module Decoder exposing (styleCode) import Color import Elm.Syntax.Declaration exposing (Declaration(..)) import Elm.Syntax.Exposing exposing (Exposing(..), TopLevelExpose(..)) import Elm.Syntax.Expression exposing (Expression(..), RecordSetter) import Elm.Syntax.Infix exposing (InfixDirection(..)) import Elm.Syntax.Module exposing (Module(..)) import Elm.Syntax.Node exposing (Node(..)) import Elm.Syntax.Pattern import Elm.Syntax.Range exposing (emptyRange) import Elm.Syntax.TypeAnnotation exposing (TypeAnnotation(..)) import Json.Decode as D exposing (Decoder) import Json.Encode import String.Case exposing (toCamelCaseLower) import Writer node = Node emptyRange wrapNodes = node styleCode : Decoder String styleCode = (file >> Writer.writeFile >> Writer.write) style declarations styleDec = [ FunctionDeclaration { documentation = Nothing , signature = Just (node { name = node "style" , typeAnnotation = node (Typed (node ( [], "Style" )) []) } ) , declaration = node { name = node "style" , arguments = [] , expression = node <| Application <| wrapNodes [ FunctionOrValue [] "Style" , RecordExpr styleDec ] } } ] file styleDec = { moduleDefinition = node (NormalModule { moduleName = node [ "Style" ] , exposingList = node (Explicit [ node (FunctionExpose "style") ]) } ) , imports = [ node { moduleName = node [ "Mapbox", "Style" ] , moduleAlias = Just (node [ "Style" ]) , exposingList = Just (Explicit [ node (TypeExpose { name = "Style", open = Just emptyRange }) ]) } , node { moduleName = node [ "Mapbox", "Source" ] , moduleAlias = Just (node [ "Source" ]) , exposingList = Nothing } , node { moduleName = node [ "Mapbox", "Layer" ] , moduleAlias = Just (node [ "Layer" ]) , exposingList = Nothing } , node { moduleName = node [ "Mapbox", "Expression" ] , moduleAlias = Just (node [ "E" ]) , exposingList = Just (Explicit [ node (FunctionExpose "str"), node (FunctionExpose "float"), node (FunctionExpose "int"), node (FunctionExpose "true"), node (FunctionExpose "false") ]) } ] , declarations = node (declarations styleDec) , comments = [] } style : Decoder (List (Node RecordSetter)) style = D.map5 (\transition light layers sources misc -> [ node ( node "transition", transition ) , node ( node "light", light ) , node ( node "layers", layers ) , node ( node "sources", sources ) , node ( node "misc", misc ) ] ) (D.oneOf [ D.field "transition" decodeTransition , valueDecoder "Style" "defaultTransition" ] ) (D.oneOf [ D.field "light" decodeLight , valueDecoder "Style" "defaultLight" ] ) (D.field "layers" decodeLayers) (D.field "sources" decodeSources) decodeMisc decodeTransition : Decoder (Node Expression) decodeTransition = D.map2 (\duration delay -> node (RecordExpr [ node ( node "duration", node (Integer duration) ) , node ( node "delay", node (Integer delay) ) ] ) ) (D.oneOf [ D.field "duration", D.succeed 300 ]) (D.oneOf [ D.field "delay", D.succeed 0 ]) decodeLight : Decoder (Node Expression) decodeLight = valueDecoder "Style" "defaultLight" addBogusRange index (Node _ v) = Node { start = { row = index, column = 0 }, end = { row = index + 1, column = 0 } } v decodeLayers : Decoder (Node Expression) decodeLayers = D.list decodeLayer |> (\layers -> node (ListExpr (List.indexedMap addBogusRange layers))) layerDecodeHelp t = D.map3 (\id source attrs -> call "Layer" t [ str id, str source, list attrs ]) (D.field "id" D.string) (D.field "source" D.string) decodeAttrs decodeLayer : Decoder (Node Expression) decodeLayer = D.field "type" D.string |> D.andThen (\t -> case t of "background" -> D.map2 (\id attrs -> call "Layer" "background" [ str id, list attrs ]) (D.field "id" D.string) decodeAttrs "fill" -> layerDecodeHelp "fill" "symbol" -> layerDecodeHelp "symbol" "line" -> layerDecodeHelp "line" "raster" -> layerDecodeHelp "raster" "circle" -> layerDecodeHelp "circle" "fill-extrusion" -> layerDecodeHelp "fillExtrusion" "heatmap" -> layerDecodeHelp "heatmap" "hillshade" -> layerDecodeHelp "hillshade" other -> ("Layer type " ++ t ++ " not supported") ) decodeAttrs : Decoder (List (Node Expression)) decodeAttrs = D.map3 (\top paint layout -> top ++ paint ++ layout) (D.keyValuePairs D.value) (D.field "paint" (D.keyValuePairs D.value)) (D.field "layout" (D.keyValuePairs D.value)) |> D.andThen (List.filterMap (\( attrName, attrValue ) -> case attrName of "id" -> Nothing "type" -> Nothing "source" -> Nothing "paint" -> Nothing "layout" -> Nothing "source-layer" -> decodeAttr "sourceLayer" ( str D.string) attrValue "minzoom" -> decodeAttr "minzoom" ( float D.float) attrValue "maxzoom" -> decodeAttr "maxzoom" ( float D.float) attrValue "filter" -> decodeAttr "filter" (D.oneOf [ decodeLegacyFilter, decodeValue ]) attrValue other -> decodeAttr (toCamelCaseLower attrName) decodeValue attrValue ) >> combine ) |> (List.indexedMap addBogusRange) decodeAttr : String -> Decoder (Node Expression) -> D.Value -> Maybe (Decoder (Node Expression)) decodeAttr attrName expressionNodeDecoder attrValue = Just (D.decodeValue expressionNodeDecoder attrValue |> resultToDecoder |> (\v -> call "Layer" (toCamelCaseLower attrName) [ v ]) ) resultToDecoder : Result D.Error a -> Decoder a resultToDecoder res = case res of Ok a -> D.succeed a Err e -> (D.errorToString e) decodeBool : Decoder (Node Expression) decodeBool = D.bool |> (\b -> if b then evalue "true" else evalue "false" ) decodeValue : Decoder (Node Expression) decodeValue = D.oneOf [ D.string |> makeConstant , decodeBool , D.float |> (Floatable >> node >> ecall "float") , |> (Integer >> node >> ecall "int") , D.index 0 D.string |> D.andThen decodeExpression , todo ] |> (ParenthesizedExpression >> node) makeConstant s = case s of "map" -> value "E" "anchorMap" "viewport" -> value "E" "anchorViewport" "auto" -> value "E" "anchorAuto" "center" -> value "E" "positionCenter" "left" -> value "E" "positionLeft" "right" -> value "E" "positionRight" "top" -> value "E" "positionTop" "bottom" -> value "E" "positionBottom" "topRight" -> value "E" "positionTopRight" "topLeft" -> value "E" "positionTopLeft" "bottomLeft" -> value "E" "positionBottomLeft" "bottomRight" -> value "E" "positionBottomRight" "none" -> value "E" "textFitNone" "width" -> value "E" "textFitWidth" "height" -> value "E" "textFitHeight" "both" -> value "E" "textFitBoth" "butt" -> value "E" "lineCapButt" "round" -> value "E" "lineCapRound" "square" -> value "E" "lineCapSquare" "bevel" -> value "E" "lineJoinBevel" "miter" -> value "E" "lineJoinMiter" "point" -> value "E" "symbolPlacementPoint" "line-center" -> value "E" "symbolPlacementLineCenter" "line" -> value "E" "symbolPlacementLine" "uppercase" -> value "E" "textTransformUppercase" "lowercase" -> value "E" "textTransformLowercase" "linear" -> value "E" "rasterResamplingLinear" "nearest" -> value "E" "rasterResamplingNearest" _ -> case Color.parse s of Ok { r, g, b, a } -> call "E" "rgba" [ integer r, integer g, integer b, float a ] Err err -> str s |> ecall "str" -- legacy filter decodeLegacyFilter : Decoder (Node Expression) decodeLegacyFilter = let decodeProp = D.index 1 D.string |> (\prop -> case prop of "$type" -> value "E" "geometryType" "$id" -> value "E" "id" _ -> call "E" "getProperty" [ ecall "str" (str prop) ] ) decodeVal = D.index 2 <| D.oneOf [ (str >> ecall "str") D.string , (float >> ecall "float") D.float , decodeBool ] decodeVals = D.list <| D.oneOf [ (str >> ecall "str") D.string , (float >> ecall "float") D.float , decodeBool ] in D.index 0 D.string |> D.andThen (\filter -> case filter of "all" -> decodeTail decodeLegacyFilter |> (\filters -> call "E" "all" [ list filters ]) "any" -> decodeTail decodeLegacyFilter |> (\filters -> call "E" "any" [ list filters ]) "none" -> decodeTail decodeLegacyFilter |> (\filters -> call "E" "all" [ list ( (\f -> call "E" "not" [ f ]) filters) ]) "has" -> D.index 1 D.string |> (\prop -> call "E" "hasProperty" [ ecall "str" (str prop) ]) "!has" -> D.index 1 D.string |> (\prop -> call "E" "not" [ call "E" "hasProperty" [ ecall "str" (str prop) ] ]) "==" -> D.map2 (\prop val -> pipelineCall "E" "isEqual" [ prop, val ]) decodeProp decodeVal "!=" -> D.map2 (\prop val -> pipelineCall "E" "notEqual" [ prop, val ]) decodeProp decodeVal ">" -> D.map2 (\prop val -> pipelineCall "E" "greaterThan" [ prop, val ]) decodeProp decodeVal ">=" -> D.map2 (\prop val -> pipelineCall "E" "greaterThanOrEqual" [ prop, val ]) decodeProp decodeVal "<" -> D.map2 (\prop val -> pipelineCall "E" "lessThan" [ prop, val ]) decodeProp decodeVal "<=" -> D.map2 (\prop val -> pipelineCall "E" "lessThanOrEqual" [ prop, val ]) decodeProp decodeVal "in" -> D.map2 (\prop values -> List.drop 2 values |> (\v -> pipelineCall "E" "isEqual" [ prop, v ]) |> list |> List.singleton |> call "E" "any" ) decodeProp decodeVals "!in" -> D.map2 (\prop values -> List.drop 2 values |> (\v -> pipelineCall "E" "notEqual" [ prop, v ]) |> list |> List.singleton |> call "E" "all" ) decodeProp decodeVals _ -> "not actually a legacy filter" ) -- Expressions decodeTail : Decoder a -> Decoder (List a) decodeTail itemDecoder = D.list D.value |> D.andThen (\l -> case l of [] -> "Can't get tail of empty" head :: t -> (subdecode itemDecoder) t |> combine ) subdecode : Decoder a -> D.Value -> Decoder a subdecode d v = D.decodeValue d v |> resultToDecoder decodeMatch : Bool -> any -> Decoder (Node Expression) decodeMatch isString _ = decodeTail D.value |> D.andThen (\args -> case args of [] -> todo head :: tail -> D.map2 (\cond rest -> parens (node (OperatorApplication "|>" Right cond (call "E" (if isString then "matchesStr" else "matchesFloat" ) rest ) ) ) ) (subdecode decodeValue head) (organizeArgs (if isString then str D.string else float D.float ) [] tail ) ) organizeArgs : Decoder (Node Expression) -> List (Decoder (Node Expression)) -> List D.Value -> Decoder (List (Node Expression)) organizeArgs inpDec accu args = case args of [] -> combine [ list (List.reverse accu |> combine) ] [ default ] -> combine [ list (List.reverse accu |> combine), subdecode decodeValue default ] a :: b :: rest -> let newAccu = D.map2 (\inp out -> parens (node (TupledExpression [ inp, out ])) ) (subdecode inpDec a) (subdecode decodeValue b) :: accu in organizeArgs inpDec newAccu rest decodeExpression : String -> Decoder (Node Expression) decodeExpression funName = case funName of "literal" -> D.index 1 (D.oneOf [ D.list D.string |> (\strs -> call "E" "strings" [ list ( str strs) ]) , D.list D.float |> (\floats -> call "E" "floats" [ list ( float floats) ]) ] ) "match" -> D.oneOf [ D.index 2 D.string |> D.andThen (decodeMatch True) , D.index 2 D.float |> D.andThen (decodeMatch False) ] "exponential" -> (\base -> call "E" "Exponential" [ float base ]) (D.index 1 D.float) "interpolate" -> D.map3 (\interpolation options input -> pipelineCall "E" "interpolate" (input :: interpolation :: options) ) (D.index 1 decodeValue) (decodeTail D.value |> (List.drop 2) |> D.andThen (organizeArgs ( float D.float) [])) (D.index 2 decodeValue) "step" -> D.map3 (\inp def stps -> pipelineCall "E" "step" (inp :: def :: stps) ) (D.index 1 decodeValue) (D.index 2 decodeValue) (decodeTail D.value |> (List.drop 2) |> D.andThen (organizeArgs ( float D.float) [])) _ -> let fallback = decodeTail decodeValue |> (\arguments -> case funName of "==" -> pipelineCall "E" "isEqual" arguments "!=" -> pipelineCall "E" "notEqual" arguments "!has" -> todoExpr "!has is not supported" "!in" -> todoExpr "!in is not supported" "in" -> todoExpr "in is not supported" ">=" -> pipelineCall "E" "greaterThanOrEqual" arguments "<=" -> pipelineCall "E" "lessThanOrEqual" arguments "concat" -> pipelineCall "E" "append" arguments "linear" -> call "E" "Linear" arguments "rgb" -> call "E" "makeRGBColor" arguments "rgba" -> call "E" "makeRGBAColor" arguments "to-rgba" -> call "E" "rgbaChannels" arguments "-" -> pipelineCall "E" "minus" arguments "*" -> pipelineCall "E" "multiply" arguments "+" -> pipelineCall "E" "plus" arguments "/" -> pipelineCall "E" "divideBy" arguments "%" -> pipelineCall "E" "modBy" arguments "^" -> pipelineCall "E" "raiseBy" arguments "get" -> if List.length arguments == 1 then call "E" "getProperty" arguments else call "E" "get" arguments _ -> call "E" (toCamelCaseLower funName) arguments ) in if String.toLower funName /= funName then D.oneOf [ (\strs -> call "E" "strings" [ list ( str strs) ]) <| D.list D.string , fallback ] else fallback decodeSources : Decoder (Node Expression) decodeSources = D.keyValuePairs decodeSource |> ( (\( key, fn ) -> fn key)) |> (\sources -> node (ListExpr sources)) decodeSource : Decoder (String -> Node Expression) decodeSource = D.field "type" D.string |> D.andThen (\t -> case t of "vector" -> D.field "url" D.string |> (\url -> \id -> call "Source" "vectorFromUrl" [ str id , str url ] ) _ -> D.succeed (\a -> todoExpr ("type " ++ t ++ "not yet supported")) ) decodeMisc : Decoder (Node Expression) decodeMisc = D.succeed (node (ListExpr [])) list l = node (ListExpr l) str s = node (Literal s) ecall name arg = parens (node (Application [ node (FunctionOrValue [] name), arg ])) call ns name args = parens (node (Application (node (FunctionOrValue [ ns ] name) :: args))) pipelineCall ns name args = case args of fst :: rest -> parens (node (OperatorApplication "|>" Left fst (call ns name rest))) _ -> todoExpr <| "Wrong number of arguments passed to " ++ ns ++ "." ++ name value ns name = node (FunctionOrValue [ ns ] name) evalue name = node (FunctionOrValue [] name) integer = Integer >> node float = Floatable >> node parens = ParenthesizedExpression >> node valueDecoder ns name = D.succeed (node (FunctionOrValue [ ns ] name)) todo : Decoder (Node Expression) todo = (\val -> todoExpr ("The expression " ++ Json.Encode.encode 0 val ++ " is not yet supported")) D.value todoExpr msg = node (ParenthesizedExpression (call "Debug" "todo" [ str msg ])) combine : List (Decoder a) -> Decoder (List a) combine = List.foldr (D.map2 (::)) (D.succeed [])