path: root/Reaktor/repos
diff options
authorEUcancER <>2012-04-23 11:51:58 +0200
committerEUcancER <>2012-04-23 11:51:58 +0200
commit7a8b15d7851869f216d7da659db5367808a415c4 (patch)
treebc28bf79104c710e165fa563a3b42544fb9b3cd1 /Reaktor/repos
parentf6b5e1225c383538dd9d87da2237c51598e177a8 (diff)
dnsmap prepare for submodule
Diffstat (limited to 'Reaktor/repos')
11 files changed, 0 insertions, 20023 deletions
diff --git a/Reaktor/repos/dnsmap/CREDITS.txt b/Reaktor/repos/dnsmap/CREDITS.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 5f197151..00000000
--- a/Reaktor/repos/dnsmap/CREDITS.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
-Main author:
-pagvac (
-Patches, bug hunting and general feedback:
-Borys Lacki (
-Philipp Winter (
-meathive (
-David Kierznowski (
-GNa (
-srl (
diff --git a/Reaktor/repos/dnsmap/Changelog.txt b/Reaktor/repos/dnsmap/Changelog.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index ba1b0976..00000000
--- a/Reaktor/repos/dnsmap/Changelog.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
-20/02/2010: dnsmap 0.30 released at
-* IPv6 support
-* Makefile included
-* delay option (-d) added. This is useful in cases where dnsmap is killing your bandwidth
-* ignore IPs option (-i) added. This allows ignoring user-supplied IPs from the results. Useful for domains which cause dnsmap to produce false positives
-* changes made to make dnsmap compatible with OpenDNS
-* disclosure of internal IP addresses (RFC 1918) are reported
-* updated built-in wordlist
-* included a standalone three-letter acronym (TLA) subdomains wordlist
-* domains susceptible to "same site" scripting ( are reported
-* completion time is now displayed to the user
-* mechanism to attempt to bruteforce wildcard-enabled domains
-* unique filename containing timestamp is now created when no specific output filename is supplied by user
-* various minor bugs fixed
-22/02/2009: dnsmap 0.22 released at
-* saving the results in human-readable and CSV format for easy processing
-* fixed bug that disallowed reading wordlists with DOS CRLF format
-* improved built-in subdomains wordlist
-* new bash script ( included which allows running dnsmap against a list of domains from a user-supplied file. i.e.: bruteforcing several domains in a bulk fashion
-* bypassing of signature-based dnsmap detection by generating a proper pseudo-random subdomain when checking for wildcards
-17/08/2006: dnsmap 0.1 (first public version) released at
-* bruteforcing based on builtin list and user-supplied wordlist
-* obtain all available A records for each bruteforced (sub)domain (rather than only one)
diff --git a/Reaktor/repos/dnsmap/Makefile b/Reaktor/repos/dnsmap/Makefile
deleted file mode 100644
index 2393d374..00000000
--- a/Reaktor/repos/dnsmap/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-dnsmap: dnsmap.c dnsmap.h
- $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o dnsmap dnsmap.c
-install: dnsmap
- mkdir -p $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)
- install -m 0755 dnsmap $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)
- install -m 0755 $(DESTDIR)$(BINDIR)/dnsmap-bulk
diff --git a/Reaktor/repos/dnsmap/README.txt b/Reaktor/repos/dnsmap/README.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index beab0f21..00000000
--- a/Reaktor/repos/dnsmap/README.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,177 +0,0 @@
-dnsmap was originally released back in 2006 and was inspired by the
-fictional story "The Thief No One Saw" by Paul Craig, which can be found
-in the book "Stealing the Network - How to 0wn the Box"
-dnsmap is mainly meant to be used by pentesters during the information
-gathering/enumeration phase of infrastructure security assessments. During the
-enumeration stage, the security consultant would typically discover the target
-company's IP netblocks, domain names, phone numbers, etc ...
-Subdomain brute-forcing is another technique that should be used in the
-enumeration stage, as it's especially useful when other domain enumeration
-techniques such as zone transfers don't work (I rarely see zone transfers
-being *publicly* allowed these days by the way).
-If you are interested in researching stealth computer intrusion techniques,
-I suggest reading this excellent (and fun) chapter which you can find for
-*free* on the web:
-I'm happy to say that dnsmap was included in Backtrack 2, 3 and 4 and has
-been reviewed by the community:
-Compiling should be straightforward:
-$ make
-$ gcc -Wall dnsmap.c -o dnsmap
-Example of manual installation:
-# cp ./dnsmap /usr/local/bin/dnsmap
-If you wish to bruteforce several target domains in bulk fashion, you can use the
-included script. Just copy the script to /usr/local/bin/ so you can
-call it from any location. e.g.:
-# cp ./ /usr/local/bin/
-And set execute permissions. e.g.:
-# chmod ugo+x /usr/local/bin/
-Lack of multi-threading. This speed issue will hopefully be resolved in future versions.
-1. Finding interesting remote access servers (e.g.:
-2. Finding badly configured and/or unpatched servers (e.g.:
-3. Finding new domain names which will allow you to map non-obvious/hard-to-find netblocks
- of your target organization (registry lookups - aka whois is your friend)
-4. Sometimes you find that some bruteforced subdomains resolve to internal IP addresses
- (RFC 1918). This is great as sometimes they are real up-to-date "A" records which means
- that it *is* possible to enumerate internal servers of a target organization from the
- Internet by only using standard DNS resolving (as oppossed to zone transfers for instance).
-5. Discover embedded devices configured using Dynamic DNS services (e.g.:
- This method is an alternative to finding devices via Google hacking techniques
-Bruteforcing can be done either with dnsmap's built-in wordlist or a user-supplied wordlist.
-Results can be saved in CSV and human-readable format for further processing. dnsmap does
-NOT require root privileges to be run, and should NOT be run with such privileges for
-security reasons.
-The usage syntax can be obtained by simply running dnsmap without any parameters:
-$ ./dnsmap
-dnsmap 0.30 - DNS Network Mapper by pagvac (
-usage: dnsmap <target-domain> [options]
--w <wordlist-file>
--r <regular-results-file>
--c <csv-results-file>
--d <delay-millisecs>
--i <ips-to-ignore> (useful if you're obtaining false positives)
-Note: delay value is a maximum random value. e.g.: if you enter 1000, each DNS request
-will be delayed a *maximum* of 1 second. By default, dnsmap uses a value of 10 milliseconds
-of maximum delay between DNS lookups
-Subdomain bruteforcing using dnsmap's built-in word-list:
-$ ./dnsmap
-Subdomain bruteforcing using a user-supplied wordlist:
-$ ./dnsmap -w wordlist.txt
-Subdomain bruteforcing using the built-in wordlist and saving the results to /tmp/ :
-$ ./dnsmap -r /tmp/
-Since no filename was provided in the previous example, but rather only a path, dnsmap would
-create an unique filename which includes the current timestamp. e.g.:
-Example of subdomain bruteforcing using the built-in wordlist, saving the results to /tmp/,
-and waiting a random maximum of 3 milliseconds between each request:
-$ ./dnsmap -r /tmp/ -d 300
-It is recommended to use the -d (delay in milliseconds) option in cases where dnsmap is
-interfering with your online experience. i.e.: killing your bandwidth
-Subdomain bruteforcing with 0.8 seconds delay, saving results in regular and CSV format,
-filtering 2 user-provided IP and using a user-supplied wordlist:
-$ ./dnsmap -d 800 -r /tmp/ -c /tmp/ -i, -w ./wordlist_TLAs.txt
-For bruteforcing a list of target domains in a bulk fashion use the bash script provided. e.g.:
-$ ./ domains.txt /tmp/results/
-OTHER SIMILAR TOOLS - choice is freedom!
-Fierce Domain Scan
-pagvac |
-Feb 2010
diff --git a/Reaktor/repos/dnsmap/TODO.txt b/Reaktor/repos/dnsmap/TODO.txt
deleted file mode 100644
index 0df13680..00000000
--- a/Reaktor/repos/dnsmap/TODO.txt
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-* multi-threading - use pthread.h?
-* can't handle wildcarded domains that return more than one IP address on non-existing subdomains
- test domain:
-* allow using a customized list of DNS server to share network load
-* allow using DNS server supplied on the command line
-* for openDNS users: document how to permanently change DNS server settings so they are not overwritten by DHCP settings
-* convert hostent structs to addrinfo ?
-* replace inet_ntoa(*((struct in_addr *)host->h_addr_list[j])) with ipstr
-* obtain aliases for each domain (CNAME records)?
-* clever numerical domain bruteforce for clusters. i.e.: www2, www3
-* pickup new subdomains via reverse lookups (PTR records)
-* better input validation
- * improve function that validates target domain
diff --git a/Reaktor/repos/dnsmap/ b/Reaktor/repos/dnsmap/
deleted file mode 100755
index 574aba22..00000000
--- a/Reaktor/repos/dnsmap/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
-if [[ $# -ne 1 && $# -ne 2 ]]
- echo "usage: `basename $0` <domains-file> [results-path]";
- echo "e.g.:";
- echo "`basename $0` domains.txt";
- echo "`basename $0` domains.txt /tmp/";
- exit
-for i in `cat $1`
- if [[ $# -eq 1 ]]
- then
- dnsmap $i
- elif [[ $# -eq 2 ]]
- then
- dnsmap $i -r $2
- fi
diff --git a/Reaktor/repos/dnsmap/dnsmap.c b/Reaktor/repos/dnsmap/dnsmap.c
deleted file mode 100644
index 5276e305..00000000
--- a/Reaktor/repos/dnsmap/dnsmap.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,795 +0,0 @@
- * ** dnsmap - DNS Network Mapper by pagvac
- * ** Copyright (C) 2010
- * **
- * ** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- * ** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- * ** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- * ** (at your option) any later version.
- * **
- * ** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- * ** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- * ** GNU General Public License for more details.
- * **
- * ** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- * ** along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- * ** Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- * */
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <errno.h>
-#include <netdb.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <time.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/socket.h>
-#include <netinet/in.h>
-#include <arpa/inet.h>
-#include "dnsmap.h" // built-in subdomains list and define macros
-// function prototypes
-unsigned short int wildcarDetect(char *, char *);
-unsigned short int dodelay(unsigned short int);
-unsigned short int isPrivateIP(char *);
-unsigned short int isValidDomain(char *);
-unsigned short int usesOpenDNS(char *);
-unsigned short int isIPblacklisted(char *);
-int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
- unsigned short int i=0, j=0, k=0, l=0, found=0, ipCount=0, filtIPcount=0, milliseconds=10, intIPcount=0,
- wordlist=FALSE, txtResults=FALSE, csvResults=FALSE,
- delay=TRUE, filter=FALSE;
- unsigned long int start=0, end=0;
- char dom[MAXSTRSIZE]={'\0'}, csvResultsFilename[MAXSTRSIZE]={'\0'},
- txtResultsFilename[MAXSTRSIZE]={'\0'}, wordlistFilename[MAXSTRSIZE]={'\0'},
- ipstr[INET_ADDRSTRLEN]={'\0'}, wildcardIpStr[INET_ADDRSTRLEN]={'\0'},
- filterIPs[5][INET_ADDRSTRLEN]={{'\0'}},
- invalidTldIpstr[INET_ADDRSTRLEN]={'\0'};
- void *addr;
- char *ipver, *strP;
- struct hostent *h;
- // start of IPv6 stuff
- struct addrinfo hints, *res, *p;
- int status;
- char ipv6str[INET6_ADDRSTRLEN];
- memset(&hints, 0, sizeof hints);
- hints.ai_family = AF_INET6; // AF_INET or AF_INET6 to force version
- hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM;
- // end of IPv6 stuff
- FILE *fpWords,*fpCsvLogs,*fpTxtLogs;
- time_t now;
- struct tm *ts;
- char timestampBuf[18];
- printf("%s", BANNER);
- // get the current time
- now = time(NULL);
- // timestamp format: yyyy_mm_dd_hhmmss
- ts = localtime(&now);
- strftime(timestampBuf, sizeof(timestampBuf), "%Y_%m_%d_%H%M%S", ts);
- // start of *primitive* input validation
- // ideally more work should be spent on this!
- if(argc==1) {
- printf("%s%s", USAGE, EXAMPLES);
- exit(1);
- }
- else if(argc%2==1 && argc>2) {
- printf("%s%s", USAGE, EXAMPLES);
- exit(1);
- }
- for(i=0;argv[1][i];++i) // convert domain to lower case
- argv[1][i]=(tolower(argv[1][i]));
- #if DEBUG
- printf("domain: %s\n", argv[1]);
- #endif
- if(!isValidDomain(argv[1])) {
- printf("%s", DOMAINERR);
- exit(1);
- }
- for(i=0;i<argc;++i) {
- if((strlen(argv[i]))>MAXSTRSIZE) {
- printf("%s",INPUTERR);
- exit(1);
- }
- }
- // end of simple input validation
- /*
- else if ((h=gethostbyname(argv[1])) == NULL) { // get the host info
- herror("gethostbyname");
- exit(1);
- }
- */
- start=(int)time(NULL);
- #if DEBUG
- printf("start time: %d\n", (int)start);
- #endif
- // parse options
- for(i=0;i<argc;++i) {
- // save results in file using regular format
- if(!strcmp(argv[i],"-r")) {
- // contruct path where txt results file will be created
- txtResults=TRUE;
- //strncpy(csvResultsFilename, argv[(i+1)], MAXSTRSIZE);
- strncpy(txtResultsFilename, argv[(i+1)], MAXSTRSIZE-strlen(txtResultsFilename)-1);
- fpTxtLogs=fopen(txtResultsFilename, "a");
- if(!fpTxtLogs) {
- strncat(txtResultsFilename, "dnsmap_", MAXSTRSIZE-strlen(txtResultsFilename)-1);
- strncat(txtResultsFilename, argv[1], MAXSTRSIZE-strlen(txtResultsFilename)-1);
- strncat(txtResultsFilename, "_", MAXSTRSIZE-strlen(txtResultsFilename)-1);
- strncat(txtResultsFilename, timestampBuf, MAXSTRSIZE-strlen(txtResultsFilename)-1);
- // replace dots '.' with underscores '_' in filename
- for(l=0;l<strlen(txtResultsFilename);++l)
- if(txtResultsFilename[l]=='.')
- txtResultsFilename[l]='_';
- strncat(txtResultsFilename, ".txt", MAXSTRSIZE-strlen(txtResultsFilename)-1);
- fpTxtLogs=fopen(txtResultsFilename, "a");
- if(!fpTxtLogs) {
- exit(1);
- }
- }
- }
- // save results in file using CSV format
- if(!strcmp(argv[i],"-c")) {
- // contruct path where CSV results file will be created
- csvResults=TRUE;
- strncpy(csvResultsFilename, argv[(i+1)], MAXSTRSIZE-strlen(csvResultsFilename)-1);
- fpCsvLogs=fopen(csvResultsFilename, "a");
- if(!fpCsvLogs) {
- strncat(csvResultsFilename, "dnsmap_", MAXSTRSIZE-strlen(csvResultsFilename)-1);
- strncat(csvResultsFilename, argv[1], MAXSTRSIZE-strlen(csvResultsFilename)-1);
- strncat(csvResultsFilename, "_", MAXSTRSIZE-strlen(csvResultsFilename)-1);
- strncat(csvResultsFilename, timestampBuf, MAXSTRSIZE-strlen(csvResultsFilename)-1);
- // replace dots '.' with underscores '_' in filename
- for(l=0;l<strlen(csvResultsFilename);++l)
- if(csvResultsFilename[l]=='.')
- csvResultsFilename[l]='_';
- strncat(csvResultsFilename, ".csv", MAXSTRSIZE-strlen(csvResultsFilename)-1);
- fpCsvLogs=fopen(csvResultsFilename, "a");
- if(!fpCsvLogs) {
- exit(1);
- }
- }
- }
- // use provided wordlist as opposed to built-in one
- if(!strcmp(argv[i],"-w")) {
- wordlist=TRUE;
- strncpy(wordlistFilename, argv[(i+1)],MAXSTRSIZE);
- }
- // delay between subdomain resolution requests
- if(!strcmp(argv[i],"-d")) {
- if(atoi(argv[(i+1)])<1 || atoi(argv[(i+1)])>300000) { // delay must be between 1 ms and 5 minutes
- printf("%s", DELAYINPUTERR);
- exit(1);
- }
- delay=TRUE;
- milliseconds=atoi(argv[(i+1)]);
- }
- // filter out user-provided IP(s)
- if(!strcmp(argv[i],"-i")) {
- for(filtIPcount=1,j=0;argv[i+1][j]!='\0';++j)
- if(argv[i+1][j]==',')
- ++filtIPcount;
- #if DEBUG
- printf("%d IP(s) to filter found\nParsing ...\n", filtIPcount);
- #endif
- if(filtIPcount<=5) {
- printf(FILTERMSG);
- strP=strtok(argv[i+1],",");
- for(j=0;strP;) {
- if(strlen(strP)<INET_ADDRSTRLEN) {
- strncpy(filterIPs[j],strP,INET_ADDRSTRLEN);
- #if DEBUG
- printf("%s\n",filterIPs[j]);
- #endif
- ++j;
- }
- strP=strtok(NULL," ,");
- }
- }
- else {
- exit(1);
- }
- }
- }
- // read subdomains from built-in list
- if(!wordlist) {
- // openDNS detection
- if(usesOpenDNS(invalidTldIpstr))
- printf("%s",OPENDNSMSG);
- // wildcard detection
- wildcarDetect(argv[1],wildcardIpStr);
- if(strcmp(invalidTldIpstr,wildcardIpStr))
- printf(BUILTINMSG);
- if(milliseconds>=1)
- printf(DELAYMSG);
- printf("%s", "\n");
- for(i=0;i<(sizeof(sub)/MAXSUBSIZE);++i) {
- //skipResolve=FALSE;
- strncpy(dom,sub[i],MAXSTRSIZE-strlen(dom)-1);
- strncat(dom,".",MAXSTRSIZE-strlen(dom)-1);//TEST
- strncat(dom,argv[1],MAXSTRSIZE-strlen(dom)-1);
- #if DEBUG
- printf("brute-forced domain: %s\n",dom);
- #endif
- // ipv6 code modded from
- status = getaddrinfo(dom, NULL, &hints, &res);
- if ((status=getaddrinfo(dom, NULL, &hints, &res))==0) {
- printf("%s\n", dom);
- ++found;
- if(txtResults)
- fprintf(fpTxtLogs, "%s\n", dom);
- if(csvResults)
- fprintf(fpCsvLogs, "%s", dom);
- for(p=res,k=0;p;p=p->ai_next,++k) {
- if (p->ai_family==AF_INET6) { // IPv6
- struct sockaddr_in6 *ipv6=(struct sockaddr_in6 *)p->ai_addr;
- addr = &(ipv6->sin6_addr);
- ipver = "IPv6";
- }
- // convert the IP to a string and print it:
- inet_ntop(p->ai_family, addr, ipv6str, sizeof ipv6str);
- printf("%s address #%d: %s\n",ipver,k+1,ipv6str);
- ++ipCount;
- if(txtResults)
- fprintf(fpTxtLogs,"%s address #%d: %s\n",ipver,k+1,ipv6str);
- if(csvResults)
- fprintf(fpCsvLogs,",%s", ipv6str);
- }
- printf("%s", "\n");
- if(txtResults)
- fprintf(fpTxtLogs,"\n");
- if(csvResults)
- fprintf(fpCsvLogs,"\n");
- freeaddrinfo(res); // free the linked list
- } // end of if conditional
- h=gethostbyname(dom);
- //sprintf(ipstr,inet_ntoa(*((struct in_addr *)h->h_addr_list[0])),"%s");
- //for(j=0;h->h_addr_list[j];++j) {
- // sprintf(ipstr,inet_ntoa(*((struct in_addr *)h->h_addr_list[j])),"%s");
- // if(isIPblacklisted(ipstr)) {
- // skipResolve=TRUE;
- // break;
- // }
- //}
- //if(h && !skipResolve) {
- //if(h && !isIPblacklisted(ipstr)) {
- if(h && !isIPblacklisted(inet_ntoa(*((struct in_addr *)h->h_addr_list[0])))) {
- for(j=0;h->h_addr_list[j];++j) {
- sprintf(ipstr,inet_ntoa(*((struct in_addr *)h->h_addr_list[j])),"%s");
- for(k=0;k<filtIPcount;++k) {
- if(strcmp(filterIPs[k],ipstr)==0) { // filtered IP found
- // 1st IP of array - weird output formatting bug
- if(j!=0 && strcmp(wildcardIpStr,filterIPs[k])) {
- printf("\n");
- if(txtResults)
- fprintf(fpTxtLogs, "%s", "\n");
- if(csvResults)
- fprintf(fpCsvLogs, "%s", "\n");
- }
- #if DEBUG
- printf("%s found and ignored\n",filterIPs[k]);
- #endif
- filter=TRUE;
- if(h->h_addr_list[j+1])
- ++j;
- else
- break;
- }
- }
- //if(strcmp(wildcardIpStr,ipstr) && strcmp(filterIpStr,ipstr)) {
- if(strcmp(wildcardIpStr,ipstr) && filter==FALSE) {
- if(j==0) {
- ++found;
- printf("%s\n", dom);
- if(txtResults)
- fprintf(fpTxtLogs, "%s\n", dom);
- if(csvResults)
- fprintf(fpCsvLogs, "%s", dom);
- }
- printf("[%d] %s : %s\n", j+1,dom,ipstr);
- ++ipCount;
- if(isPrivateIP(ipstr)) {
- //if(isPrivateIP(inet_ntoa(*((struct in_addr *)h->h_addr_list[j])))) {
- printf("%s",INTIPWARN);
- ++intIPcount;
- }
- if(!strcmp(ipstr,"") && strcmp(wildcardIpStr,ipstr)) {
- //if(!strcmp(inet_ntoa(*((struct in_addr *)h->h_addr_list[j])),
- //""))
- printf("%s",SAMESITEXSSWARN);
- }
- if(txtResults) {
- //fprintf(fpCsvLogs,",%s",
- // inet_ntoa(*((struct in_addr *)h->h_addr_list[j])));
- fprintf(fpTxtLogs,"IP address #%d: %s\n", j+1, ipstr);
- if(isPrivateIP(ipstr) && strcmp(wildcardIpStr,ipstr))
- fprintf(fpTxtLogs,"%s",INTIPWARN);
- if(!strcmp(ipstr,"") && strcmp(wildcardIpStr,ipstr))
- fprintf(fpTxtLogs,"%s",SAMESITEXSSWARN);
- }
- if(csvResults && strcmp(wildcardIpStr,ipstr))
- fprintf(fpCsvLogs,",%s",ipstr);
- }
- }
- //if(strcmp(wildcardIpStr,ipstr) && strcmp(filterIpStr,ipstr)) {
- if(strcmp(wildcardIpStr,ipstr) && filter==FALSE) {
- printf("%s", "\n");
- if(txtResults)
- fprintf(fpTxtLogs,"%s","\n");
- if(csvResults)
- fprintf(fpCsvLogs,"%s","\n");
- }
- filter=FALSE;
- }
- // user wants delay between DNS requests?
- if(delay)
- dodelay(milliseconds);
- }
- if(txtResults)
- fclose(fpTxtLogs);
- if(csvResults)
- fclose(fpCsvLogs);
- }
- // read subdomains from wordlist file
- else if(wordlist) {
- // openDNS detection
- if(usesOpenDNS(invalidTldIpstr))
- printf("%s",OPENDNSMSG);
- // wildcard detection
- wildcarDetect(argv[1],wildcardIpStr);
- if(strcmp(invalidTldIpstr,wildcardIpStr))
- fpWords=fopen(wordlistFilename, "r");
- if(fpWords) {
- printf(EXTERNALMSG);
- if(milliseconds>=1)
- printf(DELAYMSG);
- printf("%s","\n");
- while(!feof(fpWords)) {
- //strncpy(dom,"",MAXSTRSIZE-strlen(dom)-1);
- for(i=0;i<strlen(dom);++i)
- dom[i]='\0';
- fscanf(fpWords,"%100s",dom); // wordlist subdomain not allowed to be more than 100 chars
- #if DEBUG
- printf("lengh of dom: %d\n",strlen(dom));
- #endif
- strncat(dom,".",MAXSTRSIZE-strlen(dom)-1);
- strncat(dom,argv[1],MAXSTRSIZE-strlen(dom)-1);
- #if DEBUG
- printf("brute-forced domain: %s\n",dom);
- #endif
- // ipv6 code modded from
- status = getaddrinfo(dom, NULL, &hints, &res);
- if ((status=getaddrinfo(dom, NULL, &hints, &res))==0) {
- printf("%s\n", dom);
- ++found;
- if(txtResults)
- fprintf(fpTxtLogs, "%s\n", dom);
- if(csvResults)
- fprintf(fpCsvLogs, "%s", dom);
- for(p=res,k=0;p;p=p->ai_next,++k) {
- void *addr;
- char *ipver;
- if (p->ai_family==AF_INET6) { // IPv6
- struct sockaddr_in6 *ipv6=(struct sockaddr_in6 *)p->ai_addr;
- addr = &(ipv6->sin6_addr);
- ipver = "IPv6";
- }
- // convert the IP to a string and print it:
- inet_ntop(p->ai_family, addr, ipv6str, sizeof ipv6str);
- printf("%s address #%d: %s\n",ipver,k+1,ipv6str);
- ++ipCount;
- if(txtResults)
- fprintf(fpTxtLogs,"%s address #%d: %s\n",ipver,k+1,ipv6str);
- if(csvResults)
- fprintf(fpCsvLogs,",%s", ipv6str);
- }
- printf("%s", "\n");
- if(txtResults)
- fprintf(fpTxtLogs,"\n");
- if(csvResults)
- fprintf(fpCsvLogs,"\n");
- freeaddrinfo(res); // free the linked list
- // ipv6 code modded from
- } // end of if conditional
- h=gethostbyname(dom);
- if(h && !isIPblacklisted(inet_ntoa(*((struct in_addr *)h->h_addr_list[0])))) {
- for(j=0;h->h_addr_list[j];++j) {
- sprintf(ipstr,inet_ntoa(*((struct in_addr *)h->h_addr_list[j])),"%s");
- //TEST
- for(k=0;k<filtIPcount;++k) {
- if(strcmp(filterIPs[k],ipstr)==0) { // filtered IP found
- // 1st IP of array - weird output formatting bug
- if(j!=0 && strcmp(wildcardIpStr,filterIPs[k])) {
- printf("\n");
- if(txtResults)
- fprintf(fpTxtLogs, "%s", "\n");
- if(csvResults)
- fprintf(fpCsvLogs, "%s", "\n");
- }
- #if DEBUG
- printf("%s found and ignored\n",filterIPs[k]);
- #endif
- filter=TRUE;
- if(h->h_addr_list[j+1])
- ++j;
- else
- break;
- }
- }
- //if(strcmp(wildcardIpStr,ipstr) && strcmp(filterIpStr,ipstr)) {
- if(strcmp(wildcardIpStr,ipstr) && filter==FALSE) {
- if(j==0) {
- ++found;
- printf("%s\n",dom);
- if(txtResults) {
- //fprintf(fpCsvLogs,"%s",dom);
- fprintf(fpTxtLogs,"%s\n",dom);
- }
- if(csvResults) {
- //fprintf(fpCsvLogs,"%s",dom);
- fprintf(fpCsvLogs,"%s",dom);
- }
- }
- printf("IP address #%d: %s\n",j+1,ipstr);
- ++ipCount;
- if(isPrivateIP(ipstr) && strcmp(wildcardIpStr,ipstr)) {
- printf("%s",INTIPWARN);
- ++intIPcount;
- }
- if(!strcmp(ipstr,"") && strcmp(wildcardIpStr,ipstr))
- printf("%s",SAMESITEXSSWARN);
- if(txtResults && strcmp(wildcardIpStr,ipstr)) {
- fprintf(fpTxtLogs,"IP address #%d: %s\n",j+1,ipstr);
- if(isPrivateIP(ipstr))
- fprintf(fpTxtLogs,"%s",INTIPWARN);
- if(!strcmp(ipstr,""))
- fprintf(fpTxtLogs,"%s",SAMESITEXSSWARN);
- }
- if(csvResults && strcmp(wildcardIpStr,ipstr))
- fprintf(fpCsvLogs,",%s",ipstr);
- }
- }
- //if(strcmp(wildcardIpStr,ipstr) && strcmp(filterIpStr,ipstr)) {
- if(strcmp(wildcardIpStr,ipstr) && filter==FALSE) {
- printf("%s", "\n");
- if(txtResults)
- fprintf(fpTxtLogs,"%s","\n");
- if(csvResults)
- fprintf(fpCsvLogs,"%s","\n");
- }
- filter=FALSE;
- }
- // user wants delay between DNS requests?
- if(delay)
- dodelay(milliseconds);
- } // end while() loop
- fclose(fpWords);
- }
- else {
- printf(OPENFILEERR);
- exit(1);
- }
- if(txtResults)
- fclose(fpTxtLogs);
- if(csvResults)
- fclose(fpCsvLogs);
- }
- printf(RESULTSMSG4);
- if(intIPcount>=1)
- printf(RESULTSMSG1);
- if(txtResults)
- printf(RESULTSMSG2);
- if(csvResults)
- printf(RESULTSMSG5);
- end=(int)time(NULL);
- printf(RESULTSMSG3);
- return 0;
-// return true if domain wildcards are enabled
-unsigned short int wildcarDetect(char *dom, char *ipstr) {
- char strTmp[30]={'\0'},s[MAXSTRSIZE]={'\0'};
- unsigned short int i=0,n=0,max=0;
- struct hostent *h;
- srand(time(NULL));
- max=rand()%20;
- // max should be between 10 and 20
- if(max<10)
- max=max+(10-max);
- // generate up to random 20 digits-long subdomain
- // e.g. 06312580442146732554
- for(i=0;i<max;++i) {
- n=rand()%10;
- sprintf(strTmp, "%d", n);
- if(i==0)
- strncpy(s,strTmp,MAXSTRSIZE-strlen(s)-1);
- else
- strncat(s,strTmp,MAXSTRSIZE-strlen(s)-1);
- }
- strncat(s,".",MAXSTRSIZE-strlen(s)-1);
- strncat(s, dom,MAXSTRSIZE-strlen(s)-1);
- #if DEBUG
- printf("random subdomain for wildcard testing: %s\n",s);
- #endif
- // random subdomain resolves, thus wildcards are enabled
- h=gethostbyname(s); // replace with getaddrinfo() ?
- if(h) { /*
- for(i=0;h->h_addr_list[i];++i) {
- */
- //sprintf(ipstr,inet_ntoa(*((struct in_addr *)h->h_addr_list[i])),"%s");
- sprintf(ipstr,inet_ntoa(*((struct in_addr *)h->h_addr_list[0])),"%s");
- #if DEBUG
- printf("wildcard domain\'s IP address: %s\n",ipstr);
- #endif
- return TRUE;
- }
- else
- return FALSE;
-// return number of milliseconds delayed
-unsigned short int dodelay(unsigned short int maxmillisecs) {
- unsigned short int n=0;
- srand(time(NULL));
- n=rand()%maxmillisecs;
- ++n;
- maxmillisecs=n;
- #if DEBUG
- printf("sleeping %d milliseconds ...\n",maxmillisecs);
- #endif
- usleep(maxmillisecs*1000);
- return maxmillisecs;
-// return true if IP addr is internal (RFC1918)
-unsigned short int isPrivateIP(char *ip) {
- char classB[][8]={"172.16.","172.17.","172.18.","172.19.",
- "172.20.","172.21.","172.22.","172.23.","172.24.",
- "172.25.","172.26.","172.27.","172.28.","172.29.",
- "172.30.","172.31."};
- unsigned short int i=0,j=0;
- size_t len = strlen(ip);
- // shortest: - 8 chars inc \0
- // longest: - 16 chars inc \0
- if(len<8 || len>16)
- return 0;
- // ip addr must have three period signs
- for(i=0,j=0;i<len;++i) {
- if(ip[i]=='.')
- ++j;
- }
- if(j!=3 || ip[0]=='.' || ip[len-1]=='.')
- return 0;
- // - (10/8 prefix)
- if(strncmp(ip,"10.",3)==0)
- return 1;
- // - (192.168/16 prefix)
- else if(strncmp(ip,"192.168.",8)==0)
- return 1;
- else {
- // - (172.16/12 prefix)
- for(i=0;i<sizeof(classB)/8;++i) {
- if(strncmp(ip,classB[i],7)==0)
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
- }
-// return true if domain is valid, false otherwise
-unsigned short int isValidDomain(char *d) {
- unsigned int i=0, j=0;
- char *tld;
- size_t len;
- char strTmp[30]={'\0'},s[MAXSTRSIZE]={'\0'};
- unsigned short int n=0,max=0;
- struct hostent *h;
- if(strlen(d)<4) // smallest possible domain provided. e.g.
- return 0;
- if(!strstr(d,".")) // target domain must have at least one dot. e.g.,
- return 0;
- tld=strstr(d,".");
- tld=tld+1;
- while(strstr(tld,".")){
- tld=strstr(tld,".");
- tld=tld+1;
- }
- #if DEBUG
- printf("tld\'s length: %d\n",strlen(tld));
- printf("dom: %s tld: %s\n",d,tld);
- #endif
- if((strlen(tld)<2) || (strlen(tld)>6)) // tld must be between 2-6 char. e.g. .museum, .uk
- return FALSE;
- // valid domain can only contain digits, letters, dot (.) and dash symbol (-)
- len = strlen(d);
- for(i=0;i<len;++i) {
- if (!(d[i] >= '0' && d[i] <= '9') &&
- !(d[i] >= 'a' && d[i] <= 'z') &&
- !(d[i] >= 'A' && d[i] <= 'Z') &&
- !(d[i] >= '-' && d[i] <= '.'))
- return 0;
- }
- srand(time(NULL));
- max