with import ../../lib; with shell; { coreutils, dash, findutils, git, jq, openssh, pass, rsync, writeDash }: let check = { force, target }: let sentinelFile = "${target.path}/.populate"; in shell' target /* sh */ '' ${optionalString force /* sh */ '' mkdir -vp ${quote (dirOf sentinelFile)} >&2 touch ${quote sentinelFile} ''} if ! test -f ${quote sentinelFile}; then >&2 printf 'error: missing sentinel file: %s\n' ${quote ( optionalString (!isLocalTarget target) "${target.host}:" + sentinelFile )} exit 1 fi ''; pop.file = target: source: rsync' target (quote source.path); pop.git = target: source: shell' target /* sh */ '' if ! test -e ${quote target.path}; then git clone --recurse-submodules ${quote source.url} ${quote target.path} fi cd ${quote target.path} if ! url=$(git config remote.origin.url); then git remote add origin ${quote source.url} elif test "$url" != ${quote source.url}; then git remote set-url origin ${quote source.url} fi # TODO resolve git_ref to commit hash hash=${quote source.ref} if ! test "$(git log --format=%H -1)" = "$hash"; then if ! git log -1 "$hash" >/dev/null 2>&1; then git fetch origin fi git reset --hard "$hash" >&2 git submodule update --init --recursive fi git clean -dfx \ ${concatMapStringsSep " " (pattern: /* sh */ "-e ${quote pattern}") source.clean.exclude } ''; pop.pass = target: source: let passPrefix = "${source.dir}/${source.name}"; in /* sh */ '' umask 0077 tmp_dir=$(${coreutils}/bin/mktemp -dt populate-pass.XXXXXXXX) trap cleanup EXIT cleanup() { rm -fR "$tmp_dir" } ${findutils}/bin/find ${quote passPrefix} -type f | while read -r gpg_path; do rel_name=''${gpg_path#${quote passPrefix}} rel_name=''${rel_name%.gpg} pass_date=$( ${git}/bin/git -C ${quote source.dir} log -1 --format=%aI "$gpg_path" ) pass_name=${quote source.name}/$rel_name tmp_path=$tmp_dir/$rel_name ${coreutils}/bin/mkdir -p "$(${coreutils}/bin/dirname "$tmp_path")" PASSWORD_STORE_DIR=${quote source.dir} ${pass}/bin/pass show "$pass_name" > "$tmp_path" ${coreutils}/bin/touch -d "$pass_date" "$tmp_path" done ${rsync' target /* sh */ "$tmp_dir"} ''; pop.pipe = target: source: /* sh */ '' ${quote source.command} | { ${shell' target /* sh */ "cat > ${quote target.path}"} } ''; # TODO rm -fR instead of ln -f? pop.symlink = target: source: shell' target /* sh */ '' ln -fns ${quote source.target} ${quote target.path} ''; populate = target: name: source: let source' = source.${source.type}; target' = target // { path = "${target.path}/${name}"; }; in writeDash "populate.${target'.host}.${name}" '' set -efu ${pop.${source.type} target' source'} ''; rsync' = target: sourcePath: /* sh */ '' source_path=${sourcePath} if test -d "$source_path"; then source_path=$source_path/ fi ${rsync}/bin/rsync \ -e ${quote (ssh' target)} \ -vFrlptD \ --delete-excluded \ "$source_path" \ ${quote ( optionalString (!isLocalTarget target) "${target.user}@${target.host}:" + target.path )} \ >&2 ''; shell' = target: script: if isLocalTarget target then script else /* sh */ '' ${ssh' target} ${quote target.host} ${quote script} ''; ssh' = target: concatMapStringsSep " " quote [ "${openssh}/bin/ssh" "-l" target.user "-o" "ControlPersist=no" "-p" target.port "-T" ]; in { force ? false, source, target }: writeDash "populate.${target.host}" '' set -efu ${check { inherit force target; }} set -x ${concatStringsSep "\n" (mapAttrsToList (populate target) source)} ''