let lib = import ../../lib; in { nix, openssh, populate, writers }: rec { rebuild = args: target: runShell target {} "nixos-rebuild -I ${lib.escapeShellArg target.path} ${ lib.concatMapStringsSep " " lib.escapeShellArg args }"; runShell = target: { allocateTTY ? false }: command: let command' = if target.sudo then "sudo ${command}" else command; in if lib.isLocalTarget target then command' else writers.writeDash "krops.${target.host}.${lib.firstWord command}" '' exec ${openssh}/bin/ssh ${lib.escapeShellArgs (lib.flatten [ (lib.mkUserPortSSHOpts target) (if allocateTTY then "-t" else "-T") target.extraOptions target.host command'])} ''; writeCommand = name: { command ? (targetPath: "echo ${targetPath}"), backup ? false, force ? false, allocateTTY ? false, source, target }: let target' = lib.mkTarget target; in writers.writeDash name '' set -efu ${populate { inherit backup force source; target = target'; }} ${runShell target' { inherit allocateTTY; } (command target'.path)} ''; writeDeploy = name: { backup ? false, buildTarget ? null, crossDeploy ? false, fast ? null, force ? false, operation ? "switch", source, target }: let buildTarget' = if buildTarget == null then target' else lib.mkTarget buildTarget; target' = lib.mkTarget target; in lib.traceIf (fast != null) "writeDeploy: it's now always fast, setting the `fast` attribute is deprecated and will be removed in future" ( writers.writeDash name '' set -efu ${lib.optionalString (buildTarget' != target') (populate { inherit backup force source; target = buildTarget'; })} ${populate { inherit backup force source; target = target'; }} ${rebuild ([ operation ] ++ lib.optionals crossDeploy [ "--no-build-nix" ] ++ lib.optionals (buildTarget' != target') [ "--build-host" "${buildTarget'.user}@${buildTarget'.host}" "--target-host" "${target'.user}@${target'.host}" ] ++ lib.optionals target'.sudo [ "--use-remote-sudo" ]) buildTarget'} '' ); writeTest = name: { backup ? false, force ? false, source, target }: let target' = lib.mkTarget target; in assert lib.isLocalTarget target'; writers.writeDash name '' set -efu ${populate { inherit backup force source; target = target'; }} >&2 NIX_PATH=${lib.escapeShellArg target'.path} \ ${nix}/bin/nix-build \ -A system \ --keep-going \ --no-out-link \ --show-trace \ '' ''; }