path: root/Codec/MIME
diff options
authorKierán Meinhardt <>2020-09-23 17:44:40 +0200
committerKierán Meinhardt <>2020-09-23 17:44:40 +0200
commit8e92e6e11d2b3b0bfb5ac9d68f347219493e6380 (patch)
tree6484ca42d85ca89475e922f7b45039c116ebbf97 /Codec/MIME
parent6a6ad3aecd53ffd89101a0dee2b4ea576d4964d4 (diff)
split into library + executables
Diffstat (limited to 'Codec/MIME')
6 files changed, 0 insertions, 806 deletions
diff --git a/Codec/MIME/Base64.hs b/Codec/MIME/Base64.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index f60419b..0000000
--- a/Codec/MIME/Base64.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,147 +0,0 @@
--- |
--- Module : Codec.MIME.Base64
--- Copyright : (c) 2006-2009, Galois, Inc.
--- License : BSD3
--- Maintainer: Sigbjorn Finne <>
--- Stability : provisional
--- Portability: portable
--- Base64 decoding and encoding routines, multiple entry
--- points for either depending on use and level of control
--- wanted over the encoded output (and its input form on the
--- decoding side.)
-module Codec.MIME.Base64
- ( encodeRaw -- :: Bool -> String -> [Word8]
- , encodeRawString -- :: Bool -> String -> String
- , encodeRawPrim -- :: Bool -> Char -> Char -> [Word8] -> String
- , formatOutput -- :: Int -> Maybe String -> String -> String
- , decode -- :: String -> [Word8]
- , decodeToString -- :: String -> String
- , decodePrim -- :: Char -> Char -> String -> [Word8]
- ) where
-import Data.Bits
-import Data.Char
-import Data.Word
-import Data.Maybe
-encodeRawString :: Bool -> String -> String
-encodeRawString trail xs = encodeRaw trail (map (fromIntegral.ord) xs)
--- | @formatOutput n mbLT str@ formats @str@, splitting it
--- into lines of length @n@. The optional value lets you control what
--- line terminator sequence to use; the default is CRLF (as per MIME.)
-formatOutput :: Int -> Maybe String -> String -> String
-formatOutput n mbTerm str
- | n <= 0 = error ("Codec.MIME.Base64.formatOutput: negative line length " ++ show n)
- | otherwise = chop n str
- where
- crlf :: String
- crlf = fromMaybe "\r\n" mbTerm
- chop _ "" = ""
- chop i xs =
- case splitAt i xs of
- (as,"") -> as
- (as,bs) -> as ++ crlf ++ chop i bs
-encodeRaw :: Bool -> [Word8] -> String
-encodeRaw trail bs = encodeRawPrim trail '+' '/' bs
--- | @encodeRawPrim@ lets you control what non-alphanum characters to use
--- (The base64url variation uses @*@ and @-@, for instance.)
--- No support for mapping these to multiple characters in the output though.
-encodeRawPrim :: Bool -> Char -> Char -> [Word8] -> String
-encodeRawPrim trail ch62 ch63 ls = encoder ls
- where
- trailer xs ys
- | not trail = xs
- | otherwise = xs ++ ys
- f = fromB64 ch62 ch63
- encoder [] = []
- encoder [x] = trailer (take 2 (encode3 f x 0 0 "")) "=="
- encoder [x,y] = trailer (take 3 (encode3 f x y 0 "")) "="
- encoder (x:y:z:ws) = encode3 f x y z (encoder ws)
-encode3 :: (Word8 -> Char) -> Word8 -> Word8 -> Word8 -> String -> String
-encode3 f a b c rs =
- f (low6 (w24 `shiftR` 18)) :
- f (low6 (w24 `shiftR` 12)) :
- f (low6 (w24 `shiftR` 6)) :
- f (low6 w24) : rs
- where
- w24 :: Word32
- w24 = (fromIntegral a `shiftL` 16) +
- (fromIntegral b `shiftL` 8) +
- fromIntegral c
-decodeToString :: String -> String
-decodeToString str = map (chr.fromIntegral) $ decode str
-decode :: String -> [Word8]
-decode str = decodePrim '+' '/' str
-decodePrim :: Char -> Char -> String -> [Word8]
-decodePrim ch62 ch63 str = decoder $ takeUntilEnd str
- where
- takeUntilEnd "" = []
- takeUntilEnd ('=':_) = []
- takeUntilEnd (x:xs) =
- case toB64 ch62 ch63 x of
- Nothing -> takeUntilEnd xs
- Just b -> b : takeUntilEnd xs
-decoder :: [Word8] -> [Word8]
-decoder [] = []
-decoder [x] = take 1 (decode4 x 0 0 0 [])
-decoder [x,y] = take 1 (decode4 x y 0 0 []) -- upper 4 bits of second val are known to be 0.
-decoder [x,y,z] = take 2 (decode4 x y z 0 [])
-decoder (x:y:z:w:xs) = decode4 x y z w (decoder xs)
-decode4 :: Word8 -> Word8 -> Word8 -> Word8 -> [Word8] -> [Word8]
-decode4 a b c d rs =
- (lowByte (w24 `shiftR` 16)) :
- (lowByte (w24 `shiftR` 8)) :
- (lowByte w24) : rs
- where
- w24 :: Word32
- w24 =
- (fromIntegral a) `shiftL` 18 .|.
- (fromIntegral b) `shiftL` 12 .|.
- (fromIntegral c) `shiftL` 6 .|.
- (fromIntegral d)
-toB64 :: Char -> Char -> Char -> Maybe Word8
-toB64 a b ch
- | ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z' = Just (fromIntegral (ord ch - ord 'A'))
- | ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z' = Just (26 + fromIntegral (ord ch - ord 'a'))
- | ch >= '0' && ch <= '9' = Just (52 + fromIntegral (ord ch - ord '0'))
- | ch == a = Just 62
- | ch == b = Just 63
- | otherwise = Nothing
-fromB64 :: Char -> Char -> Word8 -> Char
-fromB64 ch62 ch63 x
- | x < 26 = chr (ord 'A' + xi)
- | x < 52 = chr (ord 'a' + (xi-26))
- | x < 62 = chr (ord '0' + (xi-52))
- | x == 62 = ch62
- | x == 63 = ch63
- | otherwise = error ("fromB64: index out of range " ++ show x)
- where
- xi :: Int
- xi = fromIntegral x
-low6 :: Word32 -> Word8
-low6 x = fromIntegral (x .&. 0x3f)
-lowByte :: Word32 -> Word8
-lowByte x = (fromIntegral x) .&. 0xff
diff --git a/Codec/MIME/Decode.hs b/Codec/MIME/Decode.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 278d6f6..0000000
--- a/Codec/MIME/Decode.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
--- |
--- Module : Codec.MIME.Decode
--- Copyright : (c) 2006-2009, Galois, Inc.
--- License : BSD3
--- Maintainer: Sigbjorn Finne <>
--- Stability : provisional
--- Portability: portable
-module Codec.MIME.Decode where
-import Data.Char
-import Codec.MIME.QuotedPrintable as QP
-import Codec.MIME.Base64 as Base64
--- | @decodeBody enc str@ decodes @str@ according to the scheme
--- specified by @enc@. Currently, @base64@ and @quoted-printable@ are
--- the only two encodings supported. If you supply anything else
--- for @enc@, @decodeBody@ returns @str@.
-decodeBody :: String -> String -> String
-decodeBody enc body =
- case map toLower enc of
- "base64" -> Base64.decodeToString body
- "quoted-printable" -> QP.decode body
- _ -> body
--- Decoding of RFC 2047's "encoded-words" production
--- (as used in email-headers and some HTTP header cases
--- (AtomPub's Slug: header))
-decodeWord :: String -> Maybe (String, String)
-decodeWord str =
- case str of
- '=':'?':xs ->
- case dropLang $ break (\ch -> ch =='?' || ch == '*') xs of
- (cs,_:x:'?':bs)
- | isKnownCharset (map toLower cs) ->
- case toLower x of
- 'q' -> decodeQ cs (break (=='?') bs)
- 'b' -> decodeB cs (break (=='?') bs)
- _ -> Nothing
- _ -> Nothing
- _ -> Nothing
- where
- isKnownCharset cs = cs `elem` ["iso-8859-1", "us-ascii"]
- -- ignore RFC 2231 extension of permitting a language tag to be supplied
- -- after the charset.
- dropLang (as,'*':bs) = (as,dropWhile (/='?') bs)
- dropLang (as,bs) = (as,bs)
- decodeQ cset (fs,'?':'=':rs) = Just (fromCharset cset (QP.decode fs),rs)
- decodeQ _ _ = Nothing
- decodeB cset (fs,'?':'=':rs) =
- Just (fromCharset cset (Base64.decodeToString fs),rs)
- decodeB _ _ = Nothing
- fromCharset _cset cs = cs
-decodeWords :: String -> String
-decodeWords "" = ""
-decodeWords (x:xs)
- | isSpace x = x : decodeWords xs
- | otherwise =
- case decodeWord (x:xs) of
- Nothing -> x : decodeWords xs
- Just (as,bs) -> as ++ decodeWords bs
diff --git a/Codec/MIME/Parse.hs b/Codec/MIME/Parse.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index c5392fe..0000000
--- a/Codec/MIME/Parse.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,295 +0,0 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
--- |
--- Module : Codec.MIME.Pare
--- Copyright : (c) 2006-2009, Galois, Inc.
--- License : BSD3
--- Maintainer: Sigbjorn Finne <>
--- Stability : provisional
--- Portability: portable
--- Parsing MIME content.
-module Codec.MIME.Parse
- ( parseMIMEBody -- :: [(T.Text,T.Text)] -> T.Text -> MIMEValue
- , parseMIMEType -- :: T.Text -> Maybe Type
- , parseMIMEMessage -- :: T.Text -> MIMEValue
- , parseHeaders -- :: T.Text -> ([(T.Text,T.Text)], T.Text)
- , parseMultipart -- :: Type -> T.Text -> (MIMEValue, T.Text)
- , parseContentType -- :: T.Text -> Maybe Type
- , splitMulti -- :: T.Text -> T.Text -> ([MIMEValue], T.Text)
- , normalizeCRLF
- ) where
-import Codec.MIME.Type
-import Codec.MIME.Decode
-import Control.Arrow(second)
-import Data.CaseInsensitive (CI)
-import qualified Data.CaseInsensitive as CI
-import Data.Char
-import Data.Maybe
-import qualified Data.List as L
-import Debug.Trace ( trace )
-import qualified Data.Text as T
-import Data.Monoid(Monoid(..), (<>))
-enableTrace :: Bool
-enableTrace = False
-doTrace :: String -> b -> b
-doTrace | enableTrace = trace
- | otherwise = \_ x -> x
-parseMIMEBody :: [MIMEParam] -> T.Text -> MIMEValue
-parseMIMEBody headers body = result { mime_val_headers = headers }
- where
- result = case mimeType mty of
- Multipart{} -> fst (parseMultipart mty body)
- Message{} -> fst (parseMultipart mty body)
- _ -> nullMIMEValue { mime_val_type = mty
- , mime_val_disp = parseContentDisp headers
- , mime_val_content = Single (processBody headers body)
- }
- mty = fromMaybe defaultType
- (parseContentType =<< lookupField "content-type" (paramPairs headers))
-defaultType :: Type
-defaultType = Type { mimeType = Text "plain"
- , mimeParams = [MIMEParam "charset" "us-ascii"]
- }
-parseContentDisp :: [MIMEParam] -> Maybe Disposition
-parseContentDisp headers =
- (processDisp . dropFoldingWSP) =<< lookupField "content-disposition" (paramPairs headers)
- where
- processDisp t | T.null t = Nothing
- | T.null bs = Just $ Disposition { dispType = toDispType as
- , dispParams = []
- }
- | otherwise = Just $ Disposition { dispType = toDispType as
- , dispParams = processParams (parseParams bs)
- }
- where (as,bs) = T.break (\ch -> isSpace ch || ch == ';') t
- processParams = map procP
- where
- procP (MIMEParam k val)
- | "name" == k = Name val
- | "filename" == k = Filename val
- | "creation-date" == k = CreationDate val
- | "modification-date" == k = ModDate val
- | "read-date" == k = ReadDate val
- | "size" == k = Size val
- | otherwise = OtherParam k val
- toDispType t = if t == "inline" then DispInline
- else if t == "attachment" then DispAttachment
- else if t == "form-data" then DispFormData
- else DispOther t
-paramPairs :: [MIMEParam] -> [(CI T.Text, T.Text)]
-paramPairs = map paramPair
- where
- paramPair (MIMEParam a b) = (a,b)
-processBody :: [MIMEParam] -> T.Text -> T.Text
-processBody headers body =
- case lookupField "content-transfer-encoding" $ paramPairs headers of
- Nothing -> body
- Just v -> T.pack $ decodeBody (T.unpack v) $ T.unpack body
-normalizeCRLF :: T.Text -> T.Text
-normalizeCRLF t
- | T.null t = ""
- | "\r\n" `T.isPrefixOf` t = "\r\n" <> normalizeCRLF (T.drop 2 t)
- | any (`T.isPrefixOf` t) ["\r", "\n"] = "\r\n" <> normalizeCRLF (T.drop 1 t)
- | otherwise = let (a,b) = T.break (`elem` ("\r\n" :: String)) t in a <> normalizeCRLF b
-parseMIMEMessage :: T.Text -> MIMEValue
-parseMIMEMessage entity =
- case parseHeaders (normalizeCRLF entity) of
- (as,bs) -> parseMIMEBody as bs
-parseHeaders :: T.Text -> ([MIMEParam], T.Text)
-parseHeaders str =
- case findFieldName "" str of
- Left (nm, rs) -> parseFieldValue ( nm) (dropFoldingWSP rs)
- Right body -> ([],body)
- where
- findFieldName acc t
- | T.null t = Right ""
- | "\r\n" `T.isPrefixOf` t = Right $ T.drop 2 t
- | ":" `T.isPrefixOf` t = Left (T.reverse $ T.dropWhile isHSpace acc, T.drop 1 t)
- | otherwise = findFieldName (T.take 1 t <> acc) $ T.drop 1 t
- parseFieldValue nm xs
- | T.null bs = ([MIMEParam nm as], "")
- | otherwise = let (zs,ys) = parseHeaders bs in (MIMEParam nm as :zs, ys)
- where
- (as,bs) = takeUntilCRLF xs
-parseMultipart :: Type -> T.Text -> (MIMEValue, T.Text)
-parseMultipart mty body =
- case lookupField "boundary" (paramPairs $ mimeParams mty) of
- Nothing -> doTrace ("Multipart mime type, " ++ T.unpack (showType mty) ++
- ", has no required boundary parameter. Defaulting to text/plain") $
- (nullMIMEValue{ mime_val_type = defaultType
- , mime_val_disp = Nothing
- , mime_val_content = Single body
- }, "")
- Just bnd -> (nullMIMEValue { mime_val_type = mty
- , mime_val_disp = Nothing
- , mime_val_content = Multi vals
- }, rs)
- where (vals,rs) = splitMulti bnd body
-splitMulti :: T.Text -> T.Text -> ([MIMEValue], T.Text)
-splitMulti bnd body_in =
- -- Note: we insert a CRLF if it looks as if the boundary string starts
- -- right off the bat. No harm done if this turns out to be incorrect.
- let body | "--" `T.isPrefixOf` body_in = "\r\n" <> body_in
- | otherwise = body_in
- in case untilMatch dashBoundary body of
- Nothing -> mempty
- Just xs | "--" `T.isPrefixOf` xs -> ([], T.drop 2 xs)
- | otherwise -> splitMulti1 (dropTrailer xs)
- where
- dashBoundary = ("\r\n--" <> bnd)
- splitMulti1 xs
- | T.null as && T.null bs = ([], "")
- | T.null bs = ([parseMIMEMessage as],"")
- | T.isPrefixOf "--" bs = ([parseMIMEMessage as], dropTrailer bs)
- | otherwise = let (zs,ys) = splitMulti1 (dropTrailer bs)
- in ((parseMIMEMessage as) : zs,ys)
- where
- (as,bs) = matchUntil dashBoundary xs
- dropTrailer xs
- | "\r\n" `T.isPrefixOf` xs1 = T.drop 2 xs1
- | otherwise = xs1 -- hmm, flag an error?
- where
- xs1 = T.dropWhile isHSpace xs
-parseMIMEType :: T.Text -> Maybe Type
-parseMIMEType = parseContentType
-parseContentType :: T.Text -> Maybe Type
-parseContentType str
- | T.null minor0 = doTrace ("unable to parse content-type: " ++ show str) $ Nothing
- | otherwise = Just Type { mimeType = toType ( maj) as
- , mimeParams = parseParams (T.dropWhile isHSpace bs)
- }
- where
- (maj, minor0) = T.break (=='/') (dropFoldingWSP str)
- minor = T.drop 1 minor0
- (as, bs) = T.break (\ ch -> isHSpace ch || isTSpecial ch) minor
- toType a b = case lookupField a mediaTypes of
- Just ctor -> ctor b
- _ -> Other a b
-parseParams :: T.Text -> [MIMEParam]
-parseParams t | T.null t = []
- | ';' == T.head t = let (nm_raw, vs0) = T.break (=='=') (dropFoldingWSP $ T.tail t)
- nm = nm_raw in
- if T.null vs0
- then []
- else let vs = T.tail vs0 in
- if not (T.null vs) && T.head vs == '"'
- then let vs1 = T.tail vs
- (val, zs0) = T.break (=='"') vs1 in
- if T.null zs0
- then [MIMEParam nm val]
- else MIMEParam nm val : parseParams (T.dropWhile isHSpace $ T.tail zs0)
- else let (val, zs) = T.break (\ch -> isHSpace ch || isTSpecial ch) vs in
- MIMEParam nm val : parseParams (T.dropWhile isHSpace zs)
- | otherwise = doTrace ("Codec.MIME.Parse.parseParams: curious param value -- " ++ show t) []
-mediaTypes :: [(CI T.Text, T.Text -> MIMEType)]
-mediaTypes =
- [ ("multipart", (Multipart . toMultipart))
- , ("application", Application)
- , ("audio", Audio)
- , ("image", Image)
- , ("message", Message)
- , ("model", Model)
- , ("text", Text)
- , ("video", Video)
- ]
- where toMultipart b = fromMaybe other (lookupField ( b) multipartTypes)
- where other | T.isPrefixOf "x-" b = Extension b
- | otherwise = OtherMulti b
-multipartTypes :: [(CI T.Text, Multipart)]
-multipartTypes =
- [ ("alternative", Alternative)
- , ("byteranges", Byteranges)
- , ("digest", Digest)
- , ("encrypted", Encrypted)
- , ("form-data", FormData)
- , ("mixed", Mixed)
- , ("parallel", Parallel)
- , ("related", Related)
- , ("signed", Signed)
- ]
-untilMatch :: T.Text -> T.Text -> Maybe T.Text
-untilMatch a b | T.null a = Just b
- | T.null b = Nothing
- | a `T.isPrefixOf` b = Just $ T.drop (T.length a) b
- | otherwise = untilMatch a $ T.tail b
-matchUntil :: T.Text -> T.Text -> (T.Text, T.Text)
--- searching str; returning parts before str and after str
-matchUntil str = second (T.drop $ T.length str) . T.breakOn str
-matchUntil' :: T.Text -> T.Text -> (T.Text, T.Text)
-matchUntil' _ "" = ("", "")
-matchUntil' str xs
- | T.null xs = mempty
- -- slow, but it'll do for now.
- | str `T.isPrefixOf` xs = ("", T.drop (T.length str) xs)
- | otherwise = let (as,bs) = matchUntil' str $ T.tail xs in (T.take 1 xs <> as, bs)
-isHSpace :: Char -> Bool
-isHSpace c = c == ' ' || c == '\t'
-isTSpecial :: Char -> Bool
-isTSpecial x = x `elem` ("()<>@,;:\\\"/[]?=" :: String) -- "
-dropFoldingWSP :: T.Text -> T.Text
-dropFoldingWSP t | T.null t = ""
- | isHSpace (T.head t) = dropFoldingWSP $ T.tail t
- | "\r\n" `T.isPrefixOf` t && not (T.null $ T.drop 2 t) && isHSpace (T.head $ T.drop 2 t)
- = dropFoldingWSP $ T.drop 3 t
- | otherwise = t
-takeUntilCRLF :: T.Text -> (T.Text, T.Text)
-takeUntilCRLF str = go "" str
- where
- go acc t | T.null t = (T.reverse (T.dropWhile isHSpace acc), "")
- | "\r\n" `T.isPrefixOf` t && not (T.null $ T.drop 2 t) && isHSpace (T.head $ T.drop 2 t)
- = go (" " <> acc) (T.drop 3 t)
- | "\r\n" `T.isPrefixOf` t && not (T.null $ T.drop 2 t)
- = (T.reverse (T.dropWhile isHSpace acc), T.drop 2 t)
- | otherwise = go (T.take 1 t <> acc) $ T.tail t
--- case in-sensitive lookup of field names or attributes\/parameters.
-lookupField :: CI T.Text -> [(CI T.Text,a)] -> Maybe a
-lookupField n ns =
- -- assume that inputs have been mostly normalized already
- -- (i.e., lower-cased), but should the lookup fail fall back
- -- to a second try where we do normalize before giving up.
- case lookup n ns of
- x@Just{} -> x
- Nothing ->
- fmap snd $ L.find ((n==) . fst) ns
diff --git a/Codec/MIME/QuotedPrintable.hs b/Codec/MIME/QuotedPrintable.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index cdc2266..0000000
--- a/Codec/MIME/QuotedPrintable.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
--- |
--- Module : Codec.MIME.QuotedPrintable
--- Copyright : (c) 2006-2009, Galois, Inc.
--- License : BSD3
--- Maintainer: Sigbjorn Finne <>
--- Stability : provisional
--- Portability:
--- To and from QP content encoding.
-module Codec.MIME.QuotedPrintable
- ( decode -- :: String -> String
- , encode -- :: String -> String
- ) where
-import Data.Char
--- | 'decode' incoming quoted-printable content, stripping
--- out soft line breaks and translating @=XY@ sequences
--- into their decoded byte\/octet. The output encoding\/representation
--- is still a String, not a sequence of bytes.
-decode :: String -> String
-decode "" = ""
-decode ('=':'\r':'\n':xs) = decode xs -- soft line break.
-decode ('=':x1:x2:xs)
- | isHexDigit x1 && isHexDigit x2 =
- chr (digitToInt x1 * 16 + digitToInt x2) : decode xs
-decode ('=':xs) = '=':decode xs
- -- make it explicit that we propagate other '=' occurrences.
-decode (x1:xs) = x1:decode xs
--- | 'encode' converts a sequence of characeter _octets_ into
--- quoted-printable form; suitable for transmission in MIME
--- payloads. Note the stress on _octets_; it is assumed that
--- you have already converted Unicode into a <=8-bit encoding
--- (UTF-8, most likely.)
-encode :: String -> String
-encode xs = encodeLength 0 xs
--- | @encodeLength llen str@ is the worker function during encoding.
--- The extra argument @llen@ tracks the current column for the line
--- being processed. Soft line breaks are inserted if a line exceeds
--- a max length.
-encodeLength :: Int -> String -> String
-encodeLength _ "" = ""
-encodeLength n (x:xs)
- | n >= 72 = '=':'\r':'\n':encodeLength 0 (x:xs)
-encodeLength _ ('=':xs)
- = '=':'3':'D':encodeLength 0 xs
-encodeLength n (x:xs)
- | ox >= 0x100 = error ("QuotedPrintable.encode: encountered > 8 bit character: " ++ show (x,ox))
- | n >= 72 = '=':'\r':'\n':encodeLength 0 (x:xs)
- | ox >= 0x21 && ox <= 0x7e = x : encodeLength (n+1) xs
- | ox == 0x09 || ox == 0x20 = x : encodeLength (n+1) xs
- | otherwise = '=':showH (ox `div` 0x10): showH (ox `mod` 0x10):encodeLength (n+3) xs
- where
- ox = ord x
- showH v
- | v < 10 = chr (ord_0 + v)
- | otherwise = chr (ord_A + (v-10))
- ord_0 = ord '0'
- ord_A = ord 'A'
diff --git a/Codec/MIME/Type.hs b/Codec/MIME/Type.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 72ec94f..0000000
--- a/Codec/MIME/Type.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,189 +0,0 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
--- |
--- Module : Codec.MIME.Type
--- Copyright : (c) 2006-2009, Galois, Inc.
--- License : BSD3
--- Maintainer: Sigbjorn Finne <>
--- Stability : provisional
--- Portability: portable
--- Representing MIME types and values.
-module Codec.MIME.Type where
-import Data.CaseInsensitive (CI)
-import qualified Data.CaseInsensitive as CI
-import qualified Data.Text as T
-import Data.Monoid ((<>))
-data MIMEParam = MIMEParam { paramName :: CI T.Text
- , paramValue :: T.Text }
- deriving (Show, Ord, Eq)
-data Type = Type
- { mimeType :: MIMEType
- , mimeParams :: [MIMEParam]
- } deriving ( Show, Ord, Eq )
--- | The @null@ MIME record type value; currently a @text/plain@.
-nullType :: Type
-nullType = Type
- { mimeType = Text "plain"
- , mimeParams = []
- }
-showType :: Type -> T.Text
-showType t = showMIMEType (mimeType t) <> showMIMEParams (mimeParams t)
-showMIMEParams :: [MIMEParam] -> T.Text
-showMIMEParams ps = T.concat $ map showP ps
- where
- showP (MIMEParam k v) = "; " <> CI.original k <> "=\"" <> v <> "\""
-data MIMEType
- = Application SubType
- | Audio SubType
- | Image SubType
- | Message SubType
- | Model SubType
- | Multipart Multipart
- | Text TextType
- | Video SubType
- | Other {otherType :: CI T.Text, otherSubType :: SubType}
- deriving ( Show, Ord, Eq )
-showMIMEType :: MIMEType -> T.Text
-showMIMEType t =
- case t of
- Application s -> "application/"<>s
- Audio s -> "audio/"<>s
- Image s -> "image/"<>s
- Message s -> "message/"<>s
- Model s -> "model/"<>s
- Multipart s -> "multipart/"<>showMultipart s
- Text s -> "text/"<>s
- Video s -> "video/"<>s
- Other a b -> CI.original a <> "/" <> b
--- | a (type, subtype) MIME pair.
-data MIMEPair
- = MIMEPair T.Text SubType
- deriving ( Eq )
-showMIMEPair :: MIMEPair -> T.Text
-showMIMEPair (MIMEPair a b) = a <> "/" <> b
--- | default subtype representation.
-type SubType = T.Text
--- | subtype for text content; currently just a string.
-type TextType = SubType
-subTypeString :: Type -> T.Text
-subTypeString t = T.drop 1 $ snd $ T.break (=='/') (showMIMEType (mimeType t))
-majTypeString :: Type -> T.Text
-majTypeString t = fst $ T.break (=='/') (showMIMEType (mimeType t))
-data Multipart
- = Alternative
- | Byteranges
- | Digest
- | Encrypted
- | FormData
- | Mixed
- | Parallel
- | Related
- | Signed
- | Extension T.Text -- ^ e.g., 'x-foo' (i.e., includes the 'x-' bit)
- | OtherMulti T.Text -- unrecognized\/uninterpreted.
- -- (e.g., appledouble, voice-message, etc.)
- deriving ( Show, Ord, Eq )
-isXmlBased :: Type -> Bool
-isXmlBased t =
- case mimeType t of
- Multipart{} -> False
- _ -> "+xml" `T.isSuffixOf` subTypeString t
-isXmlType :: Type -> Bool
-isXmlType t = isXmlBased t ||
- case mimeType t of
- Application s -> s `elem` xml_media_types
- Text s -> s `elem` xml_media_types
- _ -> False
- where
- -- Note: xml-dtd isn't considered an XML type here.
- xml_media_types :: [T.Text]
- xml_media_types =
- [ "xml"
- , "xml-external-parsed-entity"
- ]
-showMultipart :: Multipart -> T.Text
-showMultipart m =
- case m of
- Alternative -> "alternative"
- Byteranges -> "byteranges"
- Digest -> "digest"
- Encrypted -> "encrypted"
- FormData -> "form-data"
- Mixed -> "mixed"
- Parallel -> "parallel"
- Related -> "related"
- Signed -> "signed"
- Extension e -> e
- OtherMulti e -> e
-type Content = T.Text
-data MIMEValue = MIMEValue
- { mime_val_type :: Type
- , mime_val_disp :: Maybe Disposition
- , mime_val_content :: MIMEContent
- , mime_val_headers :: [MIMEParam]
- , mime_val_inc_type :: Bool
- } deriving ( Show, Eq )
-nullMIMEValue :: MIMEValue
-nullMIMEValue = MIMEValue
- { mime_val_type = nullType
- , mime_val_disp = Nothing
- , mime_val_content = Multi []
- , mime_val_headers = []
- , mime_val_inc_type = True
- }
-data MIMEContent
- = Single Content
- | Multi [MIMEValue]
- deriving (Eq,Show)
-data Disposition
- = Disposition
- { dispType :: DispType
- , dispParams :: [DispParam]
- } deriving ( Show, Eq )
-data DispType
- = DispInline
- | DispAttachment
- | DispFormData
- | DispOther T.Text
- deriving ( Show, Eq)
-data DispParam
- = Name T.Text
- | Filename T.Text
- | CreationDate T.Text
- | ModDate T.Text
- | ReadDate T.Text
- | Size T.Text
- | OtherParam (CI T.Text) T.Text
- deriving ( Show, Eq)
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--- |
--- Module : Codec.MIME.Utils
--- Copyright : (c) 2006-2009, Galois, Inc.
--- License : BSD3
--- Maintainer: Sigbjorn Finne <>
--- Stability : provisional
--- Portability: portable
--- Extracting content from MIME values and types.
-module Codec.MIME.Utils
- ( findMultipartNamed -- :: String -> MIMEValue -> Maybe MIMEValue
- ) where
-import Codec.MIME.Type
-import Data.List ( find )
-import Control.Monad ( msum )
-import Data.Text(Text)
--- | Given a parameter name, locate it within a MIME value,
--- returning the corresponding (sub) MIME value.
-findMultipartNamed :: Text -> MIMEValue -> Maybe MIMEValue
-findMultipartNamed nm mv =
- case mime_val_content mv of
- Multi ms -> msum (map (findMultipartNamed nm) ms)
- Single {} -> do cd <- mime_val_disp mv
- _ <- find (withDispName nm) (dispParams cd)
- return mv
- where withDispName a (Name b) = a == b
- withDispName _ _ = False