{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Notmuch where import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as LBS8 import Control.Concurrent import Control.DeepSeq (rnf) import Control.Exception import Data.Aeson import Data.Monoid import Data.Tree import Notmuch.Message import Notmuch.SearchResult import System.Exit import System.IO import System.Process -- | Fork a thread while doing something else, but kill it if there's an -- exception. -- -- This is important in the cases above because we want to kill the thread -- that is holding the Handle lock, because when we clean up the process we -- try to close that handle, which could otherwise deadlock. -- withForkWait :: IO () -> (IO () -> IO a) -> IO a withForkWait async body = do waitVar <- newEmptyMVar :: IO (MVar (Either SomeException ())) mask $ \restore -> do tid <- forkIO $ try (restore async) >>= putMVar waitVar let wait = takeMVar waitVar >>= either throwIO return restore (body wait) `onException` killThread tid notmuch :: [String] -> IO LBS.ByteString notmuch args = do (_, Just hout, _, ph) <- createProcess (proc "notmuch" args) { std_out = CreatePipe } output <- LBS.hGetContents hout withForkWait (evaluate $ rnf output) $ \waitOut -> do ---- now write any input --unless (null input) $ -- ignoreSigPipe $ hPutStr inh input -- hClose performs implicit hFlush, and thus may trigger a SIGPIPE --ignoreSigPipe $ hClose inh -- wait on the output waitOut hClose hout -- wait on the process _ex <- waitForProcess ph --return (ex, output) --case ex of -- ExitSuccess -> return output -- ExitFailure r -> processFailedException "readProcess" cmd args r return output notmuch' :: [String] -> IO (ExitCode, LBS.ByteString, LBS.ByteString) notmuch' args = do (_, Just hout, Just herr, ph) <- createProcess (proc "notmuch" args) { std_out = CreatePipe , std_err = CreatePipe } out <- LBS.hGetContents hout err <- LBS.hGetContents herr withForkWait (evaluate $ rnf out) $ \waitOut -> do withForkWait (evaluate $ rnf err) $ \waitErr -> do ---- now write any input --unless (null input) $ -- ignoreSigPipe $ hPutStr inh input -- hClose performs implicit hFlush, and thus may trigger a SIGPIPE --ignoreSigPipe $ hClose inh -- wait on the output waitOut waitErr hClose hout hClose herr -- wait on the process exitCode <- waitForProcess ph return (exitCode, out, err) notmuchWithInput :: [String] -> LBS.ByteString -> IO (ExitCode, LBS.ByteString, LBS.ByteString) notmuchWithInput args input = do (Just hin, Just hout, Just herr, ph) <- createProcess (proc "notmuch" args) { std_in = CreatePipe , std_out = CreatePipe , std_err = CreatePipe } LBS.hPut hin input hClose hin out <- LBS.hGetContents hout err <- LBS.hGetContents herr withForkWait (evaluate $ rnf out) $ \waitOut -> do withForkWait (evaluate $ rnf err) $ \waitErr -> do ---- now write any input --unless (null input) $ -- ignoreSigPipe $ hPutStr inh input -- hClose performs implicit hFlush, and thus may trigger a SIGPIPE --ignoreSigPipe $ hClose inh -- wait on the output waitOut waitErr hClose hout hClose herr -- wait on the process exitCode <- waitForProcess ph return (exitCode, out, err) search :: String -> IO (Either String [SearchResult]) search term = notmuch [ "search", "--format=json", "--format-version=2", term ] >>= return . eitherDecode' data ReplyTo = ToAll | ToSender instance Show ReplyTo where show ToAll = "all" show ToSender = "sender" --notmuchReply :: String -> IO (Either String [SearchResult]) notmuchReply :: ReplyTo -> String -> IO LBS.ByteString notmuchReply replyTo term = notmuch [ "reply" , "--reply-to=" ++ show replyTo , term ] -- >>= return . eitherDecode' notmuchShow :: String -> IO (Forest Message) notmuchShow term = do c' <- notmuch [ "show", "--format=json", "--format-version=2" , term ] -- TODO why head? return $ threadForest $ head $ either error id (eitherDecode' c') notmuchShowPart :: String -> Int -> IO (Either String MessagePart) notmuchShowPart term partId = do -- TODO handle partId == 0 and partId > N (exitCode, out, err) <- notmuch' [ "show", "--format=json", "--format-version=2" , "--part=" <> show partId , term ] return $ case exitCode of ExitSuccess -> eitherDecode' out _ -> Left $ show exitCode <> ": " <> LBS8.unpack err setTag :: String -> String -> IO LBS.ByteString setTag tag i = do notmuch [ "tag", "+" <> tag , i ] unsetTag :: String -> String -> IO LBS.ByteString unsetTag tag i = do notmuch [ "tag", "-" <> tag , i ]