{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} import Control.Applicative import Control.Concurrent import Control.Exception import Data.Maybe import Scanner (scan, runScanner, toChar) import System.Directory import System.Environment import System.Exit import System.IO import System.Posix.Files import System.Posix.Signals import System.Process import TreeSearch import TreeView import TreeViewRaw import qualified Notmuch import qualified Notmuch.Message as Notmuch import qualified Notmuch.SearchResult as Notmuch import qualified Data.Tree.Zipper as Z import qualified Data.Tree as Tree import qualified Data.Text as T data State = State { charge :: IO () , discharge :: IO () , cursor :: Z.TreePos Z.Full TreeView , xoffset :: Int , yoffset :: Int , flashMessage :: String , screenWidth :: Int , screenHeight :: Int } main :: IO () main = do setEnv "HOME" =<< getEnv "OLDHOME" q@State{..} <- initState bracket_ charge discharge $ do winchHandler run q initState :: IO State initState = do let query = "tag:inbox AND NOT tag:killed" r_ <- either error id <$> Notmuch.search query echo0 <- hGetEcho stdin buffering0 <- hGetBuffering stdin return State { charge = do _ <- installHandler 28 (Catch winchHandler) Nothing hSetEcho stdin False hSetBuffering stdin NoBuffering -- Save Cursor and use Alternate Screen Buffer hPutStr stdout "\ESC[?1049h" -- Hide Cursor hPutStr stdout "\ESC[?25l" -- Move the cursor to the home position hPutStr stdout "\ESC[H" hFlush stdout , discharge = do _ <- installHandler 28 Default Nothing hSetEcho stdin echo0 hSetBuffering stdin buffering0 -- Use Normal Screen Buffer and restore Cursor hPutStr stdout "\ESC[?1049l" hFlush stdout , cursor = Z.fromTree $ fromSearchResults query r_ , xoffset = 0 , yoffset = 0 , flashMessage = "Welcome to much; quit with ^C" , screenWidth = 0 , screenHeight = 0 } run :: State -> IO () run q = do redraw q _ <- hLookAhead stdin -- wait for input ((_, s), _) <- runScanner scan case keymap (map toChar s) of Just a -> a q >>= run Nothing -> run q { flashMessage = show $ map toChar s } redraw :: State -> IO () redraw _q@State{..} = do --putStrLn $ describe (Z.label cursor) --putStr "\ESC[?2J" putStr "\ESC[H" --mapM_ putStr $ take screenHeight $ repeat "\ESC[2K\n" --putStr "\ESC[H" -- consumes 1 screenHeight putStr $ "\ESC[2K" ++ flashMessage ++ " " ++ show (screenWidth, screenHeight) let buf = map (take screenWidth . drop xoffset) $ take (screenHeight - 1) $ drop yoffset $ renderTreeView (Z.label cursor) (Z.toTree cursor) mapM_ (putStr . ("\n\ESC[2K"++)) $ buf ++ take (screenHeight - 1 - length buf) (repeat "~") winchHandler :: IO () winchHandler = do -- Report the size of the screen in characters. -- Result is CSI 9 ; height ; width t putStr "\ESC[19t" keymap :: String -> Maybe (State -> IO State) keymap "r" = Just replyToAll keymap "e" = Just viewSource keymap "k" = Just moveCursorUp keymap "j" = Just moveCursorDown keymap "K" = Just $ moveTreeDown 1 keymap "J" = Just $ moveTreeUp 1 keymap "\ESC[A" = Just moveCursorUp keymap "\ESC[B" = Just moveCursorDown keymap "\ESC[a" = Just $ moveTreeDown 1 keymap "\ESC[b" = Just $ moveTreeUp 1 keymap "\ESC[5~" = Just $ \q -> moveTreeDown (screenHeight q `div` 2) q -- PgUp keymap "\ESC[6~" = Just $ \q -> moveTreeUp (screenHeight q `div` 2) q -- PgDn keymap "\n" = Just toggleFold keymap ('\ESC':'[':'9':';':xs) = Just $ \q@State{..} -> do let (h,';':w) = break (==';') (take (length xs - 1) xs) -- ^ drop (assumed) trailing 't' return q { screenWidth = read w, screenHeight = read h } keymap _ = Nothing moveCursorDown q@State{..} = return q { cursor = fromMaybe (Z.root cursor) $ findNext cursor } moveCursorUp q@State{..} = return q { cursor = fromMaybe (Z.root cursor) $ findPrev cursor } moveTreeUp n q@State{..} = return q { yoffset = max 0 (yoffset + n) } moveTreeDown n q@State{..} = return q { yoffset = max 0 (yoffset - n) } toggleFold q@State{..} = case Z.label cursor of TVMessage m -> do toggleTag (T.pack "open") m let Just sr = findParent isTVSearchResult cursor TVSearchResult the_sr = Z.label sr Notmuch.ThreadID tid = Notmuch.searchThread the_sr t_ <- return . fromMessageForest =<< Notmuch.getThread tid let cursor' = Z.modifyTree (\(Tree.Node l _) -> Tree.Node l t_) sr return q { cursor = select (==Z.label cursor) cursor' } TVSearchResult sr -> do let open = not $ null $ Tree.subForest $ Z.tree cursor let Notmuch.ThreadID tid = Notmuch.searchThread sr t_ <- if open then return [] else return . fromMessageForest =<< Notmuch.getThread tid let cursor' = Z.modifyTree (\(Tree.Node l _) -> Tree.Node l t_) cursor return q { cursor = select (==Z.label cursor) cursor' } _ -> return q { flashMessage = "nothing happened" } where select p loc = fromMaybe (error "cannot select") $ findTree p $ Z.root loc toggleTag :: T.Text -> Notmuch.Message -> IO () toggleTag tag m = do _ <- if tag `elem` Notmuch.messageTags m then Notmuch.unsetTag tagString (Notmuch.unMessageID $ Notmuch.messageId m) else Notmuch.setTag tagString (Notmuch.unMessageID $ Notmuch.messageId m) return () where tagString = T.unpack tag replyToAll q@State{..} = case getMessage (Z.label cursor) of Nothing -> return q { flashMessage = "no message" } Just m -> do editor <- getEnv "EDITOR" logname <- getEnv "LOGNAME" tmpdir <- getTemporaryDirectory let template = logname ++ "_much_draft_.mail" let msgId = Notmuch.unMessageID $ Notmuch.messageId m withTempFile tmpdir template $ \(path, draftH) -> do (_, _, _, procH) <- withFile "/dev/null" ReadMode $ \nullH -> createProcess (proc "notmuch" [ "reply" , "id:" ++ msgId ]) { std_in = UseHandle nullH , std_out = UseHandle draftH } hClose draftH waitForProcess procH >>= \case ExitFailure code -> putStrLn $ "notmuch exit code = " ++ show code ExitSuccess -> finally (system $ editor ++ " " ++ path) charge >>= \case ExitFailure code -> putStrLn $ editor ++ " exit code = " ++ show code ExitSuccess -> return () return q viewSource q@State{..} = case getMessage (Z.label cursor) of Nothing -> return q { flashMessage = "no message" } Just m -> do editor <- getEnv "EDITOR" logname <- getEnv "LOGNAME" tmpdir <- getTemporaryDirectory let template = logname ++ "_much_raw_.mail" let msgId = Notmuch.unMessageID $ Notmuch.messageId m withTempFile tmpdir template $ \(path, draftH) -> do setFileMode path 0o400 (_, _, _, procH) <- withFile "/dev/null" ReadMode $ \nullH -> createProcess (proc "notmuch" [ "show", "--format=raw", "id:" ++ msgId ]) { std_in = UseHandle nullH , std_out = UseHandle draftH } hClose draftH waitForProcess procH >>= \case ExitFailure code -> putStrLn $ "notmuch exit code = " ++ show code ExitSuccess -> finally (system $ editor ++ " " ++ path) charge >>= \case ExitFailure code -> putStrLn $ editor ++ " exit code = " ++ show code ExitSuccess -> return () return q withTempFile :: FilePath -> String -> ((FilePath, Handle) -> IO a) -> IO a withTempFile tmpdir template f = do bracket (openTempFile tmpdir template) (removeFile . fst) f