path: root/src
diff options
authortv <>2021-03-14 22:32:35 +0100
committertv <>2021-03-14 22:32:35 +0100
commitd151f66a8500f1b0a6aa2224f19e18062b172931 (patch)
tree24199e10c9ebc72b898188a0f2bdcf4b2e6ee244 /src
parent032cb86ff8108eb4915a692015da344a41f78506 (diff)
Diffstat (limited to 'src')
7 files changed, 1143 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/src/Much/Screen.hs b/src/Much/Screen.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..47bb90c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Much/Screen.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
+module Much.Screen (Screen(..), setScreen, withScreen) where
+import Control.Exception
+import Data.List
+import System.IO
+data Screen = Screen
+ { stdinEcho :: Bool
+ , stdinBufferMode :: BufferMode
+ , stdoutBufferMode :: BufferMode
+ , decsetPm :: [Int]
+ , decrstPm :: [Int]
+ }
+setScreen :: Screen -> IO Screen
+setScreen Screen{..} = get <* set where
+ get = Screen <$> hGetEcho stdin
+ <*> hGetBuffering stdin
+ <*> hGetBuffering stdout
+ <*> pure decrstPm
+ <*> pure decsetPm
+ set = do
+ hSetEcho stdin stdinEcho
+ hSetBuffering stdin stdinBufferMode
+ hSetBuffering stdout stdoutBufferMode
+ hPutStr stdout $ "\ESC[?" ++ intercalate ";" (map show decsetPm) ++ "h"
+ hPutStr stdout $ "\ESC[?" ++ intercalate ";" (map show decrstPm) ++ "l"
+ hFlush stdout
+withScreen :: Screen -> (Screen -> IO a) -> IO a
+withScreen s = bracket (setScreen s) setScreen
diff --git a/src/Pager/Rasterizer.hs b/src/Pager/Rasterizer.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..821e4cc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Pager/Rasterizer.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
+-- TODO rename to Pager.Sixelerator or something
+module Pager.Rasterizer where
+import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
+import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
+--import Graphics.X11.Xlib.Types (Dimension,Position,Rectangle(..))
+import qualified Sixel
+import Sixel (PaletteColor)
+import State (State(..))
+--import qualified XMonad.Web.Types
+import Pager.Types
+data WindowFeature
+ = WindowBackground
+ | WindowBorder
+ | FocusBackground
+ | FocusBorder
+ | UrgentBackground
+ | UrgentBorder
+renderWorkspacePreview :: Geometry -> State -> Workspace -> ByteString
+renderWorkspacePreview previewGeometry State{screenHeight,screenWidth} Workspace{..} =
+ Sixel.render previewGeometry rgbColors canvas
+ where
+ workspaceHeight = fromIntegral $ geometry_height previewGeometry :: Int
+ workspaceWidth = fromIntegral $ geometry_width previewGeometry :: Int
+ --workspaceX = fromIntegral $ geometry_x previewGeometry :: Int
+ --workspaceY = fromIntegral $ geometry_y previewGeometry
+ -- TODO workspaceFirstBandOffset = workspaceY - floor (fromIntegral workspaceY / 6 :: Double) * 6
+ -- TODO workspaceFirstBandHeight = 6 - workspaceFirstBandOffset
+ -- TODO workspaceSkipBandCount = floor $ fromIntegral workspaceHeight / (6 :: Double)
+ -- TODO? workspaceTotalBandCount = ceiling $ fromIntegral (workspaceFirstBandOffset + workspaceHeight) / (6 :: Double) :: Integer
+ -- TODO? workspaceLastBandHeight = workspaceHeight - (workspaceTotalBandCount - 1) * 6 + workspaceFirstBandOffset
+ scaleX = fromIntegral workspaceWidth / fromIntegral screenWidth :: Double
+ scaleY = fromIntegral workspaceHeight / fromIntegral screenHeight :: Double
+ -- XXX color indexes must start at 0 and be continuous (to compute sixeldata)
+ workspaceBackgroundColor = 0
+ windowBackgroundColor = 1
+ windowBorderColor = 2
+ focusBackgroundColor = 3
+ focusBorderColor = 4
+ urgentBackgroundColor = 5
+ urgentBorderColor = 6
+ rgbColors =
+ [ (0,0,0) -- workspace background
+ , (29,113,29) -- window background color
+ , (0,255,0) -- window border color
+ , (113,29,113) -- focus background color
+ , (255,0,255) -- focus border color
+ , (113,29,29) -- urgent background color
+ , (255,0,0) -- urgent border color
+ ]
+ canvas = rasterize f (fromIntegral workspaceWidth) (fromIntegral workspaceHeight)
+ <> blankLine -- #ex_offsetY
+ where
+ f x y = case catMaybes (map (getWindowFeatureAt x y) workspace_windows) of
+ UrgentBackground:_ -> urgentBackgroundColor
+ UrgentBorder:_ -> urgentBorderColor
+ FocusBackground:_ -> focusBackgroundColor
+ FocusBorder:_ -> focusBorderColor
+ WindowBackground:_ -> windowBackgroundColor
+ WindowBorder:_ -> windowBorderColor
+ _ -> workspaceBackgroundColor
+ -- XXX blank line is used in conjunction with ex_offsetY to "clean up" when moving up
+ -- remove this together with ex_offsetY.
+ blankLine = replicate workspaceWidth 0
+ --palette = map fromIntegral [0..length rgbColors - 1]
+ --colors = mconcat $ map (uncurry setColorMapRegister) (zip palette rgbColors)
+ --channels = splitChannels palette canvas
+ --scanlines = toScanlines (fromIntegral workspaceWidth) channels
+ --bitbands = toBitbands (fromIntegral workspaceWidth) scanlines
+ --bitbands6 = toBitbands6 bitbands
+ --bytebands = toBytebands bitbands6
+ --sixelbands = toSixelbands bytebands
+ --sixelbandsRLE = toSixelbandsRLE sixelbands
+ --sixeldata = toSixeldata (fromIntegral workspaceX) sixelbandsRLE
+ getWindowFeatureAt x y Window{..} =
+ if isBorder then
+ if window_urgent then
+ Just UrgentBorder
+ else if window_focused then
+ Just FocusBorder
+ else
+ Just WindowBorder
+ else if isBackground then
+ if window_urgent then
+ Just UrgentBackground
+ else if window_focused then
+ Just FocusBackground
+ else
+ Just WindowBackground
+ else
+ Nothing
+ where
+ w_x = round (scaleX * fromIntegral (geometry_x window_geometry))
+ w_y = round (scaleY * fromIntegral (geometry_y window_geometry))
+ w_width = round (scaleX * fromIntegral (geometry_width window_geometry))
+ w_height = round (scaleY * fromIntegral (geometry_height window_geometry))
+ isBackground =
+ (w_x <= x && x < w_x + w_width) &&
+ (w_y <= y && y < w_y + w_height)
+ isBorder =
+ (w_x <= x && x < w_x + w_width) &&
+ (w_y <= y && y < w_y + w_height) &&
+ (x == w_x || x == w_x + w_width - 1 || y == w_y || y == w_y + w_height - 1)
+rasterize :: (Int -> Int -> PaletteColor) -> Int -> Int -> [PaletteColor]
+rasterize f width height =
+ map f' ([0..width * height - 1] :: [Int])
+ where
+ f' index = f x y
+ where
+ x = fromIntegral $ index `mod` width
+ y = floor $ fromIntegral index / (fromIntegral width :: Double)
diff --git a/src/Pager/Types.hs b/src/Pager/Types.hs
index 95dd837..8a3b815 100644
--- a/src/Pager/Types.hs
+++ b/src/Pager/Types.hs
@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ data Workspace = Workspace
{ workspace_geometry :: Geometry
, workspace_focused :: Bool
, workspace_name :: Text
- , workspace_windows :: [Window]
+ , workspace_windows :: [Window] -- sorted by z-order, earlier windows overlap later ones
$(deriveJSON defaultOptions { fieldLabelModifier = tail . dropWhile (/='_') } ''Geometry)
diff --git a/src/Sixel.hs b/src/Sixel.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9bda65a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Sixel.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,172 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+module Sixel
+ ( PaletteColor
+ , RGBColor
+ , render
+ ) where
+import Data.Bits (shiftL)
+import Data.Bool (bool)
+import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
+import Data.Word (Word8)
+import Pager.Types (Geometry(..))
+import qualified Data.ByteString as ByteString
+import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as ByteString.Char8
+import qualified Data.Char as Char
+import qualified Data.List as List
+import qualified Data.List.Split as List (chunksOf)
+import qualified Foreign.C.Types
+import qualified Numeric.Probability.Trace as List (zipListWith)
+import qualified Test.Speculate.Utils as Tuple (uncurry6)
+showByteString :: Show a => a -> ByteString
+showByteString =
+ ByteString.Char8.pack . show
+type Bit = Foreign.C.Types.CBool
+type Sixel = (Bit, Bit, Bit, Bit, Bit, Bit)
+-- TODO rename to RegisteredColor, IndexedColor?
+type PaletteColor = Word8
+type RGBColor = (Word8, Word8, Word8)
+render :: Geometry -> [RGBColor] -> [PaletteColor] -> ByteString
+render (Geometry x y width _) rgbColors canvas =
+ "\ESCP0;0;q" <> colors <> sixeldata <> "\ESC\\"
+ where
+ bandsToSkip = floor (fromIntegral y / (6 :: Double))
+ paddedCanvas =
+ if y < 0 then
+ drop (-(fromIntegral y) * fromIntegral width) canvas
+ else
+ let
+ paddingTop = replicate (fromIntegral offsetY * fromIntegral width) 0
+ offsetY = y - bandsToSkip * 6
+ in
+ paddingTop <> canvas
+ palette = map fromIntegral [0..length rgbColors - 1]
+ colors = mconcat $ map (uncurry setColorMapRegister) (zip palette rgbColors)
+ channels = splitChannels palette paddedCanvas
+ bitmaps = map (toScanlines width) channels
+ images = map (map (runLengthEncode . toByteString) . toSixels) bitmaps
+ sixeldata = skipBands (fromIntegral bandsToSkip) <> overstrikeBands (map (map (shiftX x)) images)
+skipBands :: Int -> ByteString
+skipBands n =
+ ByteString.replicate n newline
+ where
+ newline = fromIntegral (Char.ord '-')
+shiftX :: Int -> ByteString -> ByteString
+shiftX x s =
+ "!" <> showByteString x <> "?" <> s
+setColorMapRegister :: PaletteColor -> RGBColor -> ByteString
+setColorMapRegister i _rgbColor256@(r256,g256,b256) =
+ "#" <> mconcat (List.intersperse ";" (map showByteString [i, 2, r100, g100, b100]))
+ where
+ (r100,g100,b100) = (to100 r256, to100 g256, to100 b256)
+ to100 = round . (*(100/256 :: Double)) . fromIntegral
+useColorMapRegister :: PaletteColor -> ByteString -> ByteString
+useColorMapRegister color s =
+ "#" <> showByteString color <> s
+-- TODO what's the correct name?
+-- TODO reword: channels :: [BitArray Int]
+-- TODO reword: XXX channels must be sorted by color index (to compute sixeldata)
+splitChannels :: [PaletteColor] -> [PaletteColor] -> [[Bit]]
+splitChannels channels canvas =
+ map (flip getChannel canvas) channels
+ where
+ getChannel :: PaletteColor -> [PaletteColor] -> [Bit]
+ getChannel color = map (bool 0 1 . (==color))
+toScanlines :: Int -> [Bit] -> [[Bit]]
+toScanlines width =
+ List.chunksOf (fromIntegral width)
+-- TODO maybe use BitArray
+-- Turn scanlines into sixelbands.
+-- Empty lines will be added as necessary to construct the final band.
+toSixels :: [[Bit]] -> [[Sixel]]
+toSixels =
+ map (Tuple.uncurry6 List.zip6) . rec
+ where
+ rec :: [[Bit]] -> [([Bit],[Bit],[Bit],[Bit],[Bit],[Bit])]
+ rec (a:b:c:d:e:f:rest) = (a,b,c,d,e,f) : rec rest
+ rec (a:b:c:d:e:[]) = (a,b,c,d,e,z) : []
+ rec (a:b:c:d:[]) = (a,b,c,d,z,z) : []
+ rec (a:b:c:[]) = (a,b,c,z,z,z) : []
+ rec (a:b:[]) = (a,b,z,z,z,z) : []
+ rec (a:[]) = (a,z,z,z,z,z) : []
+ rec ([]) = []
+ z = repeat 0
+toByteString :: [Sixel] -> ByteString
+toByteString =
+ ByteString.pack . map ((+63) . toWord8)
+toWord8 :: Sixel -> Word8
+toWord8 (a, b, c, d, e, f) =
+ shiftL (fromIntegral a) 0 +
+ shiftL (fromIntegral b) 1 +
+ shiftL (fromIntegral c) 2 +
+ shiftL (fromIntegral d) 3 +
+ shiftL (fromIntegral e) 4 +
+ shiftL (fromIntegral f) 5
+runLengthEncode :: ByteString -> ByteString
+runLengthEncode input =
+ case ByteString.uncons input of
+ Just (c, input') ->
+ let
+ (c_last, n_last, out) = ByteString.foldl f (c, 1, "") input'
+ in
+ encode c_last n_last out
+ Nothing ->
+ input
+ where
+ f :: (Word8, Int, ByteString) -> Word8 -> (Word8, Int, ByteString)
+ f (c, n, out) c_in =
+ if c_in == c then
+ (c, n + 1, out)
+ else
+ (c_in, 1, encode c n out)
+ encode :: Word8 -> Int -> ByteString -> ByteString
+ encode c n output =
+ if n > 3 then
+ output <> "!" <> showByteString n <> ByteString.singleton c
+ else
+ output <> ByteString.replicate n c
+overstrikeBands :: [[ByteString]] -> ByteString
+overstrikeBands =
+ mconcat . List.intersperse "-" . List.zipListWith overstrikeBand
+-- #gitginore TODO use Vector.imap instead of map zip [0..]?
+overstrikeBand :: [ByteString] -> ByteString
+overstrikeBand =
+ mconcat . List.intersperse "$" . map (uncurry useColorMapRegister) . zip [0..]
diff --git a/src/State.hs b/src/State.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b996af6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/State.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+module State where
+import qualified Data.Char
+import Data.Default (Default,def)
+import Data.Text (Text)
+import Data.Maybe (catMaybes)
+import qualified Data.Text as Text
+import qualified Data.Text.IO as Text
+import qualified Data.Text.Read as Text
+import Control.Monad (forever)
+import Blessings.Text (Blessings(Plain,SGR),pp)
+import qualified Blessings.Internal as Blessings
+import Control.Concurrent
+import Data.Time
+import Data.Map (Map)
+import qualified Data.Map as Map
+import Scanner
+import System.IO
+import qualified System.Console.Terminal.Size as Term
+import System.Posix.Signals (Handler(Catch), Signal, installHandler, sigINT)
+import Much.Screen (Screen(Screen), withScreen)
+import qualified Hack.Buffer as Buffer
+import Hack.Buffer (Buffer)
+--import XMonad.Aeson ()
+--import qualified XMonad.Web.Types ()
+--import qualified XMonad
+--import qualified XMonad.Web.Types
+--import qualified XMonad.StackSet
+import Network.HTTP.Client (Manager)
+import Pager.Types
+data State = State
+ { buffer :: Buffer
+ , flashMessage :: Blessings Text
+ -- , now :: UTCTime
+ , termWidth :: Int
+ , termHeight :: Int
+ , charHeight :: Int
+ , charWidth :: Int
+ , screenWidth :: Int
+ , screenHeight :: Int
+ , termHeightPixels :: Int
+ , termWidthPixels :: Int
+ , termBorder :: Int
+ , manager :: Manager -- TODO not part of the state
+ --Request -> Manager -> IO (Response ByteString)Source
+ , workspaceViewportHeight :: Int
+ , workspaceViewportOffset :: Int
+ , foundWorkspaces :: [Text]
+ --, workspaces :: [Text]
+ --, workspaces :: Map Text [XMonad.Web.Types.Window]
+ , workspaces :: Map Text Workspace
+ , workspaceCursor :: Int
+ --
+ --, xmonadState :: XMonad.Web.Types.State (XMonad.Web.Types.DummyLayout Text)
+ , ex_offsetY :: Int -- TODO Word
+ }
+instance Default State where
+ def = State
+ { buffer = Buffer.emptyBuffer
+ , flashMessage = "Welcome to pager; quit with ^C"
+ -- , now = UTCTime (fromGregorian 1984 5 23) 49062
+ , termWidth = 0
+ , termHeight = 0
+ , screenHeight = 768 -- TODO
+ , screenWidth = 1366 -- TODO
+ , charWidth = 0
+ , charHeight = 0
+ , termWidthPixels = 0
+ , termHeightPixels = 0
+ , termBorder = 0
+ --
+ , workspaceViewportHeight = 0
+ , workspaceViewportOffset = 0
+ , foundWorkspaces = []
+ , workspaces = Map.empty
+ , workspaceCursor = 0
+ --
+ --, xmonadState = def
+ , ex_offsetY = 0
+ }
diff --git a/src/krebs.hs b/src/krebs.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..38170dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/krebs.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+ --Text.writeFile "/tmp/test" $ pp krebs
+ krebs = let size = 16 in
+ Plain
+ $ Text.decodeUtf8With (\_ _ -> Nothing)
+ $ Sixel.render
+ --(Rectangle (fromIntegral $ termWidthPixels - (fromIntegral size) - 2 * termBorder) 60 size size)
+ (Rectangle (fromIntegral $ termWidthPixels - (fromIntegral size) - 2 * termBorder) 38 size size)
+ [(0,0,0),(228,0,43)]
+ [0,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0,1
+ ,1,1,0,1,0,0,1,1,0,1,1,0,1,1,0,1
+ ,1,1,0,1,0,0,1,1,0,1,1,0,1,1,0,1
+ ,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,0,1,1,1
+ ,0,1,1,1,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,1,1,1
+ ,0,0,1,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,1,0
+ ,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0
+ ,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0,0,0
+ ,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,0,0
+ ,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,1,1,0,0,0,1,0,0
+ ,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,0,1,0
+ ,0,0,1,0,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,0,0,1,0
+ ,0,0,1,0,1,1,0,1,0,1,0,1,1,0,1,0
+ ]
diff --git a/src/main.hs b/src/main.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7d956a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/main.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,693 @@
+{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
+{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
+module Main where
+import qualified Data.Char as Char
+import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson
+import Data.Default (def)
+import Data.Text (Text)
+import Data.Maybe (catMaybes,fromMaybe,listToMaybe)
+import qualified Data.Text as Text
+import qualified Data.Text.IO as Text
+import qualified Data.Text.Read as Text
+import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as Text
+import Control.Monad (forever)
+import Blessings.Text (Blessings(Plain,SGR),pp)
+import qualified Blessings.Internal as Blessings
+import Control.Concurrent
+import Data.Time
+import qualified Data.Map as Map
+import Pager.Types
+import Scanner
+import System.IO
+import qualified System.Console.Terminal.Size as Term
+import System.Posix.Signals (Handler(Catch), Signal, installHandler, raiseSignal, sigINT)
+import Much.Screen (Screen(Screen), withScreen)
+import qualified Hack.Buffer as Buffer
+import Hack.Buffer (Buffer)
+--import XMonad.Aeson ()
+--import XMonad.Web.Types ()
+----import qualified XMonad
+--import qualified XMonad.StackSet
+--import qualified XMonad.Web.Types
+import qualified Sixel
+import Sixel (PaletteColor)
+import State (State(..))
+--import Graphics.X11.Xlib.Types (Dimension,Position,Rectangle(..))
+--import qualified XMonad.Web.Types
+import qualified Pager.Rasterizer as Rasterizer
+import System.Environment (lookupEnv)
+-- begin http client
+--import Network.HTTP.Client
+--import Network.HTTP.Client.Internal (Connection, openSocketConnection, makeConnection)
+--import Network.Socket.ByteString (sendAll, recv)
+--import qualified Control.Exception as E
+--import qualified Network.Socket as NS
+import qualified Network.Socket as S
+import qualified Network.Socket.ByteString as SBS
+import Network.HTTP.Client
+--import Network.HTTP.Client.Internal (makeConnection)
+import Network.HTTP.Types.Status (statusCode)
+-- end http client
+showText :: Show a => a -> Text
+showText = Text.pack . show
+-- TODO move to Buffer
+bufferLength :: Buffer -> Int
+bufferLength (ls, rs) =
+ length ls + length rs
+insertChar :: Char -> Buffer -> Buffer
+insertChar c (ls, rs) = (ls <> [c], rs)
+insertString :: String -> Buffer -> Buffer
+insertString s (ls, rs) = (ls <> s, rs)
+(!!?) :: [a] -> Int -> Maybe a
+x !!? i | i >= 0 = listToMaybe (drop i x)
+_ !!? _ = Nothing
+lookupCursoredWorkspace :: State -> Maybe Workspace
+lookupCursoredWorkspace State{..} =
+ flip Map.lookup workspaces =<< foundWorkspaces !!? workspaceCursor
+---- XXX assumes that the cursor is already at the (cleared) input line
+---- TODO renderInputLine looks like it wants to be -> VT ()
+--renderInputLine :: Maybe Int -> Mode -> Buffer -> IO ()
+--renderInputLine mb_cnt m (lhs, rhs) = do
+-- --clearLine -- XXX do we need this clearLine?
+-- renderRight $
+-- SGR [30,1] $
+-- Plain (show m) <>
+-- maybe Empty
+-- (("["<>) . (<>"]") . SGR [33,1] . Plain . show)
+-- mb_cnt
+-- renderLeft $ promptString m <> gaudySpecial [35] (lhs ++ rhs)
+-- moveCursorLeft $ length $ lit rhs
+--renderLeft :: Blessings String -> IO ()
+--renderLeft = putStr . pp
+--renderRight :: Blessings String -> IO ()
+--renderRight a = do
+-- saveCursor
+-- moveCursorRight 1024 -- XXX obviously, this is a hack..^_^
+-- moveCursorLeft $ len a - 1
+-- renderLeft a
+-- unsaveCursor
+-- end move to Buffer
+renderBuffer :: State -> Blessings Text
+renderBuffer State{buffer=(ls0,rs0)} =
+ let
+ ls = Text.pack ls0
+ rs = Text.pack rs0
+ in
+ case Text.uncons rs of
+ Just (c, rs') ->
+ Plain ls <> SGR [48,5,200] (Plain $ Text.singleton c) <> Plain rs'
+ Nothing ->
+ let
+ c = ' '
+ in
+ Plain ls <> SGR [48,5,200] (Plain $ Text.singleton c) <> Plain rs
+data Event =
+ --EFlash (Blessings Text) |
+ EScan Scan |
+ EShutdown |
+ --EReload |
+ EResize Int Int
+ --EStateGet (State -> IO ())
+ deriving Show
+-- TODO handle exceptions / errors
+wmget :: Aeson.FromJSON a => Manager -> String -> IO (Maybe a)
+wmget manager path = do
+ -- TODO check path is absolute
+ let url = "http://localhost" <> path
+ let request = parseRequest_ url
+ response <- httpLbs request manager
+ --putStrLn $ "wmget: The status code was: " ++ (show $ statusCode $ responseStatus response)
+ return $ Aeson.decode $ responseBody response
+wmpost :: (Aeson.ToJSON a, Aeson.FromJSON b) => Manager -> String -> a -> IO (Maybe b)
+wmpost manager path content = do
+ -- TODO check path is absolute
+ let url = "http://localhost" <> path
+ let request = (parseRequest_ url) { method = "POST", requestBody = RequestBodyLBS $ Aeson.encode content }
+ response <- httpLbs request manager
+ --putStrLn $ "wmpost: The status code was: " ++ (show $ statusCode $ responseStatus response)
+ return $ Aeson.decode $ responseBody response
+--post path content = do
+-- -- TODO check path is absolute
+-- let url = "http://localhost" <> path
+-- let request = parseRequest_ { method = "POST", requestBody = RequestBodyLBS $ Aeson.encode content }
+-- httpLbs request manager
+-- TODO put displayNumber in some lib
+-- (where's the manual in NixOS?)
+-- hostname:number.screen_number
+--displayNumber :: String -> Maybe Int
+--displayNumber =
+-- takeWhile Char.isDigit . dropWhile (==':')
+main :: IO ()
+main = do
+ -- TODO dedup with xmonad API
+ display <- read . fromMaybe "0" . fmap (takeWhile Char.isDigit . dropWhile (==':')) <$> lookupEnv "DISPLAY" :: IO Int
+ -- API says: -- TODO runtimeDir instead of cacheDir
+ cacheDir <- fromMaybe undefined <$> lookupEnv "XMONAD_CACHE_DIR"
+ let xmonadSocketPath = cacheDir <> "/warp-" <> show display <> ".sock"
+ manager <- newUnixDomainSocketManager xmonadSocketPath
+ --response <- get "/state"
+ Just workspaces <- wmget manager "/pager/state" :: IO (Maybe [Workspace])
+ --putStrLn $ "The status code was: " ++ (show $ statusCode $ responseStatus response)
+ --let body = responseBody response
+ ----print body
+ --let Just XMonad.Web.Types.State{..} = Aeson.decode body :: Maybe (XMonad.Web.Types.State (XMonad.Web.Types.DummyLayout Text))
+ ----x <- getXMonadState
+ --print (111 :: Int)
+ --mapM_ (putStrLn . XMonad.StackSet.tag) (XMonad.Web.Types.s_workspaces state)
+ --print (112 :: Int)
+ --mapM_ (putStrLn . show . XMonad.StackSet.stack) (XMonad.Web.Types.s_workspaces state)
+ --print (113 :: Int)
+ --mapM_ (putStrLn . show . XMonad.StackSet.layout) (XMonad.Web.Types.s_workspaces state)
+ --print (114 :: Int)
+ --mapM_ (putStrLn . show) (XMonad.Web.Types.s_windows state)
+ ----print (115 :: Int)
+ ----print state
+ --print (999 :: Int)
+ let screen0 = Screen False NoBuffering (BlockBuffering $ Just 4096)
+ [ 1000 -- X & Y on button press and release
+ , 1005 -- UTF-8 mouse mode
+ , 1047 -- use alternate screen buffer
+ ]
+ [ 25 -- hide cursor
+ , 80 -- disable sixel scrolling
+ ]
+ withScreen screen0 $ \_ -> do
+ (putEvent, getEvent) <- do
+ v <- newEmptyMVar
+ return (putMVar v, takeMVar v)
+ let q1 =
+ updateFoundWorkspaces $ def
+ { manager = manager
+ , termBorder = 2 -- TODO config
+ , workspaces =
+ let
+ f workspace@Workspace{workspace_name} = ( workspace_name, workspace )
+ in
+ Map.fromList (map f workspaces)
+ }
+ --windows =
+ -- let
+ -- f window@Window{window_id} = ( window_id, window )
+ -- in
+ -- Map.fromList (map f s_windows)
+ signalHandlers =
+ [ (sigINT, putEvent EShutdown)
+ , (28, winchHandler putEvent)
+ ]
+ installHandlers signalHandlers
+ threadIds <- mapM forkIO
+ [ forever $ scan stdin >>= putEvent . EScan
+ ]
+ winchHandler putEvent
+ run getEvent q1
+ hPutStr stdout "Fin"
+ mapM_ killThread threadIds
+run :: IO Event -> State -> IO ()
+run getEvent = rec . Right where
+ rec = \case
+ Right q -> -- do
+ --t <- getCurrentTime
+ --let q' = q { now = t }
+ redraw q >> getEvent >>= processEvent q >>= rec
+ Left _q -> return ()
+installHandlers :: [(Signal, IO ())] -> IO ()
+installHandlers =
+ mapM_ (\(s, h) -> installHandler s (Catch h) Nothing)
+processEvent :: State -> Event -> IO (Either State State)
+processEvent q@State{..} = \case
+ EScan (ScanKey s) ->
+ Right <$> keymap (Text.pack s) q
+ EScan mouseInfo@ScanMouse{..} ->
+ Right <$> mousemap mouseInfo q
+ EShutdown ->
+ return $ Left q
+ EResize w h ->
+ return $ Right q
+ { termWidth = w, termHeight = h
+ , flashMessage = Plain $ "resize " <> showText (w,h)
+ , workspaceViewportHeight = newWorkspaceViewportHeight
+ , workspaceViewportOffset = newWorkspaceViewportOffset
+ }
+ where
+ -- TODO resizeWorkspaceViewport
+ -- TODO what if h < 0?
+ newWorkspaceViewportHeight = h - 2 {- input line + status line -}
+ newWorkspaceViewportOffset =
+ if newWorkspaceViewportHeight >= workspaceViewportHeight then
+ max 0 $ workspaceViewportOffset - (newWorkspaceViewportHeight - workspaceViewportHeight)
+ else if workspaceCursor < newWorkspaceViewportHeight + workspaceViewportOffset then
+ workspaceViewportOffset
+ else
+ workspaceViewportOffset + (workspaceViewportHeight - newWorkspaceViewportHeight)
+keymap :: Text -> State -> IO State
+keymap s
+ | [ "\ESC[4"
+ , Text.decimal -> Right (termHeightPixels, "")
+ , Text.unsnoc -> Just (Text.decimal -> Right (termWidthPixels, "") , 't')
+ ] <- Text.split (==';') s
+ = \q ->
+ return q { termHeightPixels, termWidthPixels }
+keymap s
+ | [ "\ESC[6"
+ , Text.decimal -> Right (charHeight, "")
+ , Text.unsnoc -> Just (Text.decimal -> Right (charWidth, "") , 't')
+ ] <- Text.split (==';') s
+ = \q ->
+ return q { charHeight, charWidth }
+-- Up
+keymap "\ESC[A" = \q@State{..} ->
+ let
+ newWorkspaceCursor = max 0 $ min (workspaceCursor + 1) $ length foundWorkspaces - 1
+ newWorkspaceViewportOffset =
+ -- TODO dedup with processEvent / EResize
+ if newWorkspaceCursor < workspaceViewportOffset + workspaceViewportHeight then
+ workspaceViewportOffset
+ else
+ workspaceViewportOffset + (newWorkspaceCursor - workspaceCursor)
+ in
+ return q
+ { workspaceCursor = newWorkspaceCursor
+ , workspaceViewportOffset = newWorkspaceViewportOffset
+ }
+-- Down
+keymap "\ESC[B" = \q@State{..} ->
+ --return q { workspaceCursor = max 0 $ workspaceCursor - 1 }
+ let
+ newWorkspaceCursor = max 0 $ workspaceCursor - 1
+ newWorkspaceViewportOffset =
+ -- TODO dedup with processEvent / EResize
+ if newWorkspaceCursor >= workspaceViewportOffset then
+ workspaceViewportOffset
+ else
+ workspaceViewportOffset - (workspaceCursor - newWorkspaceCursor)
+ in
+ return q
+ { workspaceCursor = newWorkspaceCursor
+ , workspaceViewportOffset = newWorkspaceViewportOffset
+ }
+-- Right
+keymap "\ESC[C" = \q@State{..} ->
+ return q { buffer = Buffer.move Buffer.CharsForward 1 buffer }
+-- Left
+keymap "\ESC[D" = \q@State{..} ->
+ return q { buffer = Buffer.move Buffer.CharsBackward 1 buffer }
+-- Home
+keymap "\ESC[H" = \q@State{..} ->
+ return q { ex_offsetY = ex_offsetY - 1 }
+-- End
+keymap "\ESC[F" = \q@State{..} ->
+ return q { ex_offsetY = ex_offsetY + 1 }
+keymap "\b" = \q@State{..} ->
+ updateFoundWorkspaces <$> return q { buffer = Buffer.delete Buffer.CharsBackward 1 buffer }
+keymap "\n" =
+ jumpQndQuit
+keymap s
+ | Text.length s == 1
+ , [c] <- Text.unpack s
+ , Char.isPrint c
+ = \q@State{..} ->
+ return (updateFoundWorkspaces q { buffer = insertChar c buffer }) >>= \q@State{..} ->
+ -- TODO make the jump-when-exactly-one-match behavior configurable
+ if length foundWorkspaces == 1 then
+ -- TODO if length foundWorkspaces == 2 and one of the workspaces is
+ -- focused, then jump to the other
+ case workspace_focused <$> lookupCursoredWorkspace q of
+ Just False ->
+ jumpQndQuit q
+ _ ->
+ return q
+ else
+ return q
+keymap s =
+ displayKey s
+jumpQndQuit :: State -> IO State
+jumpQndQuit q@State{manager} = do
+ case workspace_name <$> lookupCursoredWorkspace q of
+ Just name -> do
+ -- TODO response, TODO Cmd-like
+ _ <- wmpost manager ("/workspace/" <> Text.unpack name <> "/view") () :: IO (Maybe ())
+ raiseSignal sigINT
+ return q
+ Nothing ->
+ return q
+ -- IfElse's Control.Monad.IfElse.awhenM:
+ --awhenM (workspace_name <$> lookupCursoredWorkspace) $ \name -> do
+ -- _ <- wmpost manager ("/workspace/" <> Text.unpack name <> "/view") () :: IO (Maybe ())
+ -- raiseSignal sigINT
+ --return q
+updateFoundWorkspaces :: State -> State
+updateFoundWorkspaces q@State{..} =
+ q { foundWorkspaces = newFoundWorkspaces
+ , workspaceCursor = max 0 $ min workspaceCursor $ length newFoundWorkspaces - 1
+ }
+ where
+ -- TODO List.sortBy compareWorkspaces (requires workspaces to be something better than a string)
+ newFoundWorkspaces = filter f (Map.keys workspaces)
+ f = Text.isPrefixOf (Text.pack (Buffer.showBuffer buffer))
+mousemap :: Scan -> State -> IO State
+--mousemap ScanMouse{mouseButton=1,mouseY=y} = defaultMouse1Click y
+--mousemap ScanMouse{mouseButton=3,mouseY=y} = \q -> defaultMouse1Click y q >>= toggleFold
+--mousemap ScanMouse{mouseButton=4} = moveTreeDown 3
+--mousemap ScanMouse{mouseButton=5} = moveTreeUp 3
+--mousemap ScanMouse{mouseButton=0} = return
+mousemap info = displayMouse info
+displayKey :: Text -> State -> IO State
+displayKey s q = return q { flashMessage = Plain $ showText s }
+displayMouse :: Scan -> State -> IO State
+displayMouse info q =
+ return q { flashMessage = SGR [38,5,202] $ Plain $ showText info }
+winchHandler :: (Event -> IO ()) -> IO ()
+winchHandler putEvent = do
+ -- TODO use events
+ --hPutStr stdout "\ESCc" -- TODO only on change
+ hPutStr stdout "\ESC[14t" -- query terminal width / height (in pixels)
+ hPutStr stdout "\ESC[16t" -- query character width / height
+ Term.size >>= \case
+ Just Term.Window {Term.width = w, Term.height = h} ->
+ putEvent $ EResize w h
+ Nothing ->
+ return ()
+redraw :: State -> IO ()
+redraw q@State{..} = do
+ Text.hPutStr stdout . pp $
+ "\ESC[H"
+ <> (mintercalate "\n" $ map eraseRight2 $ render0 q)
+ -- XXX this has no effect when sixel scrolling is disabled
+ -- <> "\ESC[5;" <> Plain (showText $ maxWidth + 2) <> "H"
+ <> workspacePreview
+ hFlush stdout
+ where
+ workspacePreview :: Blessings Text
+ workspacePreview =
+ let
+ previewWidth = paddingRight * charWidth :: Int
+ previewHeight = round $ (fromIntegral previewWidth :: Double) / fromIntegral screenWidth * fromIntegral screenHeight :: Int
+ previewGeometry = Geometry
+ { geometry_width = fromIntegral previewWidth
+ , geometry_height = fromIntegral previewHeight
+ , geometry_x = fromIntegral $ termWidthPixels - previewWidth
+ , geometry_y = fromIntegral $ ex_offsetY
+ }
+ --windows =
+ -- case foundWorkspaces of
+ -- [] -> []
+ -- _ ->
+ -- let
+ -- cursoredWorkspace = foundWorkspaces !! workspaceCursor -- TODO safe
+ -- in
+ -- fromMaybe [] $ Map.lookup cursoredWorkspace workspaces
+ in
+ --case foundWorkspaces of
+ -- [] -> ""
+ -- _ ->
+ -- let
+ -- cursoredWorkspace = foundWorkspaces !! workspaceCursor -- TODO safe
+ -- ws = fromMaybe emptyWorkspace $ Map.lookup cursoredWorkspace workspaces
+ -- -- TODO def
+ -- emptyWorkspace = Workspace
+ -- { workspace_geometry = Geometry 0 0 0 0
+ -- , workspace_focused = False
+ -- , workspace_name = ""
+ -- , workspace_windows = []
+ -- }
+ -- in
+ -- Plain