path: root/elchos/commands/ftpget
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'elchos/commands/ftpget')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 58 deletions
diff --git a/elchos/commands/ftpget b/elchos/commands/ftpget
deleted file mode 100755
index 74e76f8..0000000
--- a/elchos/commands/ftpget
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-# usage: $0 [-d] uri sharename[/subdirs]
-exec 2>&1
-set -euf
- cat <<EOF
-usage: $0 [-d] uri share[/subdirs]
- -d -- uri is a directory to be mirrored
- share -- vag[0-n]
- cat <<EOF
-examples: ftpget -d http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/firefox/releases/0.8 vag0/firefox_releases
- -> 0.8 directory is stored to /media/vag0/firefox_releases
- ftpget -d http://speedtest.qsc.de/10MB.qsc vag0/
- -> 10MB.qsc is stored to /media/vag0/10MB.qsc
-if test "${1:--h}" == '-h' -o "${1:-}" == '--help';then
- usage
- examples
- exit 0
-if test ${1:-} == '-d' ;then
- is_dir=true
- shift
-if !( echo "$target" | egrep -q '^(ftps*://|https*://)' );then
- exit 23
-share=$( printf "%s" "${2?provide share name}" |head -1 | sed 's#\.\./##')
-test ! -e "$sharepath" && echo "$sharepath does not exist!" && exit 23
-sudo -u $ncdc_user /usr/bin/mkdir -p "$realshare"
-if test -z ${is_dir:-};then
- cmd="lftpget \"$target\""
- cmd="lftp -e \"mirror;exit\" $target"
- if ! sudo -u $ncdc_user /usr/bin/tmux has-session -t dl >/dev/null 2>&1 ;then
- sudo -u $ncdc_user /usr/bin/tmux new-session -s dl -d -c "$realshare" "$cmd"
- else
- sudo -u $ncdc_user /usr/bin/tmux new-window -t dl -c "$realshare" "$cmd"
- fi
-#sudo -u $ncdc_user /usr/bin/tmux new-window -t dl
-#cd "$realshare" ;sudo -u hooker /usr/bin/lftpget "$target"
-echo "download started, check with 'list_downloads'"