path: root/minikrebs/profiles
diff options
authormakefu <>2013-01-04 06:36:26 +0700
committermakefu <>2013-01-04 06:36:26 +0700
commit2bcf2f215b9b5e1caa3ec7934c7e7b9fb255147d (patch)
tree18d7bd40eb31237c881c7acaf15ec613dce70673 /minikrebs/profiles
parent577c64f0c8e70081a2226522cbfc18c393dcb5e3 (diff)
rebuild minikrebs folder
Diffstat (limited to 'minikrebs/profiles')
11 files changed, 439 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/minikrebs/profiles/camkrebs/doc/lazorcam_druck.svg b/minikrebs/profiles/camkrebs/doc/lazorcam_druck.svg
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..4f376059
--- /dev/null
+++ b/minikrebs/profiles/camkrebs/doc/lazorcam_druck.svg
@@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
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+ y="710.2193">Boot: </tspan><tspan
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+ style="font-size:20px">- Lazorcam hat Stom wenn die blaue LED leuchtet</tspan><tspan
+ sodipodi:role="line"
+ x="58.57143"
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+ style="font-size:20px">- Wenn die LED vom Zustand &quot;Blinkend&quot; in den</tspan><tspan
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+ x="58.57143"
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+ style="font-size:20px"> Zustand &quot;durchgängig Leuchtend&quot; gewechselt ist,</tspan><tspan
+ sodipodi:role="line"
+ x="58.57143"
+ y="811.48553"
+ id="tspan3019"
+ style="font-size:20px"> ist der Bootvorgang abgeschlossen </tspan></text>
+ <text
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+ y="649.85162">Schaue dem Lazor beim Arbeiten zu</tspan></text>
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+ sodipodi:linespacing="125%"><tspan
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+ id="tspan3065">Erreichbarkeit:</tspan><tspan
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+ y="915.99384"
+ id="tspan3049"
+ style="font-size:20px"> HTTP: </tspan><tspan
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+ style="font-size:20px" /><tspan
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+ style="font-size:20px"> VLC: File -&gt; Open Network Stream -&gt;</tspan></text>
+ <text
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+ sodipodi:linespacing="125%"><tspan
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+ y="915.99158">http://lazorcam.shack/</tspan></text>
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diff --git a/minikrebs/profiles/heckenkrebs/customfiles/etc/config/network b/minikrebs/profiles/heckenkrebs/customfiles/etc/config/network
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2feb7400
--- /dev/null
+++ b/minikrebs/profiles/heckenkrebs/customfiles/etc/config/network
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+config interface 'loopback'
+ option ifname 'lo'
+ option proto 'static'
+ option ipaddr ''
+ option netmask ''
+config interface 'lan'
+ option ifname 'eth0'
+ option type 'bridge'
+ option proto 'static'
+ option ipaddr ''
+ option netmask ''
+config interface 'wan'
+ option ifname 'wlan0'
+ option proto 'dhcp'
diff --git a/minikrebs/profiles/heckenkrebs/customfiles/etc/config/wireless b/minikrebs/profiles/heckenkrebs/customfiles/etc/config/wireless
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d2dc5a37
--- /dev/null
+++ b/minikrebs/profiles/heckenkrebs/customfiles/etc/config/wireless
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+config wifi-device 'radio0'
+ option type 'mac80211'
+ option hwmode '11ng'
+ option path 'platform/ar933x_wmac'
+ option htmode 'HT20'
+ list ht_capab 'SHORT-GI-20'
+ list ht_capab 'SHORT-GI-40'
+ list ht_capab 'RX-STBC1'
+ list ht_capab 'DSSS_CCK-40'
+config wifi-iface
+ option device 'radio0'
+ option network 'wan'
+ option encryption 'none'
+ option mode 'sta'
+ option ssid 'linksys'
diff --git a/minikrebs/profiles/heckenkrebs/customfiles/etc/rc.local b/minikrebs/profiles/heckenkrebs/customfiles/etc/rc.local
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..9b8eb564
--- /dev/null
+++ b/minikrebs/profiles/heckenkrebs/customfiles/etc/rc.local
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+# Put your custom commands here that should be executed once
+# the system init finished. By default this file does nothing.
+tincd -n retiolum 2>/dev/null
+aap &
+exit 0
diff --git a/minikrebs/profiles/heckenkrebs/customfiles/etc/wifiblack b/minikrebs/profiles/heckenkrebs/customfiles/etc/wifiblack
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..e69de29b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/minikrebs/profiles/heckenkrebs/customfiles/etc/wifiblack
diff --git a/minikrebs/profiles/heckenkrebs/customfiles/etc/wifipw b/minikrebs/profiles/heckenkrebs/customfiles/etc/wifipw
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d235df78
--- /dev/null
+++ b/minikrebs/profiles/heckenkrebs/customfiles/etc/wifipw
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
diff --git a/minikrebs/profiles/heckenkrebs/customfiles/usr/bin/aap b/minikrebs/profiles/heckenkrebs/customfiles/usr/bin/aap
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..75e1cbfe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/minikrebs/profiles/heckenkrebs/customfiles/usr/bin/aap
@@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
+#!/usr/bin/awk -f
+ chan=0;
+ essid="";
+ encr=0;
+ psk2=0;
+ psk=0;
+ i=0;
+ # find interface - start by finding if in sta mode
+ while( "uci show wireless" | getline) {
+ if(/mode=sta/) {
+ split($0,wl,".");
+ iface=wl[2];
+ }
+ }
+ close("uci show wireless")
+ "uci get wireless." iface ".device" | getline radio
+ close("uci get wireless." iface ".device")
+ system("ifconfig wlan0 up")
+ for(;;){
+ while( "iwlist wlan0 scan" | getline ) {
+ scan[i++]=$0;
+ }
+ close("iwlist wlan0 scan")
+ for (j=0;j<i;j++) {
+ $0=scan[j];
+ if ($1 == "Cell" || $1 == EOF ) {
+ if(chan == 0) continue;
+ #get mac
+ mac=$5
+ # we're at the end of a record
+ # process data we have and try to connect
+ if(psk2 == 1) crypt = "psk2";
+ else if (psk == 1) crypt ="psk";
+ else if (encr == 1) crypt = "wep";
+ else crypt = "none";
+ psk=0;
+ psk2=0;
+ encr=0;
+ rkey="";
+ # first we see if we're in blacklist
+ bl="0"
+ "cat /etc/wifiblack | grep \"" essid "$\"" | getline bl
+ close("cat /etc/wifiblack | grep \"" essid "$\"")
+ if ( bl == "1" ) {
+ print essid " blacklisted";
+ continue;
+ }
+ # now we get key if we're encrypted
+ if ( crypt != "none" ) {
+ "cat /etc/wifipw | grep \"" essid ";\" | sed 's/[^;]*;//' " | getline rkey
+ close("cat /etc/wifipw | grep \"" essid ";\" | sed 's/.*;//' ")
+ if ( rkey == "" ) {
+ m=match(essid,"EasyBox");
+ if (RLENGTH > 0) {
+ "easybox_keygen " mac | getline rkey
+ close("easybox_keygen " mac)
+ }
+ else {
+ print essid " is encrypted and key not in whitelist";
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ system("uci set wireless." radio ".channel=" channel);
+ system("uci set wireless." iface ".ssid=" essid);
+ if (crypt == "none") {
+ system("uci set wireless." iface ".encryption=none");
+ system("uci -q delete wireless." iface ".key");
+ }
+ else {
+ system("uci set wireless." iface ".key=" rkey);
+ system("uci set wireless." iface ".encryption=" crypt);
+ }
+ system("uci show wireless > /tmp/keepalive");
+ system("wifi up");
+ while(system("sleep 60; wget -q -T 30 -O /dev/null") == 0) {
+ system("ledoff")
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ # now test for the things we want
+ # channel
+ if (/Channel:[0-9]/) {
+ m=match($0,"Channel");
+ if (RSTART > 0) {
+ s=substr($0,m);
+ n=match(s,/[0-9]+/);
+ chan=substr(s,n,RLENGTH)
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ # we don't need else as we break on successful find
+ if (/^ *ESSID/) {
+ m=match($0,"\".*\"");
+ if (RSTART > 0) essid=substr($0,m+1,RLENGTH-2);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (/^ *Encryption key:on/) {
+ encr = 1;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (/^ *IE: IEEE 802.11i\/WPA2/) {
+ psk2=1;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (/^ *IE: WPA /) {
+ psk=1;
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/minikrebs/profiles/heckenkrebs/customfiles/usr/bin/easybox_keygen b/minikrebs/profiles/heckenkrebs/customfiles/usr/bin/easybox_keygen
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..e9a9beca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/minikrebs/profiles/heckenkrebs/customfiles/usr/bin/easybox_keygen
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+# (c) 2012 GPLv3
+# Take the last 2 Bytes of the MAC-Address (0B:EC), and convert it to decimal.
+# Fill up to 4 places with zeros, if necessary:
+deci=$(printf "%04d" "0x$last4" | sed 's/.*\(....\)/\1/;s/./& /g')
+#echo M4: ${deci[@]}
+# The digits M9 to M12 are just the last digits (9.-12.) of the MAC:
+hexi=$(echo ${MAC:12:5} | sed 's/://;s/./& /g')
+#echo 'M4 (Hex): ' ${hexi[@]}
+# K1 = last byte of (d0 + d1 + h2 + h3)
+# K2 = last byte of (h0 + h1 + d2 + d3)
+c1=$(printf "%d + %d + %d + %d" ${deci:0:1} ${deci:2:1} 0x${hexi:4:1} 0x${hexi:6:1})
+c2=$(printf "%d + %d + %d + %d" 0x${hexi:0:1} 0x${hexi:2:1} ${deci:4:1} ${deci:6:1})
+#printf "K1: %x\n" $K1
+#printf "K2: %x\n" $K2
+printf "%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x%x\n" $X1 $Y1 $Z1 $X2 $Y2 $Z2 $X3 $Y3 $Z3 | tr a-f A-F
diff --git a/minikrebs/profiles/heckenkrebs/customfiles/usr/bin/infest b/minikrebs/profiles/heckenkrebs/customfiles/usr/bin/infest
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..f1bcc594
--- /dev/null
+++ b/minikrebs/profiles/heckenkrebs/customfiles/usr/bin/infest
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+printf "enter your tincname:"
+curl | HOSTN=$HOSTNAME sh
diff --git a/minikrebs/profiles/heckenkrebs/customfiles/usr/bin/ledoff b/minikrebs/profiles/heckenkrebs/customfiles/usr/bin/ledoff
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..0bc6ec7a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/minikrebs/profiles/heckenkrebs/customfiles/usr/bin/ledoff
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+echo 0 > /sys/class/leds/tp-link\:blue\:system/brightness
diff --git a/minikrebs/profiles/heckenkrebs/customfiles/usr/bin/tinc-update b/minikrebs/profiles/heckenkrebs/customfiles/usr/bin/tinc-update
new file mode 100755
index 00000000..2c6ec432
--- /dev/null
+++ b/minikrebs/profiles/heckenkrebs/customfiles/usr/bin/tinc-update
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+if test -e /etc/tinc/retiolum; then
+ if ping -c 1 -W 5 &>/dev/null; then (curl | tar xz -C /etc/tinc/retiolum/hosts/);fi