path: root/Main.hs
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 275 deletions
diff --git a/Main.hs b/Main.hs
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index 3a41de4..0000000
--- a/Main.hs
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--- |
--- Module: Main
--- Copyright: (c) 2014 Tomislav Viljetić
--- License: BSD3
--- Maintainer: Tomislav Viljetić <>
--- An 'Application' that provides a HTTP API to manage cgroups.
--- The API documentation isn't formalized, but examples can be found in the
--- description of the resources handlers ('putCGroupH', 'postTasksH', and
--- 'getTasksH'). The examples only contain HTTP headers that are relevant to
--- the handlers. A real request may require further headers (such as @Host@)
--- to be effective. In addition the HTTP version is omitted in both, the
--- request line and the status line.
-{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-module Main
- (
- -- * Run the application
- main,
- start,
- -- * Resource
- Resource(..),
- requestResource,
- resourceHandler,
- -- ** Resource Handler
- cgroupH,
- tasksH,
- -- *** CGroup Handler
- putCGroupH,
- -- *** Task File Handler
- postTasksH,
- getTasksH,
- ) where
-import CGroup
-import Control.Applicative
-import Control.Exception
-import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8 (decimal, endOfInput, parseOnly)
-import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as BS8
-import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS
-import Data.List (isInfixOf)
-import Main.Config
-import Main.Util
-import Network.Wai.Handler.Warp (run)
-import Network.Wai
-import System.FilePath
-import System.IO.Error
--- | The sum of all resources known by the application.
--- This type is used to route a 'Request' to a resource handler
--- 'Application'.
-data Resource
- = CGroupR CGroup
- -- ^ A cgroup.
- | TasksR CGroup
- -- ^ A cgroup's tasks file.
--- | Run the application with the default configuration.
--- This calls 'start' with 'defaultConfig'.
-main :: IO ()
-main = start defaultConfig
--- | Run the application with the given configuration.
-start :: Config -> IO ()
-start c =
- run (httpPort c) $ \req ->
- resourceHandler (requestResource c req) req
--- | Determine which request is requested.
-requestResource :: Config -> Request -> Maybe Resource
--- TODO Config should contain a list of all filenames that cannot be used as
--- cgroup name. This implies new error modes
-requestResource c req =
- if length parts > 1
- then case splitLast parts of
- (initparts, "tasks") ->
- TasksR <$> toCGroup initparts
- _ ->
- CGroupR <$> toCGroup parts
- else Nothing
- where
- parts = pathInfoString req
- toCGroup (phead:ptail) = cgroup (toMountPoint phead) (joinPath ptail)
- toCGroup _ = error "App.route.toCGroup: empty list"
- toMountPoint = (cgroupRoot c </>)
--- | Return the resource handler for a specific resource.
-resourceHandler :: Maybe Resource -> Application
-resourceHandler r = case r of
- Just (CGroupR g) -> cgroupH g
- Just (TasksR g) -> tasksH g
- Nothing -> notFound
-cgroupH :: CGroup -> Application
-cgroupH g =
- handleMethod
- [ ("PUT", putCGroupH g)
- ]
-tasksH :: CGroup -> Application
-tasksH g =
- handleMethod
- [ ("GET", getTasksH g)
- , ("POST", postTasksH g)
- ]
--- | Create a new cgroup.
--- __Example:__
--- (Create a new cgroup @users\/alice@ in the hierarchy @cpu@.)
--- > PUT /cpu/users/alice HTTP/1.1
--- If the request was successful, then the server will respond with:
--- > HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
--- The request may fail with:
--- * @403 Forbidden@
--- The servers has no permission to create the cgroup.
--- * @404 Not Found@
--- Either the hierarchy @cpu@ or, when creating a subcgroup,
--- the cgroup @users@ does not exist.
--- * @409 Conflict@
--- The cgroup already exists.
--- * @500 Internal Server Error@
--- Calling 'System.Directory.createDirectory' failed for any other reason.
-putCGroupH :: CGroup -> Application
-putCGroupH g req respond = do
- x <- try $ createCGroup g
- either failure success x req respond
- where
- success () = noContent
- failure e
- | isPermissionError e = forbidden
- | isAlreadyExistsError e = conflict
- | isDoesNotExistError e = notFound
- | otherwise = internalServerError' $ BS8.pack $ show e
--- | Place a process into a cgroup.
--- __Example:__
--- (Move process @1337@ to cgroup @users\/alice@ of the hierarchy @cpu@.)
--- > POST /cpu/users/alice/tasks HTTP/1.1
--- >
--- > 1337
--- If the request was successful, then the server will respond with:
--- > HTTP/1.1 204 No Content
--- The request may fail with:
--- * @400 Bad Request@
--- The request body does not contain a decimal representation of a PID.
--- * @403 Forbidden@
--- The servers has no permission to open the tasks file for writing.
--- * @404 Not Found@
--- The cgroup doesn't exist.
--- * @409 Conflict (Cannot Move Process)@
--- The servers has no permission to move the process @1337@ to the cgroup.
--- * @409 Conflict (No Such Process)@
--- The process @1337@ doesn't exist.
--- * @500 Internal Server Error@
--- Calling 'System.IO.writeFile' failed for any other reason.
-postTasksH :: CGroup -> Application
-postTasksH g req respond = do
- b <- LBS.toStrict <$> strictRequestBody req
- case parseOnly (decimal <* endOfInput) b of
- Left _ ->
- badRequest req respond
- Right pid -> do
- x <- try $ classifyTask pid g
- either failure success x req respond
- where
- success () = noContent
- -- XXX string-typed exception handler
- --
- -- We're analyzing the error string to tell if there's a problem with
- --
- -- * the task (Conflict; Cannot Move Process, No Such Process)
- -- * the cgroup (Forbidden, NotFound)
- --
- -- TODO replace stringly-typed exceptions with real type.
- -- In 'classifyTask', replace 'writeFile' by explicit calls to 'openFile'
- -- and 'hClose' in order tell apart the error cases.
- failure e
- | isPermissionError e =
- if isOpenFileError e
- then forbidden
- else conflict' "Cannot Move Process"
- | isDoesNotExistError e =
- if isOpenFileError e
- then notFound
- else conflict' "No Such Process"
- | otherwise =
- internalServerError' $ BS8.pack $ show e
- where
- isOpenFileError :: IOError -> Bool
- isOpenFileError =
- isInfixOf "openFile" . show
--- | List the tasks (PIDs) for a given cgroup.
--- __Example:__
--- (Retrieve all tasks of cgroup @users\/alice@ of the hierarchy @cpu@.)
--- > GET /cpu/alice/tasks HTTP/1.1
--- If the request was successful, then the server will respond with:
--- > HTTP/1.1 200 OK
--- > Content-Type: application/json
--- >
--- > [1337]
--- The request may fail with:
--- * @403 Forbidden@
--- If the server has no permission to read to the tasks file:
--- * @404 Not Found@
--- If the cgroup doesn't exist:
--- * @500 Internal Server Error@
--- Calling 'System.IO.Streams.File.withFileAsInput' failed for any other
--- reason.
-getTasksH :: CGroup -> Application
-getTasksH g req respond = do
- x <- try $ listTasks g
- either failure success x req respond
- where
- success = okJSON
- failure e
- | isPermissionError e = forbidden
- | isDoesNotExistError e = notFound
- | otherwise = internalServerError' $ BS8.pack $ show e