module TreeSearch where import Data.Tree.Zipper import Data.Maybe -- findTree :: PosType t => (a -> Bool) -> TreePos t a -> Maybe (TreePos t a) findTree :: (a -> Bool) -> TreePos Full a -> Maybe (TreePos Full a) findTree p loc = if p (label loc) then Just loc else depthFirst loc >>= findTree p depthFirst :: TreePos Full a -> Maybe (TreePos Full a) depthFirst loc = case firstChild loc of Just x -> Just x Nothing -> case next loc of Just x -> Just x Nothing -> parentWithNext loc where parentWithNext x = case parent x of Nothing -> Nothing Just x' -> case next x' of Just x' -> Just x' Nothing -> parentWithNext x' findNext :: TreePos Full a -> Maybe (TreePos Full a) findNext = depthFirst findPrev :: TreePos Full a -> Maybe (TreePos Full a) findPrev loc = case prev loc of Just x -> trans_lastChild x Nothing -> case parent loc of Just x -> Just x Nothing -> Nothing where trans_lastChild x = case lastChild x of Nothing -> Just x Just x' -> trans_lastChild x' findParent :: (a -> Bool) -> TreePos Full a -> Maybe (TreePos Full a) findParent p loc = if p (label loc) then Just loc else parent loc >>= findParent p