == "stop":
+ stop()
+elif cmd == "switch" or cmd == "restart":
+ stop()
+ start(stream)
+elif cmd == "status":
+ ret = api.playing()
+ if not ret:
+ print "** nothing running" # , e
+ else:
+ print "Now Playing: %s" % ret
+elif cmd == "list":
+ slist()
+elif cmd == "--help":
+ longhelp()
+elif cmd == "-h":
+ shorthelp()
+ print "unknown command `%s`" % cmd
+ print "try `%s` --help" % os.path.basename(mybin)
diff --git a/god/streams/stream-starter b/god/streams/stream-starter
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..4d3a406f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/god/streams/stream-starter
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+#! /bin/bash
+set -euf
+HERE=$(dirname $(readlink -f $0))
+NAME=`basename $0`
+case "$1" in
+ start)
+ $STR start $NAME
+ ;;
+ stop)
+ $STR stop
+ ;;
+ restart)
+ $STR restart $NAME
+ ;;
+ *)
+ echo "aidsballs"
+ ;;
diff --git a/god/streams/stream.db b/god/streams/stream.db
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2e873843
--- /dev/null
+++ b/god/streams/stream.db
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+ deepmix
+ radiotux
+ bassdrive
+http://localhost:8000/stream.ogg icecast
+http://localhost:8000/shice.ogg shice
+ jungletrain
+ tormented
+http://filebitch.shack:8000 mpd
+ radiofreieskrautchan
+ lounge
+ deluxe
+ darmstadt
+ southbysoma
+ indypop
+ poptron
+ 480min
+ underground80s
+ secretagent
+ suburbsofgoa
+ beatblender
+ missioncontrol
+ dronezone
+ cliqhop
+ spacestationsoma
+ bootliquor
+ covers
+ illstreet
+ tagstrip
+ groove
+ lush
+ digitalis
+ sonicuniverse
+ doomed
+ blackrockfm
+ demoscene
diff --git a/god/streams/streams b/god/streams/streams
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..65669b2d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/god/streams/streams
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+import os
+import sys
+from subprocess import Popen, PIPE
+pidfile = "/tmp/"
+url_file = os.environ.get("STREAM_DB", "stream.db")
+urls = []
+#urls = [ url,f for (url,f) in open(url_file).readline() ]
+for line in open(url_file):
+ urls.append(line.split())
+#print urls
+mybin = sys.argv[0]
+cmd = sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv) > 1 else "you-are-made-of-stupid"
+stream = sys.argv[2] if len(sys.argv) == 3 else "groove"
+def check_pid(pid):
+ """ Check For the existence of a unix pid. """
+ try:
+ os.kill(pid, 0)
+ except OSError:
+ return False
+ else:
+ return True
+def urlForStream(stream):
+ for url, s in urls:
+ if s == stream:
+ return url
+def start(stream):
+ ret = running()
+ if ret:
+ print "!! Stream `%s` already running with pid `%s` !" % \
+ (ret[1], ret[0])
+ else:
+ pipe_silent = open('/dev/null', 'w')
+ url = urlForStream(stream)
+ mpl = Popen(["mplayer", url],
+ stdout=pipe_silent, stderr=pipe_silent).pid
+ print >> open(pidfile, "w+"), "%d %s" % (mpl, stream)
+def stop():
+ ret = running()
+ if not ret:
+ print "!! No Stream running!"
+ else:
+ pid, name = ret
+ print "** Killing `%s` with pid %s" % (name, pid)
+ os.kill(int(pid), 15)
+ #if check_pid(int(pid)):
+ # print "!! trying harder to kill process"
+ # os.kill(int(pid), 9)
+ os.remove(pidfile)
+def running():
+ try:
+ pid, currstream = open(pidfile).read().split()
+ if check_pid(int(pid)):
+ return (pid, currstream)
+ else:
+ print "!! removing stale pidfile"
+ os.remove(pidfile)
+ raise Exception("Pidfile stale")
+ except Exception as e:
+ return ()
+def slist():
+ for url, name in urls:
+ print "%s : %s" % (name, url)
+def shorthelp():
+ print "start|stop|restart|status|list [audio stream]"
+def longhelp():
+ print "Usage: %s" % mybin,
+ shorthelp
+ print """ get all available streams with '/%(fil)s list'
+ Examples:
+ %(fil)s list
+ %(fil)s start groove
+ %(fil)s switch deepmix
+ %(fil)s status
+ %(fil)s stop""" % {'fil': mybin}
+if cmd == "start":
+ start(stream)
+elif cmd == "stop":
+ stop()
+elif cmd == "switch" or cmd == "restart":
+ stop()
+ start(stream)
+elif cmd == "status":
+ ret = running()
+ if not ret:
+ print "** no stream running" # , e
+ else:
+ print "%s is running(%s)" % (ret[1], urlForStream(ret[1]))
+elif cmd == "list":
+ slist()
+elif cmd == "--help":
+ longhelp()
+elif cmd == "-h":
+ shorthelp()
+ print "unknown command `%s`" % cmd
+ print "try `%s` --help" % os.path.basename(mybin)