path: root/src/Trammel.hs
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authortv <>2015-10-17 00:49:51 +0200
committertv <>2015-10-17 01:50:27 +0200
commit5e9e4888aaf6380383dd07dc9a8d348dc5b875d0 (patch)
treec75152edb798d4c2a68bf005c8b0a784ecb6ca50 /src/Trammel.hs
parentb649c9a6c2d83b291d836623ebf96136a79f9601 (diff)
rename Trammel to Blessings
Diffstat (limited to 'src/Trammel.hs')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 255 deletions
diff --git a/src/Trammel.hs b/src/Trammel.hs
deleted file mode 100644
index d1abedb..0000000
--- a/src/Trammel.hs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,255 +0,0 @@
-{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLists #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
-{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
-module Trammel where
-import Control.Applicative
-import Data.List
-import Data.String
-import Data.Monoid
-import Data.Ix (inRange)
-type Ps = Int
-type Pm = [Ps]
-data Trammel a
- = Plain a
- | SGR Pm (Trammel a)
- | Append (Trammel a) (Trammel a)
- | Empty
- deriving (Eq, Show)
-instance Functor Trammel where
- fmap f = \case
- Append t1 t2 -> Append (fmap f t1) (fmap f t2)
- Plain s -> Plain (f s)
- SGR pm t -> SGR pm (fmap f t)
- Empty -> Empty
-instance Monoid (Trammel a) where
- mappend = Append
- mempty = Empty
-instance IsString a => IsString (Trammel a) where
- fromString = Plain . fromString
-class IsPm a where
- toPm :: a -> Pm
- fromPm :: Pm -> Maybe a
-data FColor = ECMA48FColor Ps -- ECMA-48 / ISO 6429 / ANSI X3.64
- | Xterm256FColor Ps
- | ISO8613_3FColor Ps Ps Ps
- deriving (Eq, Show)
-instance IsPm FColor where
- toPm (ECMA48FColor i) = [i]
- toPm (Xterm256FColor i) = [38,5,i]
- toPm (ISO8613_3FColor r g b) = [38,2,r,g,b]
- fromPm = fromSGRPm SGRPm
- { def8Ps = 39
- , extPs = 38
- , lo8Ps = 30
- , hi8Ps = 37
- , makeECMA48Color = ECMA48FColor
- , makeXterm256Color = Xterm256FColor
- , makeISO8613_3Color = ISO8613_3FColor
- }
- . filterPm sgrBColor
-data BColor = ECMA48BColor Ps
- | Xterm256BColor Ps
- | ISO8613_3BColor Ps Ps Ps
- deriving (Eq, Show)
-instance IsPm BColor where
- toPm (ECMA48BColor i) = [i]
- toPm (Xterm256BColor i) = [48,5,i]
- toPm (ISO8613_3BColor r g b) = [48,2,r,g,b]
- fromPm = fromSGRPm SGRPm
- { def8Ps = 49
- , extPs = 48
- , lo8Ps = 40
- , hi8Ps = 47
- , makeECMA48Color = ECMA48BColor
- , makeXterm256Color = Xterm256BColor
- , makeISO8613_3Color = ISO8613_3BColor
- }
- . filterPm sgrFColor
-data Bold = Bold | NoBold
- deriving (Eq, Show)
-instance IsPm Bold where
- toPm Bold = [1]
- toPm NoBold = [22]
- fromPm = rec . filterPm sgrColor
- where
- rec xs = case filter (`elem` ([1,22] :: [Int])) xs of
- [] -> Nothing
- xs' -> case last xs' of
- 1 -> Just Bold
- 22 -> Just NoBold
- _ -> error "filter broken in fromPm :: Pm -> Maybe Bold"
-data Underline = Underline | NoUnderline
- deriving (Eq, Show)
-instance IsPm Underline where
- toPm Underline = [4]
- toPm NoUnderline = [24]
- fromPm = rec . filterPm sgrColor
- where
- rec xs = case filter (`elem` ([4,24] :: [Int])) xs of
- [] -> Nothing
- xs' -> case last xs' of
- 1 -> Just Underline
- 22 -> Just NoUnderline
- _ -> error "filter broken in fromPm :: Pm -> Maybe Underline"
-data SGRPm c = SGRPm
- { def8Ps :: Ps
- , extPs :: Ps
- , lo8Ps :: Ps
- , hi8Ps :: Ps
- , makeECMA48Color :: Ps -> c
- , makeXterm256Color :: Ps -> c
- , makeISO8613_3Color :: Ps -> Ps -> Ps -> c
- }
-fromSGRPm :: IsPm c => SGRPm c -> Pm -> Maybe c
-fromSGRPm SGRPm{..} = rec Nothing
- where
- rec mb_c (x:xs)
- | x == extPs = case xs of
- (2:r:g:b:xs') -> rec (Just $ makeISO8613_3Color r g b) xs'
- (5:i:xs') -> rec (Just $ makeXterm256Color i) xs'
- _ -> rec mb_c xs
- | x == def8Ps = rec (Just $ makeECMA48Color def8Ps) xs
- | inRange (lo8Ps, hi8Ps) x = rec (Just $ makeECMA48Color x) xs
- | otherwise = rec mb_c xs
- rec mb_c _ = mb_c
--- filterPm is used to preprocess Pm before searching with fromPm in
--- order to remove (longer) sequences that could contain subsequences
--- that look like the (shorter) sequences we're searching.
--- E.g. we could find [1] (bold) in any extended color sequence.
--- TODO Can we combine this whole from*Pm with Scanner?
-filterPm :: (Pm -> Maybe Int) -> Pm -> Pm
-filterPm f = rec []
- where
- rec ys xs@(xhead:xtail) = maybe (rec (ys ++ [xhead]) xtail)
- (rec ys . flip drop xs)
- (f xs)
- rec ys _ = ys
-sgrColor, sgrFColor, sgrBColor :: Pm -> Maybe Int
-sgrColor xs = sgrFColor xs <|> sgrBColor xs
-sgrFColor (38:5:_) = Just 3
-sgrFColor (38:2:_) = Just 5
-sgrFColor _ = Nothing
-sgrBColor (48:5:_) = Just 3
-sgrBColor (48:2:_) = Just 5
-sgrBColor _ = Nothing
-type RenderState = [(FColor, BColor, Bold, Underline)]
-emptyRenderState :: RenderState
-emptyRenderState = [(ECMA48FColor 39, ECMA48BColor 49, NoBold, NoUnderline)]
-renderString :: RenderState -> Trammel String -> String -> String
-renderString _ (Plain s) y = s ++ y
--- TODO merge successive sequences: \ESC[32m\ESC[1m -> \ESC[31;1m
-renderString rs@((fc, bc, b, u):_) (SGR c t) y =
- renderSGR bra ++ renderString rs' t (renderSGR ket ++ y)
- where
- fc' = maybe fc id $ fromPm c
- bc' = maybe bc id $ fromPm c
- b' = maybe b id $ fromPm c
- u' = maybe u id $ fromPm c
- rs' = (fc', bc', b', u') : rs
- bra = braket >>= fst
- ket = braket >>= snd
- braket =
- (if fc' /= fc then (toPm fc', toPm fc) else ([],[])) :
- (if bc' /= bc then (toPm bc', toPm bc) else ([],[])) :
- (if b' /= b then (toPm b', toPm b) else ([],[])) :
- (if u' /= u then (toPm u', toPm u) else ([],[])) : []
-renderString _ (SGR _ _) _ =
- error "renderString called w/o proper initial state"
- -- where a proper initial state is like emptyRenderState
-renderString r (Append t1 t2) y =
- renderString r t1 $ renderString r t2 y
-renderString _ Empty y = y
-len :: Trammel String -> Int
-len (Plain x) = length x
-len (SGR _ x) = len x
-len (Append t1 t2) = len t1 + len t2
-len Empty = 0
-pp :: Trammel String -> String
-pp t = renderString emptyRenderState t ""
-renderSGR :: Pm -> String
-renderSGR [] = []
-renderSGR xs = ("\ESC["++) . (++"m") . intercalate ";" $ map show xs
-trammelDrop :: Int -> Trammel String -> Trammel String
-trammelDrop n = \case
- Append t1 t2 ->
- case compare n (len t1) of
- LT -> Append (trammelDrop n t1) t2
- EQ -> t2
- GT -> trammelDrop (n - len t1) t2
- Plain s ->
- Plain (drop n s)
- SGR pm t ->
- SGR pm (trammelDrop n t)
- Empty ->
- Empty
-trammelTake :: Int -> Trammel String -> Trammel String
-trammelTake n = \case
- Append t1 t2 ->
- case compare n (len t1) of
- LT -> trammelTake n t1
- EQ -> t1
- GT -> Append t1 (trammelTake (n - len t1) t2)
- Plain s ->
- Plain (take n s)
- SGR pm t ->
- SGR pm (trammelTake n t)
- Empty ->
- Empty