path: root/src/Mapbox/Cmd/Option.elm
diff options
authorJakub Hampl <kopomir@gmail.com>2018-07-13 15:20:50 +0100
committerJakub Hampl <kopomir@gmail.com>2018-07-13 15:20:50 +0100
commitcc6d143dd8124e13059c26125e70237795e9a9a4 (patch)
treee7d6a658990046b672bb59e6d97912e26b5fe057 /src/Mapbox/Cmd/Option.elm
parent181401c4ffd06c127c57e27e2e88b05f7fdd1f88 (diff)
Clean up various messes
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Mapbox/Cmd/Option.elm')
1 files changed, 188 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/Mapbox/Cmd/Option.elm b/src/Mapbox/Cmd/Option.elm
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6157de4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Mapbox/Cmd/Option.elm
@@ -0,0 +1,188 @@
+module Mapbox.Cmd.Option exposing (..)
+### Animation options
+Options common to map movement commands that involve animation, such as panBy and easeTo, controlling the duration and easing function of the animation. All properties are optional.
+@docs duration, easing, offset, animate
+@docs curve, minZoom, speed, screenSpeed, maxDuration
+### Camera Options
+Options common to `jumpTo`, `easeTo`, and `flyTo`, controlling the desired location, zoom, bearing, and pitch of the camera. All properties are optional, and when a property is omitted, the current camera value for that property will remain unchanged.
+@docs center, zoom, bearing, pitch, around
+### Fiting bounds
+@docs padding, Padding, linear, maxZoom
+@docs layers, filter
+import Mapbox.Helpers exposing (encodePair)
+import Json.Encode as Encode exposing (Value)
+import Mapbox.Cmd.Internal as Internal exposing (Option(..), Supported)
+import Mapbox.Helpers exposing (encodePair)
+import LngLat exposing (LngLat)
+import Mapbox.Expression exposing (DataExpression, Expression)
+{-| The animation's duration, measured in milliseconds.
+duration : Int -> Option { a | duration : Supported }
+duration =
+ Encode.int >> Option "duration"
+{-| The name of an easing function. These must be passed to `elmMapbox`
+in the `easingFunctions` option.
+easing : String -> Option { a | easing : Supported }
+easing =
+ Encode.string >> Option "easing"
+{-| Offset of the target center relative to real map container center at the end of animation.
+offset : ( Int, Int ) -> Option { a | offset : Supported }
+offset =
+ encodePair Encode.int >> Option "offset"
+{-| If false, no animation will occur.
+animate : Bool -> Option { a | animate : Supported }
+animate =
+ Encode.bool >> Option "animate"
+{-| The desired center.
+center : LngLat -> Option { a | center : Supported }
+center =
+ LngLat.encodeAsPair >> Option "center"
+{-| The desired zoom level.
+zoom : Float -> Option { a | zoom : Supported }
+zoom =
+ Encode.float >> Option "zoom"
+{-| The desired bearing, in degrees. The bearing is the compass direction that is "up"; for example, a bearing of 90° orients the map so that east is up.
+bearing : Float -> Option { a | bearing : Supported }
+bearing =
+ Encode.float >> Option "bearing"
+{-| The desired pitch, in degrees.
+pitch : Float -> Option { a | pitch : Supported }
+pitch =
+ Encode.float >> Option "pitch"
+{-| If `zoom` is specified, `around` determines the point around which the zoom is centered.
+around : LngLat -> Option { a | around : Supported }
+around =
+ LngLat.encodeAsPair >> Option "around"
+{-| The amount of padding in pixels to add to the given bounds.
+padding : Padding -> Option { a | padding : Supported }
+padding =
+ encodePadding >> Option "padding"
+{-| -}
+type alias Padding =
+ { top : Int, right : Int, bottom : Int, left : Int }
+encodePadding { top, right, bottom, left } =
+ Encode.object
+ [ ( "top", Encode.int top )
+ , ( "right", Encode.int right )
+ , ( "bottom", Encode.int bottom )
+ , ( "left", Encode.int left )
+ ]
+{-| If true, the map transitions using `easeTo` . If false, the map transitions using `flyTo`.
+linear : Bool -> Option { a | linear : Supported }
+linear =
+ Encode.bool >> Option "linear"
+{-| The maximum zoom level to allow when the map view transitions to the specified bounds.
+maxZoom : Float -> Option { a | maxZoom : Supported }
+maxZoom =
+ Encode.float >> Option "maxZoom"
+{-| The zooming "curve" that will occur along the flight path.
+A high value maximizes zooming for an exaggerated animation, while a
+low value minimizes zooming for an effect closer to `easeTo`.
+1.42 is the average value selected by participants in the user study discussed in [van Wijk (2003)](https://www.win.tue.nl/~vanwijk/zoompan.pdf).
+A value of `6 ^ 0.25` would be equivalent to the root mean squared average velocity. A value of 1 would produce a circular motion.
+curve : Float -> Option { a | curve : Supported }
+curve =
+ Encode.float >> Option "curve"
+{-| The zero-based zoom level at the peak of the flight path.
+If `curve` is specified, this option is ignored.
+minZoom : Float -> Option { a | minZoom : Supported }
+minZoom =
+ Encode.float >> Option "minZoom"
+{-| The average speed of the animation defined in relation to `curve`. A speed of 1.2 means that the map appears to move along the flight path by 1.2 times `curve` screenfuls every second. A screenful is the map's visible span. It does not correspond to a fixed physical distance, but varies by zoom level.
+speed : Float -> Option { a | speed : Supported }
+speed =
+ Encode.float >> Option "speed"
+{-| The average speed of the animation measured in screenfuls per second, assuming a linear timing curve. If `speed` is specified, this option is ignored.
+screenSpeed : Float -> Option { a | screenSpeed : Supported }
+screenSpeed =
+ Encode.float >> Option "screenSpeed"
+{-| The animation's maximum duration, measured in milliseconds. If duration exceeds maximum duration, it resets to 0.
+maxDuration : Float -> Option { a | maxDuration : Supported }
+maxDuration =
+ Encode.float >> Option "maxDuration"
+{-| A list of style layer IDs for the query to inspect. Only features within these layers will be returned. If this parameter is not set, all layers will be checked.
+layers : List String -> Option { a | layers : Supported }
+layers =
+ List.map Encode.string >> Encode.list >> Option "layers"
+{-| A filter to limit query results.
+filter : Expression DataExpression Bool -> Option { a | filter : Supported }
+filter =
+ Mapbox.Expression.encode >> Option "filter"