diff options
1 files changed, 48 insertions, 49 deletions
diff --git a/test5.hs b/test5.hs
index b95377d..8438a3b 100644
--- a/test5.hs
+++ b/test5.hs
@@ -629,6 +629,12 @@ liftE io =
transformException = ("IO: "++) . show
+editMailE :: String -> ExceptT String IO String
+editMailE ps =
+ liftE (editMail ps) >>= \case
+ Right r -> return r
+ Left code -> throwE $ "edit mail error: " ++ show code
promptE :: String -> ExceptT String IO String
promptE ps =
@@ -672,55 +678,37 @@ getFileType path =
replyToAll :: State -> IO State
-replyToAll q@State{..} = case getMessage (Z.label cursor) of
- Nothing ->
- return q { flashMessage = "no message" }
- Just m -> do
- let msgId = Notmuch.unMessageID $ Notmuch.messageId m
- withTempFile' "draft.mail" $ \(path, draftH) -> do
- (_, _, _, procH) <-
- withFile "/dev/null" ReadMode $ \nullH ->
- createProcess
- (proc "notmuch" [ "reply" , msgId ])
- { std_in = UseHandle nullH
- , std_out = UseHandle draftH
- }
- hClose draftH
- waitForProcess procH >>= \case
- ExitFailure code ->
- return q { flashMessage =
- Plain $ "notmuch exit code = " ++ show code
- }
- ExitSuccess ->
- runEditor' path q >>= \case
- ExitFailure code ->
- return q { flashMessage = Plain $ "editor exit code = " ++ show code }
- ExitSuccess -> do
- -- TODO check if path has been written to,
- -- else abort
- draft <-
- M.renderMail' =<<
- return . addDateHeader now =<<
- return . readMail =<<
- T.readFile path
- -- TODO use TagOps
- Notmuch.notmuchWithInput
- [ "insert"
- , "--no-hooks"
- , "+draft"
- -- TODO dont hardcode which tags to delete
- , "-inbox"
- , "-unread"
- ]
- draft >>= \case
- (ExitFailure code, _, _) ->
- return q { flashMessage =
- Plain $ "notmuch insert exit code = " ++ show code
- }
- _ ->
- toggleFold q {
- flashMessage = "draft created"
- }
+replyToAll q0 =
+ runExceptT (go q0) >>= \result ->
+ toggleFold q0 { flashMessage = Plain (show result) }
+ where
+ go :: State -> ExceptT String IO String
+ go State{cursor=cursor,now=now} = do
+ msg <- maybe (throwE "not a message") return $
+ getMessage (Z.label cursor)
+ let msgId = Notmuch.unMessageID $ Notmuch.messageId msg
+ newTags <-
+ lines . LBS8.unpack . fst <$>
+ readNotmuchE ["config", "get", "new.tags"] ""
+ let tagOps =
+ map AddTag ["draft"] ++
+ map DelTag (map T.pack newTags)
+ readNotmuchE ["reply", msgId] ""
+ >>= return . LBS8.unpack . fst
+ -- TODO abort if nothing has been edited
+ >>= editMailE
+ >>= return . T.pack
+ >>= return . readMail
+ >>= return . addDateHeader now
+ >>= liftE . M.renderMail'
+ >>= readNotmuchE ("insert" : "--no-hooks" : tagOpsToArgs tagOps)
+ >> return "draft created"
viewSource :: State -> IO State
@@ -890,6 +878,17 @@ removeHeaders :: [CI BS.ByteString] -> M.Mail -> M.Mail
removeHeaders hs m@M.Mail{..} =
m { M.mailHeaders = filter (\(k, _) -> k `notElem` hs) mailHeaders }
+editMail :: String -> IO (Either ExitCode String)
+editMail s =
+ withTempFile' "edit.mail" $ \(path, h_tempFile) -> do
+ hPutStr h_tempFile s
+ hClose h_tempFile
+ editor <- getEnv "EDITOR"
+ runInteractive editor [path] >>= \case
+ ExitSuccess -> Right <$> readFile path
+ code -> return (Left code)
prompt :: String -> IO (Either ExitCode String)
prompt ps =
withTempFile' "prompt" $ \(path, h_tempFile) -> do