module Mapbox.Layer exposing ( Background , Circle , Fill , FillExtrusion , Heatmap , Hillshade , Layer , LayerAttr , Line , Raster , SourceId , Symbol , background , backgroundColor , backgroundOpacity , backgroundPattern , circle , circleBlur , circleColor , circleOpacity , circlePitchAlignment , circlePitchScale , circleRadius , circleStrokeColor , circleStrokeOpacity , circleStrokeWidth , circleTranslate , circleTranslateAnchor , encode , fill , fillAntialias , fillColor , fillExtrusion , fillExtrusionBase , fillExtrusionColor , fillExtrusionHeight , fillExtrusionOpacity , fillExtrusionPattern , fillExtrusionTranslate , fillExtrusionTranslateAnchor , fillOpacity , fillOutlineColor , fillPattern , fillTranslate , fillTranslateAnchor , filter , heatmap , heatmapColor , heatmapIntensity , heatmapOpacity , heatmapRadius , heatmapWeight , hillshade , hillshadeAccentColor , hillshadeExaggeration , hillshadeHighlightColor , hillshadeIlluminationAnchor , hillshadeIlluminationDirection , hillshadeShadowColor , iconAllowOverlap , iconAnchor , iconColor , iconHaloBlur , iconHaloColor , iconHaloWidth , iconIgnorePlacement , iconImage , iconKeepUpright , iconOffset , iconOpacity , iconOptional , iconPadding , iconPitchAlignment , iconRotate , iconRotationAlignment , iconSize , iconTextFit , iconTextFitPadding , iconTranslate , iconTranslateAnchor , line , lineBlur , lineCap , lineColor , lineDasharray , lineGapWidth , lineGradient , lineJoin , lineMiterLimit , lineOffset , lineOpacity , linePattern , lineRoundLimit , lineTranslate , lineTranslateAnchor , lineWidth , maxzoom , metadata , minzoom , raster , rasterBrightnessMax , rasterBrightnessMin , rasterContrast , rasterFadeDuration , rasterHueRotate , rasterOpacity , rasterResampling , rasterSaturation , sourceLayer , symbol , symbolAvoidEdges , symbolPlacement , symbolSpacing , textAllowOverlap , textAnchor , textColor , textField , textFont , textHaloBlur , textHaloColor , textHaloWidth , textIgnorePlacement , textJustify , textKeepUpright , textLetterSpacing , textLineHeight , textMaxAngle , textMaxWidth , textOffset , textOpacity , textOptional , textPadding , textPitchAlignment , textRotate , textRotationAlignment , textSize , textTransform , textTranslate , textTranslateAnchor , visible ) {-| Layers specify what is actually rendered on the map and are rendered in order. Except for layers of the background type, each layer needs to refer to a source. Layers take the data that they get from a source, optionally filter features, and then define how those features are styled. There are two kinds of properties: _Layout_ and _Paint_ properties. Layout properties are applied early in the rendering process and define how data for that layer is passed to the GPU. Changes to a layout property require an asynchronous "layout" step. Paint properties are applied later in the rendering process. Changes to a paint property are cheap and happen synchronously. ### Working with layers @docs Layer, SourceId, encode ### Layer Types @docs background, fill, symbol, line, raster, circle, fillExtrusion, heatmap, hillshade @docs Background, Fill, Symbol, Line, Raster, Circle, FillExtrusion, Heatmap, Hillshade ### General Attributes @docs LayerAttr @docs metadata, sourceLayer, minzoom, maxzoom, filter, visible ### Fill Attributes @docs fillAntialias, fillColor, fillOpacity, fillOutlineColor, fillPattern, fillTranslate, fillTranslateAnchor ### Line Attributes @docs lineBlur, lineCap, lineColor, lineDasharray, lineGapWidth, lineGradient, lineJoin, lineMiterLimit, lineOffset, lineOpacity, linePattern, lineRoundLimit, lineTranslate, lineTranslateAnchor, lineWidth ### Circle Attributes @docs circleBlur, circleColor, circleOpacity, circlePitchAlignment, circlePitchScale, circleRadius, circleStrokeColor, circleStrokeOpacity, circleStrokeWidth, circleTranslate, circleTranslateAnchor ### Heatmap Attributes @docs heatmapColor, heatmapIntensity, heatmapOpacity, heatmapRadius, heatmapWeight ### FillExtrusion Attributes @docs fillExtrusionBase, fillExtrusionColor, fillExtrusionHeight, fillExtrusionOpacity, fillExtrusionPattern, fillExtrusionTranslate, fillExtrusionTranslateAnchor ### Symbol Attributes @docs iconAllowOverlap, iconAnchor, iconColor, iconHaloBlur, iconHaloColor, iconHaloWidth, iconIgnorePlacement, iconImage, iconKeepUpright, iconOffset, iconOpacity, iconOptional, iconPadding, iconPitchAlignment, iconRotate, iconRotationAlignment, iconSize, iconTextFit, iconTextFitPadding, iconTranslate, iconTranslateAnchor, symbolAvoidEdges, symbolPlacement, symbolSpacing, textAllowOverlap, textAnchor, textColor, textField, textFont, textHaloBlur, textHaloColor, textHaloWidth, textIgnorePlacement, textJustify, textKeepUpright, textLetterSpacing, textLineHeight, textMaxAngle, textMaxWidth, textOffset, textOpacity, textOptional, textPadding, textPitchAlignment, textRotate, textRotationAlignment, textSize, textTransform, textTranslate, textTranslateAnchor ### Raster Attributes @docs rasterBrightnessMax, rasterBrightnessMin, rasterContrast, rasterFadeDuration, rasterHueRotate, rasterOpacity, rasterResampling, rasterSaturation ### Hillshade Attributes @docs hillshadeAccentColor, hillshadeExaggeration, hillshadeHighlightColor, hillshadeIlluminationAnchor, hillshadeIlluminationDirection, hillshadeShadowColor ### Background Attributes @docs backgroundColor, backgroundOpacity, backgroundPattern -} import Array exposing (Array) import Json.Encode as Encode exposing (Value) import Mapbox.Expression as Expression exposing (Anchor, Auto, CameraExpression, Color, DataExpression, Expression, FormattedText, LineCap, LineJoin, Position, RasterResampling, SymbolPlacement, TextFit, TextJustify, TextTransform) {-| Represents a layer. -} type Layer = Layer Value {-| All layers (except background layers) need a source -} type alias SourceId = String {-| -} type Background = BackgroundLayer {-| -} type Fill = FillLayer {-| -} type Symbol = SymbolLayer {-| -} type Line = LineLayer {-| -} type Raster = RasterLayer {-| -} type Circle = CircleLayer {-| -} type FillExtrusion = FillExtrusionLayer {-| -} type Heatmap = HeatmapLayer {-| -} type Hillshade = HillshadeLayer {-| Turns a layer into JSON -} encode : Layer -> Value encode (Layer value) = value layerImpl tipe id source attrs = [ ( "type", Encode.string tipe ) , ( "id", Encode.string id ) , ( "source", Encode.string source ) ] ++ encodeAttrs attrs |> Encode.object |> Layer encodeAttrs attrs = let { top, layout, paint } = List.foldl (\attr lists -> case attr of Top key val -> { lists | top = ( key, val ) :: } Paint key val -> { lists | paint = ( key, val ) :: lists.paint } Layout key val -> { lists | layout = ( key, val ) :: lists.layout } ) { top = [], layout = [], paint = [] } attrs in ( "layout", Encode.object layout ) :: ( "paint", Encode.object paint ) :: top {-| The background color or pattern of the map. -} background : String -> List (LayerAttr Background) -> Layer background id attrs = [ ( "type", Encode.string "background" ) , ( "id", Encode.string id ) ] ++ encodeAttrs attrs |> Encode.object |> Layer {-| A filled polygon with an optional stroked border. -} fill : String -> SourceId -> List (LayerAttr Fill) -> Layer fill = layerImpl "fill" {-| A stroked line. -} line : String -> SourceId -> List (LayerAttr Line) -> Layer line = layerImpl "line" {-| An icon or a text label. -} symbol : String -> SourceId -> List (LayerAttr Symbol) -> Layer symbol = layerImpl "symbol" {-| Raster map textures such as satellite imagery. -} raster : String -> SourceId -> List (LayerAttr Raster) -> Layer raster = layerImpl "raster" {-| A filled circle. -} circle : String -> SourceId -> List (LayerAttr Circle) -> Layer circle = layerImpl "circle" {-| An extruded (3D) polygon. -} fillExtrusion : String -> SourceId -> List (LayerAttr FillExtrusion) -> Layer fillExtrusion = layerImpl "fill-extrusion" {-| A heatmap. -} heatmap : String -> SourceId -> List (LayerAttr Heatmap) -> Layer heatmap = layerImpl "heatmap" {-| Client-side hillshading visualization based on DEM data. Currently, the implementation only supports Mapbox Terrain RGB and Mapzen Terrarium tiles. -} hillshade : String -> SourceId -> List (LayerAttr Hillshade) -> Layer hillshade = layerImpl "hillshade" {-| -} type LayerAttr tipe = Top String Value | Paint String Value | Layout String Value -- General Attributes {-| Arbitrary properties useful to track with the layer, but do not influence rendering. Properties should be prefixed to avoid collisions, like 'mapbox:'. -} metadata : Value -> LayerAttr all metadata = Top "metadata" {-| Layer to use from a vector tile source. Required for vector tile sources; prohibited for all other source types, including GeoJSON sources. -} sourceLayer : String -> LayerAttr all sourceLayer = Encode.string >> Top "source-layer" {-| The minimum zoom level for the layer. At zoom levels less than the minzoom, the layer will be hidden. A number between 0 and 24 inclusive. -} minzoom : Float -> LayerAttr all minzoom = Encode.float >> Top "minzoom" {-| The maximum zoom level for the layer. At zoom levels equal to or greater than the maxzoom, the layer will be hidden. A number between 0 and 24 inclusive. -} maxzoom : Float -> LayerAttr all maxzoom = Encode.float >> Top "maxzoom" {-| A expression specifying conditions on source features. Only features that match the filter are displayed. -} filter : Expression any Bool -> LayerAttr all filter = Expression.encode >> Top "filter" {-| Whether this layer is displayed. -} visible : Expression CameraExpression Bool -> LayerAttr any visible vis = Layout "visibility" <| Expression.encode <| Expression.ifElse vis (Expression.str "visible") (Expression.str "none") -- Fill {-| Controls the frame of reference for `fillTranslate`. Paint property. Defaults to `anchorMap`. Requires `fillTranslate`. - `anchorMap`: The fill is translated relative to the map. - `anchorViewport`: The fill is translated relative to the viewport. -} fillTranslateAnchor : Expression CameraExpression (Anchor Never) -> LayerAttr Fill fillTranslateAnchor = Expression.encode >> Paint "fill-translate-anchor" {-| Name of image in sprite to use for drawing image fills. For seamless patterns, image width and height must be a factor of two (2, 4, 8, ..., 512). Note that zoom-dependent expressions will be evaluated only at integer zoom levels. Paint property. -} fillPattern : Expression CameraExpression String -> LayerAttr Fill fillPattern = Expression.encode >> Paint "fill-pattern" {-| The color of the filled part of this layer. This color can be specified as `rgba` with an alpha component and the color's opacity will not affect the opacity of the 1px stroke, if it is used. Paint property. Defaults to `#000000`. Disabled by `fillPattern`. -} fillColor : Expression any Color -> LayerAttr Fill fillColor = Expression.encode >> Paint "fill-color" {-| The geometry's offset. Values are [x, y] where negatives indicate left and up, respectively. Paint property. Units in pixels. Defaults to `0,0`. -} fillTranslate : Expression CameraExpression (Array Float) -> LayerAttr Fill fillTranslate = Expression.encode >> Paint "fill-translate" {-| The opacity of the entire fill layer. In contrast to the `fillColor`, this value will also affect the 1px stroke around the fill, if the stroke is used. Paint property. Should be between `0` and `1` inclusive. Defaults to `1`. -} fillOpacity : Expression any Float -> LayerAttr Fill fillOpacity = Expression.encode >> Paint "fill-opacity" {-| The outline color of the fill. Matches the value of `fillColor` if unspecified. Paint property. Disabled by `fillPattern`. Requires `fillAntialias` to be `true`. -} fillOutlineColor : Expression any Color -> LayerAttr Fill fillOutlineColor = Expression.encode >> Paint "fill-outline-color" {-| Whether or not the fill should be antialiased. Paint property. Defaults to `true`. -} fillAntialias : Expression CameraExpression Bool -> LayerAttr Fill fillAntialias = Expression.encode >> Paint "fill-antialias" -- Line {-| Blur applied to the line, in pixels. Paint property. Should be greater than or equal to `0`. Units in pixels. Defaults to `0`. -} lineBlur : Expression any Float -> LayerAttr Line lineBlur = Expression.encode >> Paint "line-blur" {-| Controls the frame of reference for `lineTranslate`. Paint property. Defaults to `anchorMap`. Requires `lineTranslate`. - `anchorMap`: The line is translated relative to the map. - `anchorViewport`: The line is translated relative to the viewport. -} lineTranslateAnchor : Expression CameraExpression (Anchor Never) -> LayerAttr Line lineTranslateAnchor = Expression.encode >> Paint "line-translate-anchor" {-| Defines a gradient with which to color a line feature. Can only be used with GeoJSON sources that specify `"lineMetrics": true`. Paint property. Disabled by `lineDasharray`. Disabled by `linePattern`. Requires `source` to be `geojson`. -} lineGradient : Expression CameraExpression Color -> LayerAttr Line lineGradient = Expression.encode >> Paint "line-gradient" {-| Draws a line casing outside of a line's actual path. Value indicates the width of the inner gap. Paint property. Should be greater than or equal to `0`. Units in pixels. Defaults to `0`. -} lineGapWidth : Expression any Float -> LayerAttr Line lineGapWidth = Expression.encode >> Paint "line-gap-width" {-| Name of image in sprite to use for drawing image lines. For seamless patterns, image width must be a factor of two (2, 4, 8, ..., 512). Note that zoom-dependent expressions will be evaluated only at integer zoom levels. Paint property. -} linePattern : Expression CameraExpression String -> LayerAttr Line linePattern = Expression.encode >> Paint "line-pattern" {-| Specifies the lengths of the alternating dashes and gaps that form the dash pattern. The lengths are later scaled by the line width. To convert a dash length to pixels, multiply the length by the current line width. Note that GeoJSON sources with `lineMetrics: true` specified won't render dashed lines to the expected scale. Also note that zoom-dependent expressions will be evaluated only at integer zoom levels. Paint property. Should be greater than or equal to `0`. Units in line widths. Disabled by `linePattern`. -} lineDasharray : Expression CameraExpression (Array Float) -> LayerAttr Line lineDasharray = Expression.encode >> Paint "line-dasharray" {-| Stroke thickness. Paint property. Should be greater than or equal to `0`. Units in pixels. Defaults to `1`. -} lineWidth : Expression any Float -> LayerAttr Line lineWidth = Expression.encode >> Paint "line-width" {-| The color with which the line will be drawn. Paint property. Defaults to `#000000`. Disabled by `linePattern`. -} lineColor : Expression any Color -> LayerAttr Line lineColor = Expression.encode >> Paint "line-color" {-| The display of line endings. Layout property. Defaults to `lineCapButt`. -} lineCap : Expression CameraExpression LineCap -> LayerAttr Line lineCap = Expression.encode >> Layout "line-cap" {-| The display of lines when joining. Layout property. Defaults to `lineJoinMiter`. -} lineJoin : Expression any LineJoin -> LayerAttr Line lineJoin = Expression.encode >> Layout "line-join" {-| The geometry's offset. Values are [x, y] where negatives indicate left and up, respectively. Paint property. Units in pixels. Defaults to `0,0`. -} lineTranslate : Expression CameraExpression (Array Float) -> LayerAttr Line lineTranslate = Expression.encode >> Paint "line-translate" {-| The line's offset. For linear features, a positive value offsets the line to the right, relative to the direction of the line, and a negative value to the left. For polygon features, a positive value results in an inset, and a negative value results in an outset. Paint property. Units in pixels. Defaults to `0`. -} lineOffset : Expression any Float -> LayerAttr Line lineOffset = Expression.encode >> Paint "line-offset" {-| The opacity at which the line will be drawn. Paint property. Should be between `0` and `1` inclusive. Defaults to `1`. -} lineOpacity : Expression any Float -> LayerAttr Line lineOpacity = Expression.encode >> Paint "line-opacity" {-| Used to automatically convert miter joins to bevel joins for sharp angles. Layout property. Defaults to `2`. Requires `lineJoin` to be `miter`. -} lineMiterLimit : Expression CameraExpression Float -> LayerAttr Line lineMiterLimit = Expression.encode >> Layout "line-miter-limit" {-| Used to automatically convert round joins to miter joins for shallow angles. Layout property. Defaults to `1.05`. Requires `lineJoin` to be `round`. -} lineRoundLimit : Expression CameraExpression Float -> LayerAttr Line lineRoundLimit = Expression.encode >> Layout "line-round-limit" -- Circle {-| Amount to blur the circle. 1 blurs the circle such that only the centerpoint is full opacity. Paint property. Defaults to `0`. -} circleBlur : Expression any Float -> LayerAttr Circle circleBlur = Expression.encode >> Paint "circle-blur" {-| Circle radius. Paint property. Should be greater than or equal to `0`. Units in pixels. Defaults to `5`. -} circleRadius : Expression any Float -> LayerAttr Circle circleRadius = Expression.encode >> Paint "circle-radius" {-| Controls the frame of reference for `circleTranslate`. Paint property. Defaults to `anchorMap`. Requires `circleTranslate`. - `anchorMap`: The circle is translated relative to the map. - `anchorViewport`: The circle is translated relative to the viewport. -} circleTranslateAnchor : Expression CameraExpression (Anchor Never) -> LayerAttr Circle circleTranslateAnchor = Expression.encode >> Paint "circle-translate-anchor" {-| Controls the scaling behavior of the circle when the map is pitched. Paint property. Defaults to `anchorMap`. - `anchorMap`: Circles are scaled according to their apparent distance to the camera. - `anchorViewport`: Circles are not scaled. -} circlePitchScale : Expression CameraExpression (Anchor Never) -> LayerAttr Circle circlePitchScale = Expression.encode >> Paint "circle-pitch-scale" {-| Orientation of circle when map is pitched. Paint property. Defaults to `anchorViewport`. - `anchorMap`: The circle is aligned to the plane of the map. - `anchorViewport`: The circle is aligned to the plane of the viewport. -} circlePitchAlignment : Expression CameraExpression (Anchor Never) -> LayerAttr Circle circlePitchAlignment = Expression.encode >> Paint "circle-pitch-alignment" {-| The fill color of the circle. Paint property. Defaults to `#000000`. -} circleColor : Expression any Color -> LayerAttr Circle circleColor = Expression.encode >> Paint "circle-color" {-| The geometry's offset. Values are [x, y] where negatives indicate left and up, respectively. Paint property. Units in pixels. Defaults to `0,0`. -} circleTranslate : Expression CameraExpression (Array Float) -> LayerAttr Circle circleTranslate = Expression.encode >> Paint "circle-translate" {-| The opacity at which the circle will be drawn. Paint property. Should be between `0` and `1` inclusive. Defaults to `1`. -} circleOpacity : Expression any Float -> LayerAttr Circle circleOpacity = Expression.encode >> Paint "circle-opacity" {-| The opacity of the circle's stroke. Paint property. Should be between `0` and `1` inclusive. Defaults to `1`. -} circleStrokeOpacity : Expression any Float -> LayerAttr Circle circleStrokeOpacity = Expression.encode >> Paint "circle-stroke-opacity" {-| The stroke color of the circle. Paint property. Defaults to `#000000`. -} circleStrokeColor : Expression any Color -> LayerAttr Circle circleStrokeColor = Expression.encode >> Paint "circle-stroke-color" {-| The width of the circle's stroke. Strokes are placed outside of the `circleRadius`. Paint property. Should be greater than or equal to `0`. Units in pixels. Defaults to `0`. -} circleStrokeWidth : Expression any Float -> LayerAttr Circle circleStrokeWidth = Expression.encode >> Paint "circle-stroke-width" -- Heatmap {-| A measure of how much an individual point contributes to the heatmap. A value of 10 would be equivalent to having 10 points of weight 1 in the same spot. Especially useful when combined with clustering. Paint property. Should be greater than or equal to `0`. Defaults to `1`. -} heatmapWeight : Expression any Float -> LayerAttr Heatmap heatmapWeight = Expression.encode >> Paint "heatmap-weight" {-| Defines the color of each pixel based on its density value in a heatmap. The value should be an Expression that uses `heatmapDensity` as input. Defaults to: E.heatmapDensity |> E.interpolate E.Linear [ (0.0, rgba 0 0 255 0) , (0.1, rgba 65 105 225 1) , (0.3, rgba 0 255 255 1) , (0.5, rgba 0 255 0 1) , (0.7, rgba 255 255 0 1) , (1.0, rgba 255 0 0 1)] Paint property. -} heatmapColor : Expression CameraExpression Color -> LayerAttr Heatmap heatmapColor = Expression.encode >> Paint "heatmap-color" {-| Radius of influence of one heatmap point in pixels. Increasing the value makes the heatmap smoother, but less detailed. Paint property. Should be greater than or equal to `1`. Units in pixels. Defaults to `30`. -} heatmapRadius : Expression any Float -> LayerAttr Heatmap heatmapRadius = Expression.encode >> Paint "heatmap-radius" {-| Similar to `heatmapWeight` but controls the intensity of the heatmap globally. Primarily used for adjusting the heatmap based on zoom level. Paint property. Should be greater than or equal to `0`. Defaults to `1`. -} heatmapIntensity : Expression CameraExpression Float -> LayerAttr Heatmap heatmapIntensity = Expression.encode >> Paint "heatmap-intensity" {-| The global opacity at which the heatmap layer will be drawn. Paint property. Should be between `0` and `1` inclusive. Defaults to `1`. -} heatmapOpacity : Expression CameraExpression Float -> LayerAttr Heatmap heatmapOpacity = Expression.encode >> Paint "heatmap-opacity" -- FillExtrusion {-| Controls the frame of reference for `fillExtrusionTranslate`. Paint property. Defaults to `anchorMap`. Requires `fillExtrusionTranslate`. - `anchorMap`: The fill extrusion is translated relative to the map. - `anchorViewport`: The fill extrusion is translated relative to the viewport. -} fillExtrusionTranslateAnchor : Expression CameraExpression (Anchor Never) -> LayerAttr FillExtrusion fillExtrusionTranslateAnchor = Expression.encode >> Paint "fill-extrusion-translate-anchor" {-| Name of image in sprite to use for drawing images on extruded fills. For seamless patterns, image width and height must be a factor of two (2, 4, 8, ..., 512). Note that zoom-dependent expressions will be evaluated only at integer zoom levels. Paint property. -} fillExtrusionPattern : Expression CameraExpression String -> LayerAttr FillExtrusion fillExtrusionPattern = Expression.encode >> Paint "fill-extrusion-pattern" {-| The base color of the extruded fill. The extrusion's surfaces will be shaded differently based on this color in combination with the root `light` settings. If this color is specified as `rgba` with an alpha component, the alpha component will be ignored; use `fillExtrusionOpacity` to set layer opacity. Paint property. Defaults to `#000000`. Disabled by `fillExtrusionPattern`. -} fillExtrusionColor : Expression any Color -> LayerAttr FillExtrusion fillExtrusionColor = Expression.encode >> Paint "fill-extrusion-color" {-| The geometry's offset. Values are [x, y] where negatives indicate left and up (on the flat plane), respectively. Paint property. Units in pixels. Defaults to `0,0`. -} fillExtrusionTranslate : Expression CameraExpression (Array Float) -> LayerAttr FillExtrusion fillExtrusionTranslate = Expression.encode >> Paint "fill-extrusion-translate" {-| The height with which to extrude the base of this layer. Must be less than or equal to `fillExtrusionHeight`. Paint property. Should be greater than or equal to `0`. Units in meters. Defaults to `0`. Requires `fillExtrusionHeight`. -} fillExtrusionBase : Expression any Float -> LayerAttr FillExtrusion fillExtrusionBase = Expression.encode >> Paint "fill-extrusion-base" {-| The height with which to extrude this layer. Paint property. Should be greater than or equal to `0`. Units in meters. Defaults to `0`. -} fillExtrusionHeight : Expression any Float -> LayerAttr FillExtrusion fillExtrusionHeight = Expression.encode >> Paint "fill-extrusion-height" {-| The opacity of the entire fill extrusion layer. This is rendered on a per-layer, not per-feature, basis, and data-driven styling is not available. Paint property. Should be between `0` and `1` inclusive. Defaults to `1`. -} fillExtrusionOpacity : Expression CameraExpression Float -> LayerAttr FillExtrusion fillExtrusionOpacity = Expression.encode >> Paint "fill-extrusion-opacity" -- Symbol {-| Controls the frame of reference for `iconTranslate`. Paint property. Defaults to `anchorMap`. Requires `iconImage`. Requires `iconTranslate`. - `anchorMap`: Icons are translated relative to the map. - `anchorViewport`: Icons are translated relative to the viewport. -} iconTranslateAnchor : Expression CameraExpression (Anchor Never) -> LayerAttr Symbol iconTranslateAnchor = Expression.encode >> Paint "icon-translate-anchor" {-| Controls the frame of reference for `textTranslate`. Paint property. Defaults to `anchorMap`. Requires `textField`. Requires `textTranslate`. - `anchorMap`: The text is translated relative to the map. - `anchorViewport`: The text is translated relative to the viewport. -} textTranslateAnchor : Expression CameraExpression (Anchor Never) -> LayerAttr Symbol textTranslateAnchor = Expression.encode >> Paint "text-translate-anchor" {-| Distance between two symbol anchors. Layout property. Should be greater than or equal to `1`. Units in pixels. Defaults to `250`. Requires `symbolPlacement` to be `line`. -} symbolSpacing : Expression CameraExpression Float -> LayerAttr Symbol symbolSpacing = Expression.encode >> Layout "symbol-spacing" {-| Distance of halo to the font outline. Max text halo width is 1/4 of the font-size. Paint property. Should be greater than or equal to `0`. Units in pixels. Defaults to `0`. Requires `textField`. -} textHaloWidth : Expression any Float -> LayerAttr Symbol textHaloWidth = Expression.encode >> Paint "text-halo-width" {-| Distance of halo to the icon outline. Paint property. Should be greater than or equal to `0`. Units in pixels. Defaults to `0`. Requires `iconImage`. -} iconHaloWidth : Expression any Float -> LayerAttr Symbol iconHaloWidth = Expression.encode >> Paint "icon-halo-width" {-| Distance that the icon's anchor is moved from its original placement. Positive values indicate right and down, while negative values indicate left and up. Paint property. Units in pixels. Defaults to `0,0`. Requires `iconImage`. -} iconTranslate : Expression CameraExpression (Array Float) -> LayerAttr Symbol iconTranslate = Expression.encode >> Paint "icon-translate" {-| Distance that the text's anchor is moved from its original placement. Positive values indicate right and down, while negative values indicate left and up. Paint property. Units in pixels. Defaults to `0,0`. Requires `textField`. -} textTranslate : Expression CameraExpression (Array Float) -> LayerAttr Symbol textTranslate = Expression.encode >> Paint "text-translate" {-| Fade out the halo towards the outside. Paint property. Should be greater than or equal to `0`. Units in pixels. Defaults to `0`. Requires `iconImage`. -} iconHaloBlur : Expression any Float -> LayerAttr Symbol iconHaloBlur = Expression.encode >> Paint "icon-halo-blur" {-| Font size. Layout property. Should be greater than or equal to `0`. Units in pixels. Defaults to `16`. Requires `textField`. -} textSize : Expression any Float -> LayerAttr Symbol textSize = Expression.encode >> Layout "text-size" {-| Font stack to use for displaying text. Layout property. Requires `textField`. -} textFont : Expression any (Array String) -> LayerAttr Symbol textFont = Expression.encode >> Layout "text-font" {-| If true, icons will display without their corresponding text when the text collides with other symbols and the icon does not. Layout property. Defaults to `false`. Requires `textField`. Requires `iconImage`. -} textOptional : Expression CameraExpression Bool -> LayerAttr Symbol textOptional = Expression.encode >> Layout "text-optional" {-| If true, other symbols can be visible even if they collide with the icon. Layout property. Defaults to `false`. Requires `iconImage`. -} iconIgnorePlacement : Expression CameraExpression Bool -> LayerAttr Symbol iconIgnorePlacement = Expression.encode >> Layout "icon-ignore-placement" {-| If true, other symbols can be visible even if they collide with the text. Layout property. Defaults to `false`. Requires `textField`. -} textIgnorePlacement : Expression CameraExpression Bool -> LayerAttr Symbol textIgnorePlacement = Expression.encode >> Layout "text-ignore-placement" {-| If true, text will display without their corresponding icons when the icon collides with other symbols and the text does not. Layout property. Defaults to `false`. Requires `iconImage`. Requires `textField`. -} iconOptional : Expression CameraExpression Bool -> LayerAttr Symbol iconOptional = Expression.encode >> Layout "icon-optional" {-| If true, the icon may be flipped to prevent it from being rendered upside-down. Layout property. Defaults to `false`. Requires `iconImage`. Requires `iconRotationAlignment` to be `map`. Requires `symbolPlacement` to be `symbolPlacementLine`, or `symbolPlacementLineCenter`. -} iconKeepUpright : Expression CameraExpression Bool -> LayerAttr Symbol iconKeepUpright = Expression.encode >> Layout "icon-keep-upright" {-| If true, the icon will be visible even if it collides with other previously drawn symbols. Layout property. Defaults to `false`. Requires `iconImage`. -} iconAllowOverlap : Expression CameraExpression Bool -> LayerAttr Symbol iconAllowOverlap = Expression.encode >> Layout "icon-allow-overlap" {-| If true, the symbols will not cross tile edges to avoid mutual collisions. Recommended in layers that don't have enough padding in the vector tile to prevent collisions, or if it is a point symbol layer placed after a line symbol layer. Layout property. Defaults to `false`. -} symbolAvoidEdges : Expression CameraExpression Bool -> LayerAttr Symbol symbolAvoidEdges = Expression.encode >> Layout "symbol-avoid-edges" {-| If true, the text may be flipped vertically to prevent it from being rendered upside-down. Layout property. Defaults to `true`. Requires `textField`. Requires `textRotationAlignment` to be `map`. Requires `symbolPlacement` to be `symbolPlacementLine`, or `symbolPlacementLineCenter`. -} textKeepUpright : Expression CameraExpression Bool -> LayerAttr Symbol textKeepUpright = Expression.encode >> Layout "text-keep-upright" {-| If true, the text will be visible even if it collides with other previously drawn symbols. Layout property. Defaults to `false`. Requires `textField`. -} textAllowOverlap : Expression CameraExpression Bool -> LayerAttr Symbol textAllowOverlap = Expression.encode >> Layout "text-allow-overlap" {-| In combination with `symbolPlacement`, determines the rotation behavior of icons. Layout property. Defaults to `anchorAuto`. Requires `iconImage`. - `anchorMap`: When `symbolPlacement` is set to `symbolPlacementPoint`, aligns icons east-west. When `symbolPlacement` is set to `symbolPlacementLine` or `symbolPlacementLineCenter`, aligns icon x-axes with the line. - `anchorViewport`: Produces icons whose x-axes are aligned with the x-axis of the viewport, regardless of the value of `symbolPlacement`. - `anchorAuto`: When `symbolPlacement` is set to `symbolPlacementPoint`, this is equivalent to `anchorViewport`. When `symbolPlacement` is set to `symbolPlacementLine` or `symbolPlacementLineCenter`, this is equivalent to `anchorMap`. -} iconRotationAlignment : Expression CameraExpression (Anchor Auto) -> LayerAttr Symbol iconRotationAlignment = Expression.encode >> Layout "icon-rotation-alignment" {-| In combination with `symbolPlacement`, determines the rotation behavior of the individual glyphs forming the text. Layout property. Defaults to `anchorAuto`. Requires `textField`. - `anchorMap`: When `symbolPlacement` is set to `symbolPlacementPoint`, aligns text east-west. When `symbolPlacement` is set to `symbolPlacementLine` or `symbolPlacementLineCenter`, aligns text x-axes with the line. - `anchorViewport`: Produces glyphs whose x-axes are aligned with the x-axis of the viewport, regardless of the value of `symbolPlacement`. - `anchorAuto`: When `symbolPlacement` is set to `symbolPlacementPoint`, this is equivalent to `anchorViewport`. When `symbolPlacement` is set to `symbolPlacementLine` or `symbolPlacementLineCenter`, this is equivalent to `anchorMap`. -} textRotationAlignment : Expression CameraExpression (Anchor Auto) -> LayerAttr Symbol textRotationAlignment = Expression.encode >> Layout "text-rotation-alignment" {-| Label placement relative to its geometry. Layout property. Defaults to `symbolPlacementPoint`. -} symbolPlacement : Expression CameraExpression SymbolPlacement -> LayerAttr Symbol symbolPlacement = Expression.encode >> Layout "symbol-placement" {-| Maximum angle change between adjacent characters. Layout property. Units in degrees. Defaults to `45`. Requires `textField`. Requires `symbolPlacement` to be `symbolPlacementLine`, or `symbolPlacementLineCenter`. -} textMaxAngle : Expression CameraExpression Float -> LayerAttr Symbol textMaxAngle = Expression.encode >> Layout "text-max-angle" {-| Name of image in sprite to use for drawing an image background. Layout property. -} iconImage : Expression any String -> LayerAttr Symbol iconImage = Expression.encode >> Layout "icon-image" {-| Offset distance of icon from its anchor. Positive values indicate right and down, while negative values indicate left and up. Each component is multiplied by the value of `iconSize` to obtain the final offset in pixels. When combined with `iconRotate` the offset will be as if the rotated direction was up. Layout property. Defaults to `0,0`. Requires `iconImage`. -} iconOffset : Expression any (Array Float) -> LayerAttr Symbol iconOffset = Expression.encode >> Layout "icon-offset" {-| Offset distance of text from its anchor. Positive values indicate right and down, while negative values indicate left and up. Layout property. Units in ems. Defaults to `0,0`. Requires `textField`. -} textOffset : Expression any (Array Float) -> LayerAttr Symbol textOffset = Expression.encode >> Layout "text-offset" {-| Orientation of icon when map is pitched. Layout property. Defaults to `anchorAuto`. Requires `iconImage`. - `anchorMap`: The icon is aligned to the plane of the map. - `anchorViewport`: The icon is aligned to the plane of the viewport. - `anchorAuto`: Automatically matches the value of `iconRotationAlignment`. -} iconPitchAlignment : Expression CameraExpression (Anchor Auto) -> LayerAttr Symbol iconPitchAlignment = Expression.encode >> Layout "icon-pitch-alignment" {-| Orientation of text when map is pitched. Layout property. Defaults to `anchorAuto`. Requires `textField`. - `anchorMap`: The text is aligned to the plane of the map. - `anchorViewport`: The text is aligned to the plane of the viewport. - `anchorAuto`: Automatically matches the value of `textRotationAlignment`. -} textPitchAlignment : Expression CameraExpression (Anchor Auto) -> LayerAttr Symbol textPitchAlignment = Expression.encode >> Layout "text-pitch-alignment" {-| Part of the icon placed closest to the anchor. Layout property. Defaults to `positionCenter`. Requires `iconImage`. -} iconAnchor : Expression any Position -> LayerAttr Symbol iconAnchor = Expression.encode >> Layout "icon-anchor" {-| Part of the text placed closest to the anchor. Layout property. Defaults to `positionCenter`. Requires `textField`. -} textAnchor : Expression any Position -> LayerAttr Symbol textAnchor = Expression.encode >> Layout "text-anchor" {-| Rotates the icon clockwise. Layout property. Units in degrees. Defaults to `0`. Requires `iconImage`. -} iconRotate : Expression any Float -> LayerAttr Symbol iconRotate = Expression.encode >> Layout "icon-rotate" {-| Rotates the text clockwise. Layout property. Units in degrees. Defaults to `0`. Requires `textField`. -} textRotate : Expression any Float -> LayerAttr Symbol textRotate = Expression.encode >> Layout "text-rotate" {-| Scales the icon to fit around the associated text. Layout property. Defaults to `textFitNone`. Requires `iconImage`. Requires `textField`. -} iconTextFit : Expression CameraExpression TextFit -> LayerAttr Symbol iconTextFit = Expression.encode >> Layout "icon-text-fit" {-| Scales the original size of the icon by the provided factor. The new pixel size of the image will be the original pixel size multiplied by `iconSize`. 1 is the original size; 3 triples the size of the image. Layout property. Should be greater than or equal to `0`. Units in factor of the original icon size. Defaults to `1`. Requires `iconImage`. -} iconSize : Expression any Float -> LayerAttr Symbol iconSize = Expression.encode >> Layout "icon-size" {-| Size of the additional area added to dimensions determined by `iconTextFit`, in clockwise order: top, right, bottom, left. Layout property. Units in pixels. Defaults to `0,0,0,0`. Requires `iconImage`. Requires `textField`. Requires `iconTextFit` to be `textFitBoth`, or `textFitWidth`, or `textFitHeight`. -} iconTextFitPadding : Expression CameraExpression (Array Float) -> LayerAttr Symbol iconTextFitPadding = Expression.encode >> Layout "icon-text-fit-padding" {-| Size of the additional area around the icon bounding box used for detecting symbol collisions. Layout property. Should be greater than or equal to `0`. Units in pixels. Defaults to `2`. Requires `iconImage`. -} iconPadding : Expression CameraExpression Float -> LayerAttr Symbol iconPadding = Expression.encode >> Layout "icon-padding" {-| Size of the additional area around the text bounding box used for detecting symbol collisions. Layout property. Should be greater than or equal to `0`. Units in pixels. Defaults to `2`. Requires `textField`. -} textPadding : Expression CameraExpression Float -> LayerAttr Symbol textPadding = Expression.encode >> Layout "text-padding" {-| Specifies how to capitalize text, similar to the CSS `textTransform` property. Layout property. Defaults to `textTransformNone`. Requires `textField`. -} textTransform : Expression any TextTransform -> LayerAttr Symbol textTransform = Expression.encode >> Layout "text-transform" {-| Text justification options. Layout property. Defaults to `textJustifyCenter`. Requires `textField`. -} textJustify : Expression any TextJustify -> LayerAttr Symbol textJustify = Expression.encode >> Layout "text-justify" {-| Text leading value for multi-line text. Layout property. Units in ems. Defaults to `1.2`. Requires `textField`. -} textLineHeight : Expression CameraExpression Float -> LayerAttr Symbol textLineHeight = Expression.encode >> Layout "text-line-height" {-| Text tracking amount. Layout property. Units in ems. Defaults to `0`. Requires `textField`. -} textLetterSpacing : Expression any Float -> LayerAttr Symbol textLetterSpacing = Expression.encode >> Layout "text-letter-spacing" {-| The color of the icon's halo. Icon halos can only be used with SDF icons. Paint property. Defaults to `rgba 0 0 0 0`. Requires `iconImage`. -} iconHaloColor : Expression any Color -> LayerAttr Symbol iconHaloColor = Expression.encode >> Paint "icon-halo-color" {-| The color of the icon. This can only be used with sdf icons. Paint property. Defaults to `#000000`. Requires `iconImage`. -} iconColor : Expression any Color -> LayerAttr Symbol iconColor = Expression.encode >> Paint "icon-color" {-| The color of the text's halo, which helps it stand out from backgrounds. Paint property. Defaults to `rgba 0 0 0 0`. Requires `textField`. -} textHaloColor : Expression any Color -> LayerAttr Symbol textHaloColor = Expression.encode >> Paint "text-halo-color" {-| The color with which the text will be drawn. Paint property. Defaults to `#000000`. Requires `textField`. -} textColor : Expression any Color -> LayerAttr Symbol textColor = Expression.encode >> Paint "text-color" {-| The halo's fadeout distance towards the outside. Paint property. Should be greater than or equal to `0`. Units in pixels. Defaults to `0`. Requires `textField`. -} textHaloBlur : Expression any Float -> LayerAttr Symbol textHaloBlur = Expression.encode >> Paint "text-halo-blur" {-| The maximum line width for text wrapping. Layout property. Should be greater than or equal to `0`. Units in ems. Defaults to `10`. Requires `textField`. -} textMaxWidth : Expression any Float -> LayerAttr Symbol textMaxWidth = Expression.encode >> Layout "text-max-width" {-| The opacity at which the icon will be drawn. Paint property. Should be between `0` and `1` inclusive. Defaults to `1`. Requires `iconImage`. -} iconOpacity : Expression any Float -> LayerAttr Symbol iconOpacity = Expression.encode >> Paint "icon-opacity" {-| The opacity at which the text will be drawn. Paint property. Should be between `0` and `1` inclusive. Defaults to `1`. Requires `textField`. -} textOpacity : Expression any Float -> LayerAttr Symbol textOpacity = Expression.encode >> Paint "text-opacity" {-| Value to use for a text label. Layout property. Defaults to ``. -} textField : Expression any FormattedText -> LayerAttr Symbol textField = Expression.encode >> Layout "text-field" -- Raster {-| Fade duration when a new tile is added. Paint property. Should be greater than or equal to `0`. Units in milliseconds. Defaults to `300`. -} rasterFadeDuration : Expression CameraExpression Float -> LayerAttr Raster rasterFadeDuration = Expression.encode >> Paint "raster-fade-duration" {-| Increase or reduce the brightness of the image. The value is the maximum brightness. Paint property. Should be between `0` and `1` inclusive. Defaults to `1`. -} rasterBrightnessMax : Expression CameraExpression Float -> LayerAttr Raster rasterBrightnessMax = Expression.encode >> Paint "raster-brightness-max" {-| Increase or reduce the brightness of the image. The value is the minimum brightness. Paint property. Should be between `0` and `1` inclusive. Defaults to `0`. -} rasterBrightnessMin : Expression CameraExpression Float -> LayerAttr Raster rasterBrightnessMin = Expression.encode >> Paint "raster-brightness-min" {-| Increase or reduce the contrast of the image. Paint property. Should be between `-1` and `1` inclusive. Defaults to `0`. -} rasterContrast : Expression CameraExpression Float -> LayerAttr Raster rasterContrast = Expression.encode >> Paint "raster-contrast" {-| Increase or reduce the saturation of the image. Paint property. Should be between `-1` and `1` inclusive. Defaults to `0`. -} rasterSaturation : Expression CameraExpression Float -> LayerAttr Raster rasterSaturation = Expression.encode >> Paint "raster-saturation" {-| Rotates hues around the color wheel. Paint property. Units in degrees. Defaults to `0`. -} rasterHueRotate : Expression CameraExpression Float -> LayerAttr Raster rasterHueRotate = Expression.encode >> Paint "raster-hue-rotate" {-| The opacity at which the image will be drawn. Paint property. Should be between `0` and `1` inclusive. Defaults to `1`. -} rasterOpacity : Expression CameraExpression Float -> LayerAttr Raster rasterOpacity = Expression.encode >> Paint "raster-opacity" {-| The resampling/interpolation method to use for overscaling, also known as texture magnification filter Paint property. Defaults to `rasterResamplingLinear`. -} rasterResampling : Expression CameraExpression RasterResampling -> LayerAttr Raster rasterResampling = Expression.encode >> Paint "raster-resampling" -- Hillshade {-| Direction of light source when map is rotated. Paint property. Defaults to `anchorViewport`. - `anchorMap`: The hillshade illumination is relative to the north direction. - `anchorViewport`: The hillshade illumination is relative to the top of the viewport. -} hillshadeIlluminationAnchor : Expression CameraExpression (Anchor Never) -> LayerAttr Hillshade hillshadeIlluminationAnchor = Expression.encode >> Paint "hillshade-illumination-anchor" {-| Intensity of the hillshade Paint property. Should be between `0` and `1` inclusive. Defaults to `0.5`. -} hillshadeExaggeration : Expression CameraExpression Float -> LayerAttr Hillshade hillshadeExaggeration = Expression.encode >> Paint "hillshade-exaggeration" {-| The direction of the light source used to generate the hillshading with 0 as the top of the viewport if `hillshadeIlluminationAnchor` is set to `anchorViewport` and due north if `hillshadeIlluminationAnchor` is set to `anchorMap`. Paint property. Should be between `0` and `359` inclusive. Defaults to `335`. -} hillshadeIlluminationDirection : Expression CameraExpression Float -> LayerAttr Hillshade hillshadeIlluminationDirection = Expression.encode >> Paint "hillshade-illumination-direction" {-| The shading color of areas that face away from the light source. Paint property. Defaults to `#000000`. -} hillshadeShadowColor : Expression CameraExpression Color -> LayerAttr Hillshade hillshadeShadowColor = Expression.encode >> Paint "hillshade-shadow-color" {-| The shading color of areas that faces towards the light source. Paint property. Defaults to `#FFFFFF`. -} hillshadeHighlightColor : Expression CameraExpression Color -> LayerAttr Hillshade hillshadeHighlightColor = Expression.encode >> Paint "hillshade-highlight-color" {-| The shading color used to accentuate rugged terrain like sharp cliffs and gorges. Paint property. Defaults to `#000000`. -} hillshadeAccentColor : Expression CameraExpression Color -> LayerAttr Hillshade hillshadeAccentColor = Expression.encode >> Paint "hillshade-accent-color" -- Background {-| Name of image in sprite to use for drawing an image background. For seamless patterns, image width and height must be a factor of two (2, 4, 8, ..., 512). Note that zoom-dependent expressions will be evaluated only at integer zoom levels. Paint property. -} backgroundPattern : Expression CameraExpression String -> LayerAttr Background backgroundPattern = Expression.encode >> Paint "background-pattern" {-| The color with which the background will be drawn. Paint property. Defaults to `#000000`. Disabled by `backgroundPattern`. -} backgroundColor : Expression CameraExpression Color -> LayerAttr Background backgroundColor = Expression.encode >> Paint "background-color" {-| The opacity at which the background will be drawn. Paint property. Should be between `0` and `1` inclusive. Defaults to `1`. -} backgroundOpacity : Expression CameraExpression Float -> LayerAttr Background backgroundOpacity = Expression.encode >> Paint "background-opacity"