module Decoder exposing (styleCode) import Decoder.Expression as Decode import Decoder.Generic as Decode import Decoder.Helpers exposing (todo) import Decoder.Legacy import Json.Decode as D exposing (Decoder) import Lib import MyElm.Advanced as Advanced import MyElm.Syntax exposing (..) import String.Case exposing (toCamelCaseLower) styleNs = [ "Mapbox", "Style" ] layerNs = [ "Mapbox", "Layer" ] sourceNs = [ "Mapbox", "Source" ] styleName nm = Advanced.aliasedName { modulePath = styleNs , aliasName = "Style" , name = nm , typeName = Nothing } layerName nm = Advanced.aliasedName { modulePath = layerNs , aliasName = "Layer" , name = nm , typeName = Nothing } sourceName nm = Advanced.aliasedName { modulePath = layerNs , aliasName = "Source" , name = nm , typeName = Nothing } styleCode : Decoder String styleCode = file style declarations styleDec = [ variable "style" (type0 (typeName styleNs "Style")) (call1 (constructorName [ "Mapbox", "Style" ] "Style" "Style") (record styleDec)) ] file styleDec = build { name = [ "Style" ] , exposes = [ exposeFn "style" ] , doc = Nothing , declarations = declarations styleDec } style = D.map5 (\transition light layers sources misc -> [ ( "transition", transition ) , ( "light", light ) , ( "layers", layers ) , ( "sources", sources ) , ( "misc", misc ) ] ) (D.oneOf [ D.field "transition" decodeTransition , valueDecoder "Style" "defaultTransition" ] ) (D.oneOf [ D.field "light" decodeLight , valueDecoder "Style" "defaultLight" ] ) (D.field "layers" decodeLayers) (D.field "sources" decodeSources) decodeMisc decodeTransition = D.map2 (\duration delay -> record [ ( "duration", int duration ) , ( "delay", int delay ) ] ) (D.oneOf [ D.field "duration", D.succeed 300 ]) (D.oneOf [ D.field "delay", D.succeed 0 ]) decodeLight = valueDecoder "Style" "defaultLight" decodeLayers = D.list decodeLayer |> list layerDecodeHelp t = D.map3 (\id source attrs -> call3 (layerName t) (string id) (string source) (list attrs)) (D.field "id" D.string) (D.field "source" D.string) decodeAttrs decodeLayer = D.field "type" D.string |> D.andThen (\t -> case t of "background" -> D.map2 (\id attrs -> call2 (layerName "background") (string id) (list attrs)) (D.field "id" D.string) decodeAttrs "fill" -> layerDecodeHelp "fill" "symbol" -> layerDecodeHelp "symbol" "line" -> layerDecodeHelp "line" "raster" -> layerDecodeHelp "raster" "circle" -> layerDecodeHelp "circle" "fill-extrusion" -> layerDecodeHelp "fillExtrusion" "heatmap" -> layerDecodeHelp "heatmap" "hillshade" -> layerDecodeHelp "hillshade" other -> ("Layer type " ++ t ++ " not supported") ) decodeAttrs = D.map3 (\top paint layout -> top ++ paint ++ layout) (D.keyValuePairs D.value) (Decode.withDefault [] (D.field "paint" (D.keyValuePairs D.value))) (Decode.withDefault [] (D.field "layout" (D.keyValuePairs D.value))) |> D.andThen (List.filterMap (\( attrName, attrValue ) -> case attrName of "id" -> Nothing "type" -> Nothing "source" -> Nothing "paint" -> Nothing "layout" -> Nothing "metadata" -> Nothing "source-layer" -> decodeAttr "sourceLayer" ( string D.string) attrValue "minzoom" -> decodeAttr "minzoom" ( float D.float) attrValue "maxzoom" -> decodeAttr "maxzoom" ( float D.float) attrValue "filter" -> decodeAttr "filter" (D.oneOf [ Decoder.Legacy.filter, Decode.expression ]) attrValue other -> decodeAttr (toCamelCaseLower attrName) Decode.expression attrValue ) >> Decode.combine ) decodeAttr attrName expressionNodeDecoder attrValue = Just (D.decodeValue expressionNodeDecoder attrValue |> Decode.resultToDecoder |> (call1 (layerName (toCamelCaseLower attrName))) ) decodeSources = D.keyValuePairs decodeSource |> ( (\( key, fn ) -> fn key)) |> list decodeSource = D.field "type" D.string |> D.andThen (\t -> case t of "vector" -> D.oneOf [ D.field "url" D.string |> (\url -> \id -> call2 (Advanced.aliasedName { modulePath = sourceNs, aliasName = "Source", name = "vectorFromUrl", typeName = Nothing }) (string id) (string url) ) , D.map6 (\tiles bounds minzoom maxzoom attribution scheme -> \id -> call3 (Advanced.aliasedName { modulePath = sourceNs, aliasName = "Source", name = "vector", typeName = Nothing }) (string id) (list ( string tiles)) (list ([ bounds, minzoom, maxzoom, attribution, scheme ] |> List.filterMap identity)) ) (D.field "tiles" (D.list D.string)) (sourceField "bounds" "bounds" (D.list D.float) (\l -> float l |> list)) (sourceField "minzoom" "minzoom" D.float float) (sourceField "maxzoom" "maxzoom" D.float float) (sourceField "attribution" "attribution" D.string string) (sourceField "scheme" "scheme" D.string string) ] "raster" -> (\url -> \id -> call2 (Advanced.aliasedName { modulePath = sourceNs, aliasName = "Source", name = "rasterFromUrl", typeName = Nothing }) (string id) (string url) ) (D.field "url" D.string) _ -> D.succeed (\a -> Lib.todo ("type " ++ t ++ " not yet supported")) ) sourceField : String -> String -> Decoder a -> (a -> Expression) -> Decoder (Maybe Expression) sourceField name elmName decoder toExpr = D.maybe (D.field name ( (\item -> call1 (sourceName elmName) (toExpr item)) decoder)) decodeMisc = D.map6 (\sprite glyphs name zoom bearing pitch -> [ sprite, glyphs, name, zoom, bearing, pitch ] |> List.filterMap identity |> list) (miscField "sprite" "sprite" D.string string) (miscField "glyphs" "glyphs" D.string string) (miscField "name" "name" D.string string) (miscField "zoom" "defaultZoomLevel" D.float float) (miscField "bearing" "defaultBearing" D.float float) (miscField "pitch" "defaultPitch" D.float float) miscField : String -> String -> Decoder a -> (a -> Expression) -> Decoder (Maybe Expression) miscField name elmName decoder toExpr = D.maybe (D.field name ( (\item -> call1 (styleName elmName) (toExpr item)) decoder)) -- (D.field "center" D.maybe ( (\sprite -> call1 (styleName "defaultCenter") (str sprite) )) D.string) -- valueDecoder ns name = D.succeed (call0 (Advanced.aliasedName { modulePath = [ "Mapbox", ns ], aliasName = ns, name = name, typeName = Nothing }))