path: root/style-generator/src/MyElm/Syntax.elm
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authorJakub Hampl <kopomir@gmail.com>2019-02-14 15:23:49 +0000
committerGitHub <noreply@github.com>2019-02-14 15:23:49 +0000
commit6bd5f8ccbd8c44c3311ef36b0e2de9ede4fa71ed (patch)
treede40a36d34cb734c2765a705506436f8b38e28a9 /style-generator/src/MyElm/Syntax.elm
parentf0c36a3d49fad46e0fb6cafeb7a021dd5d775993 (diff)
New Style Generator (#8)
Diffstat (limited to 'style-generator/src/MyElm/Syntax.elm')
1 files changed, 678 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/style-generator/src/MyElm/Syntax.elm b/style-generator/src/MyElm/Syntax.elm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b99915
--- /dev/null
+++ b/style-generator/src/MyElm/Syntax.elm
@@ -0,0 +1,678 @@
+module MyElm.Syntax exposing
+ ( QualifiedName, local, valueName, typeName, constructorName
+ , Expression, string, float, int, list, pair, triple, call0, call1, call2, call3, call4, calln, pipe, record
+ , Type, type0, type1, type2, typen, recordType, functionType, pairType, tripleType, typeVar
+ , Declaration, variable, fun1, customType, typeAlias
+ , build, Exposing, opaque, withConstructors, exposeFn
+ )
+{-| This module is intended for autogenerating elm code with
+relatively minimal fuss and without needing to do bookkeeping
+about minor details like indentation, etc.
+This is meant as the simple, convenient module that you
+should get started with. It attempts to reduce boilerplate
+to a minimum, but makes some opinionated choice about what
+the results should look like. You can also use the Advanced
+module if you want to make different choices.
+The simplifcations made here are:
+ - Helpers for naming things assume a particular import style.
+ - Imports are generated for you automatically.
+ - Custom types and type alaises generate their type variables implicitely.
+### Naming things
+@docs QualifiedName, local, valueName, typeName, constructorName
+### Expressions
+@docs Expression, string, float, int, list, pair, triple, call0, call1, call2, call3, call4, calln, pipe, record
+### Type signatures
+@docs Type, type0, type1, type2, typen, recordType, functionType, pairType, tripleType, typeVar
+### Declarations
+@docs Declaration, variable, fun1, customType, typeAlias
+### Modules
+@docs build, Exposing, opaque, withConstructors, exposeFn
+import MyElm.Stringify
+import MyElm.Types exposing (..)
+import Set
+{-| The simplest thing you will need to do is keep track of what things in the program are called and where they come from.
+type alias QualifiedName =
+ MyElm.Types.QualifiedName
+{-| This is a value (i.e. variable or function, but not type or constructor) from a module whose path is the first argument.
+valueName : List String -> String -> QualifiedName
+valueName modulePath name =
+ FullyQualified modulePath (ValueOrType name)
+{-| This is a type from a module whose path is the first argument.
+typeName : List String -> String -> QualifiedName
+typeName modulePath name =
+ Bare modulePath (ValueOrType name)
+{-| This is a constructor for a type (the second argument) from a module whose path is the first argument.
+ just =
+ constructorName [ "Result" ] "Result" "Just"
+constructorName : List String -> String -> String -> QualifiedName
+constructorName modulePath typeNm name =
+ Bare modulePath (Constructor typeNm name)
+{-| This is a variable local to the module you are generating.
+local : String -> QualifiedName
+local name =
+ Local (ValueOrType name)
+isLocal : QualifiedName -> Bool
+isLocal qualifiedName =
+ case qualifiedName of
+ Local _ ->
+ True
+ _ ->
+ False
+{-| Create a module and return it as a pretty printed string.
+build :
+ { name : List String
+ , exposes : List Exposing
+ , doc : Maybe String
+ , declarations : List Declaration
+ }
+ -> String
+build m =
+ Module
+ { name = String.join "." m.name
+ , exposes = m.exposes
+ , doc = m.doc
+ , imports = consolidateImports (extractImports m.declarations)
+ , declarations = m.declarations
+ }
+ |> MyElm.Stringify.module2string
+{-| What you would like to expose from a module.
+type alias Exposing =
+ MyElm.Types.Exposing
+{-| Expose a custom type, but leave the constructors hidden.
+opaque : String -> Exposing
+opaque =
+ TypeExposed
+{-| Expose a custom type and all its constructors.
+withConstructors : String -> Exposing
+withConstructors =
+ TypeAndConstructors
+{-| Expose a function or value.
+exposeFn : String -> Exposing
+exposeFn =
+ ValueExposed
+{-| -}
+type alias Declaration =
+ MyElm.Types.Declaration
+{-| This will do automatic type variable extraction for you in order of appearance in the type declaration.
+So for example:
+ customType "Foo"
+ [ ( "Bar", TypeVariable "g" )
+ , ( "Baz", TypeVariable "comparable" )
+ ]
+would generate the following code:
+ type Foo g comparable
+ = Bar g
+ | Baz comparable
+If you would like to control the order in which type variables appear, you can use the function in the "Advanced" module.
+customType : String -> List ( String, List Type ) -> Declaration
+customType name variants =
+ CustomType name (List.concatMap (Tuple.second >> List.concatMap extractVariables) variants |> unique) variants
+{-| Declare a type alias. Also does automatic type variable extraction.
+typeAlias : String -> Type -> Declaration
+typeAlias name type_ =
+ TypeAlias name (extractVariables type_ |> unique) type_
+unique : List comparable -> List comparable
+unique =
+ Set.fromList >> Set.toList
+extractVariables : Type -> List String
+extractVariables tp =
+ case tp of
+ NamedType _ typeList ->
+ List.concatMap extractVariables typeList
+ RecordType branches ->
+ List.concatMap (Tuple.second >> extractVariables) branches
+ FunctionType typeList ->
+ List.concatMap extractVariables typeList
+ TupleType typeList ->
+ List.concatMap extractVariables typeList
+ TypeVariable variable_ ->
+ [ variable_ ]
+{-| Declare a top level variable.
+variable : String -> Type -> Expression -> Declaration
+variable name typeAnno expression =
+ ValueDeclaration name [ typeAnno ] [] expression
+{-| Declare a top level function with a single argument.
+ fun1 "identity" (typeVar "a") (typeVar "a") "a" call0
+would be turned into:
+ identity : a -> a
+ identity a =
+ a
+fun1 : String -> Type -> Type -> String -> (QualifiedName -> Expression) -> Declaration
+fun1 name fromTp toTp arg f =
+ ValueDeclaration name [ fromTp, toTp ] [ Argument arg ] (f (local arg))
+{-| The heart of an elm program are the expressions that implement the computations.
+type alias Expression =
+ MyElm.Types.Expression
+{-| Reference a variable by name.
+call0 : QualifiedName -> Expression
+call0 name =
+ Call name []
+{-| Call a function with 1 argument.
+call1 : QualifiedName -> Expression -> Expression
+call1 name arg =
+ Call name [ arg ]
+{-| Call a function with 2 arguments.
+call2 : QualifiedName -> Expression -> Expression -> Expression
+call2 name arg1 arg2 =
+ Call name [ arg1, arg2 ]
+{-| Call a function with 3 arguments.
+call3 : QualifiedName -> Expression -> Expression -> Expression -> Expression
+call3 name arg1 arg2 arg3 =
+ Call name [ arg1, arg2, arg3 ]
+{-| Call a function with 4 arguments.
+call4 : QualifiedName -> Expression -> Expression -> Expression -> Expression -> Expression
+call4 name arg1 arg2 arg3 arg4 =
+ Call name [ arg1, arg2, arg3, arg4 ]
+{-| Call a function with any number of arguments.
+calln : QualifiedName -> List Expression -> Expression
+calln name args =
+ Call name args
+{-| A convenience helper for construcing pipelines.
+ string "foo"
+ |> pipe (valueName [ "String" ] "concat") [ string "bar" ]
+would generate:
+ "foo"
+ |> String.concat "bar"
+This is just a helper for:
+ pipe name args subject =
+ call2 (valueName [ "Basics" ] "|>") subject (calln name args)
+pipe : QualifiedName -> List Expression -> Expression -> Expression
+pipe name args subject =
+ Call (valueName [ "Basics" ] "|>") [ subject, Call name args ]
+{-| A string literal.
+string : String -> Expression
+string s =
+ Literal ("\"" ++ String.replace "\"" "\\\"" s ++ "\"")
+{-| A float literal.
+float : Float -> Expression
+float f =
+ Literal (String.fromFloat f)
+{-| An integer literal.
+int : Int -> Expression
+int i =
+ Literal (String.fromInt i)
+{-| A list literal
+list : List Expression -> Expression
+list =
+ ListExpr
+{-| A two-tuple literal
+pair : Expression -> Expression -> Expression
+pair a b =
+ Tuple [ a, b ]
+{-| A three-tuple literal
+triple : Expression -> Expression -> Expression -> Expression
+triple a b c =
+ Tuple [ a, b, c ]
+{-| A record literal expression.
+record : List ( String, Expression ) -> Expression
+record =
+ Record
+{-| A representation of a type as in a type annotation context.
+type alias Type =
+ MyElm.Types.Type
+{-| A simple type, like `Int`.
+type0 : QualifiedName -> Type
+type0 qualifiedName =
+ NamedType qualifiedName []
+{-| A type with one argument, like `List`.
+type1 : QualifiedName -> Type -> Type
+type1 qualifiedName arg1 =
+ NamedType qualifiedName [ arg1 ]
+{-| A type with 2 arguments.
+type2 : QualifiedName -> Type -> Type -> Type
+type2 qualifiedName arg1 arg2 =
+ NamedType qualifiedName [ arg1, arg2 ]
+{-| A type with many arguments.
+typen : QualifiedName -> List Type -> Type
+typen qualifiedName args =
+ NamedType qualifiedName args
+{-| A record type.
+For example we could model
+ { foo = Int
+ , bar = List String
+ }
+ recordType
+ [ ( "foo", type0 (typeName [ "Basics" ] "Int") )
+ , ( "bar"
+ , type1 (typeName [ "Basics" ] "List")
+ (type0
+ (typeName [ "String" ] "String")
+ )
+ )
+ ]
+recordType : List ( String, Type ) -> Type
+recordType =
+ RecordType
+{-| A function type.
+functionType : List Type -> Type
+functionType =
+ FunctionType
+{-| Pair type.
+pairType : Type -> Type -> Type
+pairType a b =
+ TupleType [ a, b ]
+{-| -}
+tripleType : Type -> Type -> Type -> Type
+tripleType a b c =
+ TupleType [ a, b, c ]
+{-| A type variable.
+typeVar : String -> Type
+typeVar =
+ TypeVariable
+extractImports : List Declaration -> List QualifiedName
+extractImports =
+ List.concatMap
+ (\dec ->
+ case dec of
+ CustomType _ _ variants ->
+ List.concatMap (\( _, args ) -> List.concatMap typeImports args) variants
+ TypeAlias _ _ aliased ->
+ typeImports aliased
+ Comment _ ->
+ []
+ ValueDeclaration _ signature _ expression ->
+ List.concatMap typeImports signature ++ expressionImports expression
+ )
+typeImports : Type -> List QualifiedName
+typeImports tp =
+ case tp of
+ NamedType qualifiedName args ->
+ qualifiedName :: List.concatMap typeImports args
+ RecordType rec ->
+ List.concatMap (\( _, typ ) -> typeImports typ) rec
+ FunctionType typeList ->
+ List.concatMap typeImports typeList
+ TupleType typeList ->
+ List.concatMap typeImports typeList
+ TypeVariable _ ->
+ []
+expressionImports : Expression -> List QualifiedName
+expressionImports expression =
+ case expression of
+ Call qualifiedName expressionList ->
+ qualifiedName :: List.concatMap expressionImports expressionList
+ Literal _ ->
+ []
+ ListExpr expressionList ->
+ List.concatMap expressionImports expressionList
+ Tuple expressionList ->
+ List.concatMap expressionImports expressionList
+ Record branches ->
+ List.concatMap (Tuple.second >> expressionImports) branches
+consolidateImports : List QualifiedName -> List String
+consolidateImports qualifiedNames =
+ qualifiedNames
+ |> List.filter removeDefaults
+ |> List.map toTupleRep
+ |> Set.fromList
+ |> Set.toList
+ |> List.sort
+ |> consolidateTuples
+ |> List.map
+ (\( mod, al, imps ) ->
+ let
+ name =
+ "import " ++ mod
+ alias_ =
+ if al == "" then
+ ""
+ else
+ " as " ++ al
+ exposingList =
+ if List.length imps > 0 then
+ " exposing (" ++ String.join ", " imps ++ ")"
+ else
+ ""
+ in
+ String.join "" [ name, alias_, exposingList ]
+ )
+consolidateTuples : List ( String, String, List String ) -> List ( String, String, List String )
+consolidateTuples tuples =
+ case tuples of
+ ( xm, xa, xl ) :: ( ym, ya, yl ) :: rest ->
+ if xm == ym && (xa == ya || xa == "" || ya == "") then
+ consolidateTuples
+ (( xm
+ , if xa == "" then
+ ya
+ else
+ xa
+ , xl ++ yl
+ )
+ :: rest
+ )
+ else
+ ( xm, xa, xl ) :: consolidateTuples (( ym, ya, yl ) :: rest)
+ x ->
+ x
+iden2str : Ident -> List String
+iden2str ident =
+ case ident of
+ Constructor tpname _ ->
+ [ tpname ++ "(..)" ]
+ ValueOrType name ->
+ [ name ]
+toTupleRep : QualifiedName -> ( String, String, List String )
+toTupleRep qualifiedName =
+ case qualifiedName of
+ Local _ ->
+ ( "not-possible", "", [] )
+ FullyQualified module_ id ->
+ ( String.join "." module_, "", [] )
+ Aliased module_ alias_ id ->
+ ( String.join "." module_, alias_, [] )
+ Bare module_ id ->
+ ( String.join "." module_, "", iden2str id )
+removeDefaults : QualifiedName -> Bool
+removeDefaults qualifedName =
+ case qualifedName of
+ Local _ ->
+ False
+ FullyQualified module_ id ->
+ case module_ of
+ [ "Basics" ] ->
+ False
+ [ "List" ] ->
+ False
+ [ "Maybe" ] ->
+ False
+ [ "Result" ] ->
+ False
+ [ "String" ] ->
+ False
+ [ "Char" ] ->
+ False
+ [ "Tuple" ] ->
+ False
+ [ "Debug" ] ->
+ False
+ [ "Platform" ] ->
+ False
+ _ ->
+ True
+ Aliased module_ alias_ id ->
+ case ( module_, alias_ ) of
+ ( [ "Platform", "Cmd" ], "Cmd" ) ->
+ False
+ ( [ "Platform", "Sub" ], "Sub" ) ->
+ False
+ _ ->
+ True
+ Bare module_ (Constructor tpname name) ->
+ case ( module_, tpname ) of
+ ( [ "Basics" ], _ ) ->
+ False
+ ( [ "List" ], "List" ) ->
+ False
+ ( [ "Maybe" ], "Maybe" ) ->
+ False
+ ( [ "Result" ], "Result" ) ->
+ False
+ _ ->
+ True
+ Bare module_ (ValueOrType tpname) ->
+ case ( module_, tpname ) of
+ ( [ "Basics" ], _ ) ->
+ False
+ ( [ "List" ], "List" ) ->
+ False
+ ( [ "List" ], "::" ) ->
+ False
+ ( [ "Maybe" ], "Maybe" ) ->
+ False
+ ( [ "Result" ], "Result" ) ->
+ False
+ ( [ "String" ], "String" ) ->
+ False
+ ( [ "Char" ], "Char" ) ->
+ False
+ ( [ "Platform" ], "Program" ) ->
+ False
+ ( [ "Platform", "Cmd" ], "Cmd" ) ->
+ False
+ ( [ "Platform", "Sub" ], "Sub" ) ->
+ False
+ _ ->
+ True