import resolve from "rollup-plugin-node-resolve"; import commonjs from "rollup-plugin-commonjs"; import buble from "rollup-plugin-buble"; import pkg from "./package.json"; export default [ // browser-friendly UMD build { input: "src/js/main.js", output: { file: pkg.browser, format: "umd", name: "elm-mapbox" }, plugins: [ resolve(), // so Rollup can find `ms` commonjs(), // so Rollup can convert `ms` to an ES module // buble({ // // transpile ES2015+ to ES5 // exclude: ["node_modules/**"] // }) ] }, // CommonJS (for Node) and ES module (for bundlers) build. // (We could have three entries in the configuration array // instead of two, but it's quicker to generate multiple // builds from a single configuration where possible, using // the `targets` option which can specify `dest` and `format`) { input: "src/js/main.js", external: ["mapbox-gl"], output: [ { file: pkg.main, format: "cjs" }, { file: pkg.module, format: "es" } ], plugins: [ // buble({ // exclude: ["node_modules/**"] // }) ] } ];