path: root/OldMain.hs
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'OldMain.hs')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 206 deletions
diff --git a/OldMain.hs b/OldMain.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index 05fb955..0000000
--- a/OldMain.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,206 +0,0 @@
-module Main where
-import Control.Concurrent
-import Control.Concurrent.MVar
-import Control.Monad (forever)
-import System.IO
-import Data.IORef
-import Data.Time.Clock (getCurrentTime)
-import Data.Time.Format (formatTime)
-import System.Locale (defaultTimeLocale, rfc822DateFormat)
-import Data.Char
-import Data.List
-data Config = Config
-data State = State
- { promptString :: String
- , inputBuffer :: (String, String)
- , getCommand :: IO Command
- , outputLock :: MVar ()
- }
-initState :: State
-initState = State "> " ("", "") defaultGetCommand
-main :: IO ()
-main = do
- hSetEcho stdin False
- hSetBuffering stdin NoBuffering
- lock <- newMVar initState
- let q = State
- { promptString = "> "
- , inputBuffer = ("", "")
- , getCommand = defaultGetCommand
- , outputLock = lock
- }
- putStr (promptString q)
- forkIO $ dateThread q
- uiThread q
-dateThread q = forever $ do
- t <- getCurrentTime
- withMVar (outputLock q) $ \ _ -> do
- clearLine
- putStrLn $ formatTime defaultTimeLocale rfc822DateFormat t
- putStr $ (promptString q) ++ lhs ++ rhs
- moveCursorLeft (length rhs)
- hFlush stdout
- return ()
- threadDelay 1000000
-uiThread q = do
- c <- getCommand q
- modifyMVar_ (outputLock q) (execCommand c) >>= uiThread
-data Command
- = AlertBadInput String
- | InsertChar Char
- | InsertNextCharVerbatim
- | MoveCursorRight
- | MoveCursorLeft
- | KillLastWord
- | KillLastChar
- | ExecuteInputBuffer
-defaultGetCommand :: IO Command
-defaultGetCommand = do
- c1 <- getChar
- case c1 of
- '\x1b' -> do
- c2 <- getChar
- case c2 of
- '[' -> do
- c3 <- getChar
- case c3 of
- 'C' -> return MoveCursorRight
- 'D' -> return MoveCursorLeft
- _ -> return $ AlertBadInput (c1:c2:c3:[])
- _ -> return $ AlertBadInput (c1:c2:[])
- _ ->
- if isPrint c1
- then return $ InsertChar c1
- else
- case ord c1 of
- 22 -> return InsertNextCharVerbatim
- 23 -> return KillLastWord
- 10 -> return ExecuteInputBuffer
- 127 -> return KillLastChar
- _ -> return $ AlertBadInput (c1:[])
-execCommand :: String -> Command -> (String, String) -> IO (String, String)
-execCommand MoveCursorLeft q@State{inputBuffer=([],_)} =
- cannotExecuteCommand q
-execCommand MoveCursorLeft q@State{inputBuffer=(lhs,rhs)} = do
- clearLineFromCursorRight
- putStr rhs
- moveCursorLeft (length rhs + 1)
- hFlush stdout
- return q{inputBuffer=(init lhs, last lhs : rhs)}
-execCommand MoveCursorRight q@State{inputBuffer=(_,[])} =
- cannotExecuteCommand q
-execCommand MoveCursorRight q@State{inputBuffer=(lhs,rhs)} = do
- moveCursorRight 1
- hFlush stdout
- return q{inputBuffer=(lhs ++ [head rhs], tail rhs)}
-execCommand (InsertChar c) q@State{inputBuffer=(lhs,rhs)} = do
- putChar c
- -- TODO rhs
- hFlush stdout
- return q{inputBuffer=(lhs ++ [c], rhs)}
---execCommand InsertNextCharVerbatim input = do
--- return input { keymap = verbatimKeymap }
-execCommand ExecuteInputBuffer q@State{inputBuffer=(lhs,rhs)} = do
- clearLine
- putStrLn $ "input: <\x1b[32;1m" ++ lhs ++ rhs ++ "\x1b[m>"
- putStr (promptString q)
- hFlush stdout
- return q{inputBuffer=("","")}
-execCommand KillLastChar q@State{inputBuffer=([],_)} =
- cannotExecuteCommand q
-execCommand KillLastChar q@State{inputBuffer=(lhs,rhs)} = do
- moveCursorLeft 1
- clearLineFromCursorRight
- putStr rhs
- moveCursorLeft (length rhs)
- hFlush stdout
- return q{inputBuffer=(init lhs, rhs)}
-execCommand KillLastWord q@State{inputBuffer=([],_)} =
- cannotExecuteCommand q
-execCommand KillLastWord q@State{inputBuffer=(lhs,rhs)} = do
- let lhs' =
- dropWhileEnd (not . isSpace) $
- dropWhileEnd isSpace lhs
- killedCharCount = length lhs - length lhs'
- moveCursorLeft killedCharCount
- clearLineFromCursorRight
- putStr rhs
- moveCursorLeft (length rhs)
- hFlush stdout
- return q{inputBuffer=(lhs', rhs)}
-execCommand (AlertBadInput s) q@State{inputBuffer=(lhs,rhs)} = do
- clearLine
- putStrLn $ "unhandled input: <" ++ (concat $ map reform s) ++ ">"
- putStr $ (promptString q) ++ lhs ++ rhs
- moveCursorLeft (length rhs)
- hFlush stdout
- return q
- where
- reform c =
- if isPrint c
- then "\x1b[31m" ++ [c] ++ "\x1b[m"
- else
- "\x1b[1;31m" ++ (
- case ord c of
- 27 -> "^["
- _ -> "\\" ++ show (ord c)
- ) ++ "\x1b[m"
-clearLine =
- putStr "\x1b[2K" >>
- moveCursorLeft 80
-cannotExecuteCommand input = do
- ringBell
- hFlush stdout
- return input
-ringBell = putStr "\x07" -- BEL '\a'
-moveCursorLeft 0 = return ()
-moveCursorLeft i = putStr $ "\x1b[" ++ show i ++ "D"
-moveCursorRight 0 = return ()
-moveCursorRight i = putStr $ "\x1b[" ++ show i ++ "C"
-clearLineFromCursorRight = putStr "\x1b[0K"