# krops (krebs ops) krops is a lightweigt toolkit to deploy nixos systems, remotely or locally. fancy features include: - store your secrets in passwordstore - build your system remotely - minimal overhead - run from custom nixpkgs branch/checkout/fork minimal example: create a krops.nix somewhere ``` let #krops = ./.; krops = (import {}).fetchgit { url = https://cgit.krebsco.de/krops/; rev = "3022582ade8049e6ccf18f358cedb996d6716945"; sha256 = "0k3zhv2830z4bljcdvf6ciwjihk2zzcn9y23p49c6sba5hbsd6jb"; }; lib = import "${krops}/lib"; pkgs = import "${krops}/pkgs" {}; source = lib.evalSource [{ nixpkgs.git = { ref = "4b4bbce199d3b3a8001ee93495604289b01aaad3"; url = https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs; }; nixos-config.file = toString (pkgs.writeText "nixos-config" '' { pkgs, ... }: { fileSystems."/" = { device = "/dev/sda1"; }; boot.loader.systemd-boot.enable = true; services.openssh.enable = true; environment.systemPackages = [ pkgs.git ]; } ''); }]; in pkgs.krops.writeDeploy "deploy" { source = source; target = "root@"; } ``` and run `$(nix-build krops.nix)`. This results in a script which deploys the machine via ssh & rsync on the target machine. ## References - [Blog post with in-depth example](http://tech.ingolf-wagner.de/nixos/krops/) by [Ingolf Wagner](https://ingolf-wagner.de/)