{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} module Blessings ( module Export , module Blessings ) where import Blessings.Internal as Export (Blessable) import qualified Blessings.Internal as Bless import Control.Applicative import Data.Ix (inRange) import Data.List (genericDrop) import Data.String import Data.Word (Word8) import qualified Prelude import Prelude hiding (drop, length, take) type Ps = Word8 type Pm = [Ps] data Blessings a = Plain a | SGR Pm (Blessings a) | Append (Blessings a) (Blessings a) | Empty deriving (Eq, Show) instance Foldable Blessings where foldMap f = \case Append t1 t2 -> foldMap f t1 <> foldMap f t2 Plain s -> f s SGR _ t -> foldMap f t Empty -> mempty instance Functor Blessings where fmap f = \case Append t1 t2 -> Append (fmap f t1) (fmap f t2) Plain s -> Plain (f s) SGR pm t -> SGR pm (fmap f t) Empty -> Empty instance Semigroup (Blessings a) where t <> Empty = t Empty <> t = t Append t1 t2 <> t3 = Append t1 (t2 <> t3) t1 <> t2 = Append t1 t2 instance Monoid (Blessings a) where mempty = Empty mconcat = \case x:[] -> x x:xs -> Append x $ mconcat xs [] -> Empty instance IsString a => IsString (Blessings a) where fromString = Plain . fromString class IsPm a where toPm :: a -> Pm fromPm :: Pm -> Maybe a data FColor = ECMA48FColor Ps -- ECMA-48 / ISO 6429 / ANSI X3.64 | Xterm256FColor Ps | ISO8613_3FColor Ps Ps Ps deriving (Eq, Show) instance IsPm FColor where toPm (ECMA48FColor i) = [i] toPm (Xterm256FColor i) = [38,5,i] toPm (ISO8613_3FColor r g b) = [38,2,r,g,b] fromPm = fromSGRPm SGRPm { def8Ps = 39 , extPs = 38 , lo8Ps = 30 , hi8Ps = 37 , makeECMA48Color = ECMA48FColor , makeXterm256Color = Xterm256FColor , makeISO8613_3Color = ISO8613_3FColor } . filterPm sgrBColor data BColor = ECMA48BColor Ps | Xterm256BColor Ps | ISO8613_3BColor Ps Ps Ps deriving (Eq, Show) instance IsPm BColor where toPm (ECMA48BColor i) = [i] toPm (Xterm256BColor i) = [48,5,i] toPm (ISO8613_3BColor r g b) = [48,2,r,g,b] fromPm = fromSGRPm SGRPm { def8Ps = 49 , extPs = 48 , lo8Ps = 40 , hi8Ps = 47 , makeECMA48Color = ECMA48BColor , makeXterm256Color = Xterm256BColor , makeISO8613_3Color = ISO8613_3BColor } . filterPm sgrFColor data Blink = Blink | NoBlink deriving (Eq, Show) instance IsPm Blink where toPm Blink = [5] toPm NoBlink = [25] fromPm = rec . filterPm sgrColor where rec xs = case filter (`elem` ([5,25] :: [Word8])) xs of [] -> Nothing xs' -> case last xs' of 5 -> Just Blink 25 -> Just NoBlink _ -> error "filter broken in fromPm :: Pm -> Maybe Blink" data Bold = Bold | NoBold deriving (Eq, Show) instance IsPm Bold where toPm Bold = [1] toPm NoBold = [22] fromPm = rec . filterPm sgrColor where rec xs = case filter (`elem` ([1,22] :: [Word8])) xs of [] -> Nothing xs' -> case last xs' of 1 -> Just Bold 22 -> Just NoBold _ -> error "filter broken in fromPm :: Pm -> Maybe Bold" data Underline = Underline | NoUnderline deriving (Eq, Show) instance IsPm Underline where toPm Underline = [4] toPm NoUnderline = [24] fromPm = rec . filterPm sgrColor where rec xs = case filter (`elem` ([4,24] :: [Word8])) xs of [] -> Nothing xs' -> case last xs' of 4 -> Just Underline 24 -> Just NoUnderline _ -> error "filter broken in fromPm :: Pm -> Maybe Underline" data SGRPm c = SGRPm { def8Ps :: Ps , extPs :: Ps , lo8Ps :: Ps , hi8Ps :: Ps , makeECMA48Color :: Ps -> c , makeXterm256Color :: Ps -> c , makeISO8613_3Color :: Ps -> Ps -> Ps -> c } fromSGRPm :: IsPm c => SGRPm c -> Pm -> Maybe c fromSGRPm SGRPm{..} = rec Nothing where rec mb_c (x:xs) | x == extPs = case xs of (2:r:g:b:xs') -> rec (Just $ makeISO8613_3Color r g b) xs' (5:i:xs') -> rec (Just $ makeXterm256Color i) xs' _ -> rec mb_c xs | x == def8Ps = rec (Just $ makeECMA48Color def8Ps) xs | inRange (lo8Ps, hi8Ps) x = rec (Just $ makeECMA48Color x) xs | otherwise = rec mb_c xs rec mb_c _ = mb_c -- filterPm is used to preprocess Pm before searching with fromPm in -- order to remove (longer) sequences that could contain subsequences -- that look like the (shorter) sequences we're searching. -- E.g. we could find [1] (bold) in any extended color sequence. -- TODO Can we combine this whole from*Pm with Scanner? filterPm :: (Pm -> Maybe Word8) -> Pm -> Pm filterPm f = rec [] where rec ys xs@(xhead:xtail) = maybe (rec (ys ++ [xhead]) xtail) (rec ys . flip genericDrop xs) (f xs) rec ys _ = ys sgrColor, sgrFColor, sgrBColor :: Pm -> Maybe Word8 sgrColor xs = sgrFColor xs <|> sgrBColor xs sgrFColor (38:5:_) = Just 3 sgrFColor (38:2:_) = Just 5 sgrFColor _ = Nothing sgrBColor (48:5:_) = Just 3 sgrBColor (48:2:_) = Just 5 sgrBColor _ = Nothing type RenderState = [(FColor, BColor, Blink, Bold, Underline)] emptyRenderState :: RenderState emptyRenderState = [(ECMA48FColor 39, ECMA48BColor 49, NoBlink, NoBold, NoUnderline)] render :: (Blessable a) => RenderState -> Blessings a -> a -> a render _ (Plain s) y = s <> y -- TODO merge successive sequences: \ESC[32m\ESC[1m -> \ESC[31;1m render rs@((fc, bc, bl, b, u):_) (SGR c t) y = renderSGR bra <> render rs' t (renderSGR ket <> y) where fc' = maybe fc id $ fromPm c bc' = maybe bc id $ fromPm c bl' = maybe bl id $ fromPm c b' = maybe b id $ fromPm c u' = maybe u id $ fromPm c rs' = (fc', bc', bl', b', u') : rs bra = braket >>= fst ket = braket >>= snd braket = (if fc' /= fc then (toPm fc', toPm fc) else ([],[])) : (if bc' /= bc then (toPm bc', toPm bc) else ([],[])) : (if bl' /= bl then (toPm bl', toPm bl) else ([],[])) : (if b' /= b then (toPm b', toPm b) else ([],[])) : (if u' /= u then (toPm u', toPm u) else ([],[])) : [] render _ (SGR _ _) _ = error "render called w/o proper initial state" -- where a proper initial state is s.th. like emptyRenderState render r (Append t1 t2) y = render r t1 $ render r t2 y render _ Empty y = y renderSGR :: (Blessable a) => Pm -> a renderSGR [] = mempty renderSGR pm = ("\ESC["<>) . (<>"m") . Bless.intercalate ";" . map Bless.fromWord8 $ pm stripSGR :: Blessings a -> Blessings a stripSGR = \case Append t1 t2 -> Append (stripSGR t1) (stripSGR t2) SGR _ t -> stripSGR t Plain x -> Plain x Empty -> Empty pp :: (Blessable a) => Blessings a -> a pp t = render emptyRenderState t "" instance Blessable a => Blessable (Blessings a) where length (Plain x) = Bless.length x length (SGR _ t) = Bless.length t length (Append t1 t2) = Bless.length t1 + Bless.length t2 length Empty = 0 drop n = \case Append t1 t2 -> let n1 = Bless.length (Bless.take n t1) n2 = n - n1 t1' = Bless.drop n1 t1 t2' = Bless.drop n2 t2 isEmpty = (==0) . Bless.length . Bless.take 1 in if n1 /= n || isEmpty t1' then t2' else Append t1' t2' Plain s -> Plain (Bless.drop n s) SGR pm t -> SGR pm (Bless.drop n t) Empty -> Empty take n = \case Append t1 t2 -> let t1' = Bless.take n t1 n' = n - Bless.length t1' in if n' > 0 then t1' <> Bless.take n' t2 else t1' Plain s -> Plain (Bless.take n s) SGR pm t -> SGR pm (Bless.take n t) Empty -> Empty intercalate i = \case [] -> mempty [t] -> t (t:ts) -> t <> i <> Bless.intercalate i ts fromWord8 = Plain . Bless.fromWord8